Do I need to add the https
or http
protocol when inserting links in articles?
Links are recommended to be inserted with the https
or http
protocol. Certain URLs, for example
are saved as a relative path, if the protocol was not added.
Adding the https
or http
protocol prevents links from being as relative paths, or anchor links in the body of the article.
For more information, see the article: Help Center article editor toolbar reference.
1 comment
In short: You need to enter http://, https://, etc. as the protocol when adding links through the Insert/edit Link prompt. WWW. alone will not work.
It appears that the current Help Center behavior for links is this:
This is briefly explained in Inserting and editing links in articles. Those who are unfamiliar with the href property, or are new to working with WYSIWYG editors, may think that links w/o the protocol should just work.
In the above example, using would result in the link being interpreted as
https://{subdomain} This can easily lead to broken links in the Help Center for those who may not know to add the prefix.
Since non-heading anchors generally need to be added manually, it would seem that http:// or https:// is no longer a recommendation, but a requirement, for links to work as expected.
I've posted a feedback request to provide for a modal/warning/updated language/etc. for this situation.