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You can configure your widget to authenticate visitors on every page load using a new Javascript API and JWT token.
This article applies to customers using the following versions of Chat:
- Zendesk Chat Phase 3 (Chat-only)
If you are using any of the following versions, see Enabling authenticated visitors in the Web Widget (Classic):
- Zendesk Chat Phase 4 (Chat-only or with Support)
- Zendesk Chat Phase 3 (with live chat in the Web Widget (Classic))
For help identifying which version of Chat you're using, see Determining your Zendesk Chat account version.
This article includes the following topics:
When you configure the Chat widget to use authenticated visitors, you get the following benefits:
Ability to have higher confidence and security that the visitor/customer you or your agents are talking to is the real deal
Support for cross domain traffic. If you are embedding the widget on multiple domains or link to externally hosted services (ex. Shopify), authenticating the visitor will make it one visitor across the domains to the Chat platform which allows your agent to have more context
Support for cross device/browser identification. The visitor can be viewed as the same person if or when they choose to use a different device or browser when the custom ID is specified in the authentication call.
Generating a Chat shared secret
To configure your widget for visitor authentication, you need a shared secret. A shared secret is a security setting, intended to be generated, copied, and pasted into a communication with your engineering team, or directly into your codebase, in a single sitting. It should not be entered into a browser.
Only Chat administrators can configure visitor authentication settings.
To generate the shared secret required for authenticated visitors
- Open your Chat dashboard and go to Settings > Widget.
- Click the Widget Security tab.
- Scroll down to the Visitor Authentication section and click the Generate button.
Regenerating a new shared secret will revoke the previous token. If you have concerns the shared secret has been compromised, you should regenerate a new one. If you need to rotate the keys, you should schedule it when Chat is offline because regenerating the secret may cause visitors to be disconnected from the widget for 5 minutes.
Once you have generated the shared secret, use it to create a JWT token (Learn more about JWT) that you'll add to your Web Widget snippet.
Creating a JWT token
To create a JWT token and add the code to the Chat standalone snippet
- Construct a server-side payload of data for the JWT token. This needs to have the following information:
- name: Customer's name
- email: Customer's email
- external_id: alphanumeric string, unique to identifying the customer. Once set for the customer, this value cannot be changed. We recommend that you use your system's unique user ID for this field. For example, user-123456.
- iat: Integer value of the current timestamp, in seconds. Some functions in specific languages i.e. JavaScript's return milliseconds, so please make sure you convert to seconds. Iat for Chat authentication permits up to two minutes clock skew.
- exp: Integer value of the current timestamp, in seconds. This value indicates when this JWT token will expire. The value is permitted to be up to a maximum of 7 minutes from the iat value.
- Specify HS256 as the JWT algorithm in the header of your JWT payload:
{ "typ":"JWT", "alg":"HS256" }
HS256 stands for HMAC SHA 256, a 256-bit encryption algorithm designed by the U.S. National Security Agency.
Note: Zendesk does not support the RS256 and ES256 JWT algorithms. - Use the code samples below to find a template that fits your language needs.
- Use the $zopim.livechat.authenticate Javascript API to provide a function which supplies a fresh JWT every time it is invoked. Below is a code example:
In the example above, JWT_TOKEN_ENDPOINT is an endpoint which can be implemented on your own server to obtain a fresh JWT.$zopim(function() { $zopim.livechat.authenticate({ jwtFn: function(callback) { fetch('JWT_TOKEN_ENDPOINT').then(function(res) { res.text().then(function(jwt) { callback(jwt); }); }); } }); });
Note: The jwtFn can be called multiple times throughout a chat session to obtain a new JWT in order to validate the visitor’s identity over the session’s lifetime. - You can use the $zopim.livechat.clearAll() API to log out the user from the widget when they log out of the host app/website.
For single-page apps, note that it is not possible to re-authenticate a visitor after the $zopim.livechat.clearAll() API is used. You would need to reload the page for the visitor to be authenticated again.
Code samples
Your token needs to be dynamically generated from the server-side on page load. Find the template below that fits your language needs. Customize the sample as needed, making sure to replace the #{details} with your own information.
If none of these samples match your needs, JWT has a more extensive list of JWT libraries to explore.
First, install ruby-jwt.
