If you have created saved article lists, you can delete any list as needed and you can duplicate any list to create a copy of it. You can also share or unshare a saved articles list with all Guide admins.
You must be a Guide admin to share, unshare, delete, or duplicate an article list.
Sharing and unsharing a saved article list
If you created a saved article list, you can share your saved list with all Guide admins. Shared lists will be available to anyone who can access article lists in Guide admin. If you want to unshare a list, you can remove the shared list. When you remove a shared list, the list is no longer available as a shared list, but is still available as a saved list.
To share a saved article list
- In Guide, click the Manage articles (
) icon in the sidebar.
- In the left sidebar > Saved lists, select the list you want to share.
- In the Save list drop-down menu, click Share list.
- In the Share list dialog, click Share list to confirm.
The list is shared and a label appears beside the name of the list, indicating that it is shared. The list is available to anyone who can access article lists in Guide admin.
To remove (or unshare) a shared list
- In Guide, click the Manage articles (
) icon in the sidebar.
- In the left sidebar Shared lists, select the name of the list you want to unshare.
- In the Save list drop-down menu, click Remove shared list.
The article list is no longer available as a shared list.
Deleting a saved article list
If you created saved article lists, you can delete any list as needed.
To delete an article list
- In Guide, click the Manage articles (
) icon in the sidebar.
- In the left sidebar Saved lists, select the name of the list you want to delete.
- In the Save list drop-down menu, click Delete list.
The article list is removed from your saved lists.
Duplicating a saved article list
If you created saved article lists, you can duplicate any saved list and modify it.
To duplicate an article list
- In Guide, click the Manage articles (
) icon in the sidebar.
- In the left sidebar, select the name of the list you want to duplicate.
- In the Save list drop-down menu, click Duplicate list.
- Name your new list, then click Save as new list.
The duplicated article list appears in your saved lists.