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About omnichannel routing

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Dec 05, 2024




I need help. 
Within, the "Get Help" button does not work. 
How can I file a support ticket to zendesk?  
We are migrating zendesk-jira integration from to
We need your help!  


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Ирина Курда

Currently messaging tickets in the queue are treated differently according to whether they are active or inactive.

Active tickets are those in which there has been conversation on the ticket in the last 10 mins, Inactive ones are ones in which there hasnt

Active messages get assigned using the Accept button and take up capacity. Inactive ones are directly assigned to agents and dont take up capacity (althought the agent has to have spare capacity to be assigned them). So there is the situation where one agent can be assigned multiple inactive messages,

We are working on giving you the option of whether you want to treat active and inactive messages the same. In the meanwhile, as a workaround, you could setup a trigger that assigns inactive messages to a seperate group that has no members. Then agents can go to a view for this empty group and manually work through the inactive messages. The trigger would look like this:

Define a trigger which has conditions:
  • Ticket is Updated
  • Ticket Status is New
  • Assignee is -
  • Channel is Messaging

Action: assign to empty group


Barry Neary

We will try this way of working
No timeline for when it will be possible to manage active and inactive tickets?


For this limitation mentioned in the article:

  • "The ability to set up multiple call routing fallback groups in Talk settings for a single line or IVR keypress isn’t currently supported with omnichannel routing."

Can you clarify a little more on what this means? My initial impression is that it does not overlap with our IVR menu settings, and am wondering if this changes the customer's experience in their calls to us?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

HI Ирина Курда

We are looking at Q1


Hi Barry Neary

It's very cool that this feature could be released in Q1. We need it, too.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Ирина Курда

Currently inactive messages (those in which there has been no communication for 10 mins) are considered not to take up capacity and hence mulitple inactive messages can be assigned to the one agent - they dont count against their max capacity.

We are working on offering the option to treat the inactive messages the same as active ones ...

As a workaround you could have inactive messages moved to an empty group and have agents go through them manually?

Something like:


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Kulin Joshi

We will be adding Slack message to the omnichannel routing engine in Q1



Thanks Barry Neary

We will try to use your option today. But there is one question: we put that the ticket has been updated, but if the client does not write anything, it will not be considered that the ticket has been updated?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

HI Ирина Курда

The client does not need to write anything, the message going from active to inactive means that the ticket is updated and the trigger should fire


Thank you so much.
We will try this way of working


Hi Barry Neary
Tried the option for the inactive ticket yesterday. Unfortunately, it didn't work for us, because the setting was triggered whenever the ticket was updated. In our case: after creating a ticket, the client's information is added to it and the redirection setting was triggered in just a few seconds


Hi Barry Neary,

How does the idle messaging conversation gets assigned to agents automatically?

Is it linked to the status of the agent? Does it only get assigned when the agents are online?

I do understand that it is not linked with capacity, so I would really like to understand how does it work? 




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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Kulin Joshi

Currently if the message has no conversation for 10mins it becomes inactive.

Inactive tickets are assigned only to online agents that have spare messaging capacity, but once they are assigned they do not take up any capacity - so one agent could be assigned several inactive messages (beyond their max capacity).

When they are assigned, the Accept button doesnt flash - they are automatically assigned like email tickets.

We are looking to offer an option whereby inactive messages are routed the same as active ones ...


Is there any plan for this to support the classic live chat in the future?


Hi Barry Neary,

The Unified status is currently only supported for messaging and does not support chat.

Messaging can be activated per brand, so if we have two brands, then we can have the messaging active on one and chat active on the other.

Since both are linked with the agent workspace, so the unified status will be common. 

In this case, chat and messaging will work on-site, but agents will only be able to accept messaging tickets. Chats will not be assigned to agents.

Am I correct here and is there any solution where we can use both chat and messaging?




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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Kulin Joshi

We do plan in H1 2023 to support customers that are mixed mode - ie. have bith Chat and Messaging


Barry Neary re. the plan to support customers that are mixed mode have both chat and messaging, will this also support users who are purely using the classic live chat message and NOT using the new messaging?


Hi Barry Neary

We had switched over to Omnichannel for a few weeks already, and so far we are liking it. We are happy that the Messaging & Email tickets are routed/ assigned to agents directly.

We noted that Messaging has sound notification enabled, which is great, but are there any plans to enabled sound notification for newly assigned ticket for Email Support? TQ


Barry Neary few feature requests as we're standing this up:

  1. The ability to group and organize statuses for agents is critical for agent experience.  It would be great to group productive and break statuses together so agents can quickly find custom statuses.  This is critical for our BPO Vendor Management.
  2. Having some ability to do fallback routing for Voice would be great to have sooner, rather than later, or some ability to prioritize based on a group what tickets agents get first.
  3. With custom statuses, being able to remove default statuses as long as we have equivalents setup to keep agent experience more cleanly.



Is there ZAF client API for omnichannel feature? I was not able to find anything related to it. If not, is there a roadmap for when we going to see it? I need it to implement the app for custom capacity handling.



When will fallback groups be added back to Talk?  We love omni routing but we really need Fallback groups back it feels like a massive piece of functionality to be removed.  Thank you


Barry Neary You stated that there was an issue that will be fixed in a week. It's been a month and still not working. Any idea when this will be fixed?



I just noticed that this feature is not respecting agents' OOO status. System unassigned a ticket from the agent because OOO status yet within a minute assigned it back to him. See screenshot below. I think this should be treated as a bug since it makes no sense to assign tickets to OOO agents and you can't do it manually so the system should be an override. 


We found the same thing, and it's really disheartening that Zendesk's own solution doesn't respect the OOO setting in ... Zendesk's solution. 

It's clearly a bug to me, and a fix should be prioritized as it's really dangerous to have a ticket re-assigned to someone who is OOO. That's a really easy way to have something go unnoticed by support agents. 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager


The Out of Office app is not compatible with omnichannel routing (OCR) from the perspective that OCR uses the agent status as defined by the agent status picker rather than the OOO one. We are actively working on a feature in OCR that would reassign tickets that are reopened while the agent is offline


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Jason Walker-C

The bug related to audio issues was indeed fixed - so your issue must be unrelated,

To confirm, is this issue that you have highlighted a bug or a feature request? Did notifications work as you describe previously but since you have switched on omnichannel routing they no longer work?


Thanks Barry. Just to be clear, being Offline and being Out of the Office are sometimes two separate things and should be treated differently. Or at least have two separate options to set how to handle each.

For instance, an agent might be Offline as they've gone home for the night. Even if a Pending ticket switches back to Open following a customer response, the ticket should still stay in their queue, assigned to the same agent for follow-up the next day. 

But if they're Out of Office (on vacay, etc) the ticket should be unassigned and routed to another agent. 

I suppose this could be handled via custom statuses, though .. 


I think expectations for offline vs out of office would depend on operating hours. Some of our tickets have 24/7 operating hours, so if a ticket waits for that agent to get back on shift the next day then we've breached SLA.

One approach that for me might make sense is to base the reassignment on the ticket's schedule - if it's in schedule, open, and the agent is offline then reassign.


Hello, great feature. When our agents are using messaging, they get a ding are prompted to accept a conversation here:

Once I turn this on, they do no get that. How do I make that happen again with Omnichannel Routing?


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