If you're using Rubygems:
gem install jwt
If you're using Bundler, add the following to your gem file:
gem 'jwt'
Next, generate a token using the shared secret:
require 'jwt'
payload = {
:name => "#{customerName}",
:email => "#{customerEmail}",
:iat => timestamp,
:external_id => "#{externalId}"
token = JWT.encode payload, "#{yourSecret}"
Install jsonwebtoken:
npm install jsonwebtoken --save-dev
Then, generate a token using the shared secret:
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var payload = {
name: '#{customerName}',
email: '#{customerEmail}',
iat: #{timestamp},
external_id: '#{externalId}'
var token = jwt.sign(payload, '#{yourSecret}');
Install python-jose:
pip install python-jose
Generate a token using the shared secret:
from jose import jwt
var payload = {
'name': '#{customerName}',
'email': '#{customerEmail}',
'iat': #{timestamp},
'external_id': '#{externalId}'
token = jwt.encode(payload, '#{yourSecret}'
Download PHP-JWT:
composer require firebase/php-jwt
Generate a token using the shared secret:
use \Firebase\JWT\JWT;
$payload = {
'name' => '#{customerName}' ,
'email' => '#{customerEmail}',
'iat' => #{timestamp},
'external_id' => '#{externalId}'
$token = JWT::encode($payload, '#{yourSecret}');
Add `json_web_token_ex` to your `mix.exs` file:
defp deps do
[{:json_web_token, "~> 0.2"}]
Generate a token using the shared secret:
data = %{
name: "#{customerName}",
email: "#{customerEmail}",
iat: "#{timestamp}",
external_id: "#{externalId}"
options = %{ key: "#{yourSecret}" }
jwt = JsonWebToken.sign data, options
About the agent experience with authenticated visitors
A few things are updated in the Chat dashboard when an agent starts chatting with an authenticated visitor.
First, the agent will be able to tell the visitor is authenticated by the green authenticated checkmark overlay on the visitor's avatar:
The agent will also notice that they cannot edit the visitor's name or email, since the source of truth comes from the information that is being sent via the Javascript API.
Finally, banning an authenticated visitor will mean the visitor cannot access the Chat widget across devices and browsers.
About the widget experience for authenticated visitors
Authenticated visitors will also have a slightly different experience in the Chat widget. First, their information is read-only and cannot be modified by them via the widget or through the Javascript APIs.
Second, ongoing chat sessions are synced across devices when the visitor is authenticated. This gives the visitor flexibility to switch computers/browsers and continue their ongoing chat session if, for example, they are moving between the Chat widgets on a desktop web browser and a mobile web browser.
Finally, the ability to have the chat in a popout is removed for authenticated visitors because there is no way to verify their identity via the popout (as the experience is hosted on our domain,
Steve Hull
This is missing a critical piece, which is code that waits for `$zopim` to be defined. We are getting `Uncaught ReferenceError: $zopim is not defined` on this line. I'm not sure if waiting for DOM content to be loaded would be sufficient or if there's something else we should do to ensure the zendesk js has successfully loaded.
Scripts I've worked with in the past (eg, Google Analytics) have you push operations into a queue that is then worked off when the library is loaded. Is something like that available for zendesk js?
Greg Katechis
Davide Troise
Is there any update on the possibility to call clearAll without needing to reload the page for Single Page Applications? Maybe if we know why it's not possible to authenticate the use again, we can do something about it without refreshing
Mateusz Anglart
regarding the Documentation Code Examples you have lots of syntax errors in PHP example. What is the reason for '#' in every variable of payload?
Francis Casino
Using # before variable names in the payload is not a standard syntax in PHP. It appears to be specific to the way the documentation or code examples are formatted. It's possible that the # symbol is used as a placeholder or annotation to indicate where you should substitute your own values.
In PHP, variables are typically declared without the # symbol. For example, you would declare a variable like this:
If you're encountering code examples in Zendesk's documentation with # before variable names, it's likely meant to be a visual cue for you to replace #variableName with the actual variable name you intend to use. Here's how you would replace it:
The use of # in this context doesn't have any special meaning in PHP; it's more for instructional or illustrative purposes to guide you on where to insert your own values.
Adam Dreier
The key takeaway here though is once I had everything working and configured you need to make sure that the token does not have quotes around it, Please update this documentation because .text() in the res for javascript creates a string and causes a 400 response from the API. You need to tell devs that the token needs to be wrapped in a JSON.parse(jwt) to remove the quotes or else it wont work.
Nova Dawn