Currently, there are four versions of Zendesk Chat in use. Which version you’re using depends on a number of factors, including:
- When you signed up for Zendesk Chat
- The website where you signed up
- Whether you are using a Chat-only account, or a Chat account integrated with Zendesk Support
Based on these and other factors, you may be using one of the following versions of Zendesk Chat:
- Zendesk Chat Phase 4, Chat-only or Chat + Support, available after October 24, 2018.
- Zendesk Chat Phase 3, an integrated account, for Zendesk Support customers who later added a Chat account.
Legacy Zendesk Chat,
a chat-only version, created on
. -
Legacy Zendesk Chat +
Support, an integrated Chat-Support account, created on
.Documentation related to Legacy Chat versions can be found in the Using Legacy Chat section of this Help Center,
Use the following table, and the lists below, to determine which version you are currently using.
Indicating action | Legacy Zendesk Chats | Chat Phase 3 | Chat Phase 4 |
How you sign into your account | Logging in via | Logging in via | |
How you can access your products |
For legacy Chat subscriptions only, you will only have access to Chat. For legacy Chat accounts linked to Support, you will need to log into Chat and Support products separately. |
You can use the Zendesk Product Tray icon ( |
How you make changes to your subscription | Logging in via | Using the Admin Center when you’ve logged into your Zendesk | |
How chats turn into tickets |
For legacy Chat subscriptions only, there are no tickets For legacy Chat accounts linked to Support, all Chats will be linked to a ticket on Support. Automated/manual ticket creation can be configurable via the Chat Dashboard. Tickets will be created at the start of each chat - agents can access the ticket on Support via the Chat window. |
You're on Zendesk Chat Phase 4 if...
- You sign in to your account at
. - Your dashboard URL is
. - Agents update their name, email, and password in the Admin Center (accessed from the Chat dashboard via Settings > Personal >Profile tab, and clicking Edit Profile).
- On your Chat dashboard, you see the Zendesk Product Tray icon (
) in the top toolbar.
You're on Zendesk Chat Phase 3 if...
- You sign in to your account at
. - Your dashboard URL is
. - Agents update their name, email, and password in Zendesk Support (accessed from the Chat dashboard via Settings > Personal >Profile tab, and clicking Edit Profile).
- On your Chat dashboard, you see the Zendesk Product Tray icon (
) in the top toolbar.
You are on Legacy Zendesk Chat if…
- You sign in to your account at
. - Your dashboard URL is
. - Agents update their name, email, and password directly in the Chat dashboard (accessed from Settings > Personal >Profile tab).
- When you open your dashboard and go to Settings > Account and click the Zendesk Support tab, you see an option to sign up for Zendesk Support.
- When you open your dashboard and go to Settings > Personal, you do not see a Zendesk Support tab.
Debra Burkhead
I saw others commenting regarding not having Chat set up with Support, but could no longer find those comments. How do we migrate with no Chat option. We don't use it and don't have it to my knowledge. Additionally, there are no plans to use it.
Dave Dyson
Bill Porter
Im trying to cancelour account.... have looged on to the older zopim account but there is no way there to do it that I can find.
Brett Bowser
I'm going to create a ticket on your behalf so our Customer Care team can look into this for you.
You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created.
Ricardo Herrera
Si grasiás nesesito saber lo del error
Paul May
Hi folks; I'm looking for documentation on integration of the Chat widget into our React-based website. Primarily, I need to know how to identify customers who have signed into our app - to Zendesk, when a chat is started. For example; if the user signs in, and his name is Joe Person, and he is on our Starter plan - I need to be able to tell Zendesk that it's Joe Person,, Starter etc. Could you follow-up with me please?