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Setting up multiple brands

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Dec 17, 2024




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JR Lausin

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi B S Balaji,

You must be an administrator to add and manage brands.
Right now you're on a light agent role which is why you don't have access on this feature.

Please check this article.


Hi Perla Rimmerman,

since we also have 150+ support addresses and multiple brands, we were dealing with the exact same issue.
We created an app for us to solve this issue once and for all. If you want it too, check it out here:

Here are some features we integrated:
Automatically use the correct email sender, depending on the agent's user group
Restrict sender email based on user-agent group
Warn the user when submitting a ticket with the default address, if the default address is not allowed for his group
- Based on your sender address, specific Tags will automatically be added
Search for the support address associated with your ticket
- Easy & fast – you don't need to scroll through the Dropdown

Feel free to try it for 30 days for free:

And let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions to improve it!


In Brands, can we share Explore Dashboards? 

My customers would like to see the metrics we capture in Explore. Can this be done?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Robert,
You can share Dashboards with other agents or admins, absolutely. Check this article to know more:
Sharing and publishing dashboards


Hi Tony, 


Thanks for sharing that. I know I can choose to share the dashboards. I am asking if uploading the dashboard to the Customer Brand Page is possible. The customer will be able to see their activities and dashboard reporting. This would make the Customer Brand View a 1 stop shop for the customer. - Activities, Org Tickets, Help Center, & Reporting. 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Robert,
the dashboard is only available to agents and admin on the Agent side not on the customer page. If you want to customize the theme so it shows data as in a dashboard, then I think you should check with your developer to integrate it, or to see if our community has any suggestion for that.


Questions regarding reusing existing brands. 

  1. What's the best practice for setting up new brands? Is it okay to reuse/rename an existing brand or is it better to always create a new brand in Admin Center? Are there any repercussions or complications with reusing an existing brand?  
  2. I ask because we mistakenly reused/renamed an existing brand and followed the host mapping procedures. Everything looks great, except that the Help Center is still reflecting the old brand's name in the Title Tag in and in the Breadcrumbs. How can I update the brand name in these locations? 


Hi guys, 


We're on a Legacy plan which I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) is equivalent to a professional plan. Under ‘Branding’ it says we need to upgrade to a Zendesk Support Enterprise plan to manage up to five brands. 

In this case, do we need to upgrade plans even though we're on a professional equivalent? 





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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Holly,
the brand feature has restrictions based on plan, yes. This article should provide more information about it:
If you have doubts, you can always reach out to our Support.


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