Using the Make API call step in an AI agent for messaging (Legacy)

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Aimee Spanier

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

This is awesome Aimee Spanier! Will it be possible to request information from the user in order to use their input as parameters in API request (e.g. validate email address on external CRM)?


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Chris Tomkins

Zendesk Product Manager

Yes Pedro Rodrigues - this is on the roadmap to be delivered in the next few months.


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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Awesome, thanks for the follow up!


This is great. Can we use this to get info from our own ZD instance? I would love to get messaging ticket count and display that to customers. This would help set wait time expectations since we can't do that natively. I tried but keep getting unauthorized 401 errors. I also tried setting the user and pwd - key and value. 


Hi @Jason , at the moment it is not possible to collect this information, as we were not able to use the parameters of the other requests to use in the new request.

Follow the example images

I saved the userid as a variable, and I can't use this variable in another API call like this.


And for your 401 error, you need to create a global token or use a Base64 token with your username and password, and you need to enable that within Zendesk.

You can follow this instruction


Hey there! I am currently working on including an external API into our bot. I am trying to do a POST request, but having troubles with the request body. 

The format that I enter for the request body is normal JSON, like for example 

{"test": "hello"}

Now the problem I encounter is that the external API that I use is returning that the request is invalid. When sending the exactly same request manually (for example through a browser console) the request is being processed correctly. 

So my question is, do I have to format the JSON body in any specific way for Zendesk to correctly forward the request to the external API? 

I have checked the Integration logs and it appears that the request body is being sent to the Zendesk servers as a string. Is it possible that when parsing the JSON string later into JSON some error occurs on your side?

The above seems like what is happening here to me, because when I checked the logs of one of our APIs that I tried to call using the tool, the request body contains not the actual JSON, but a stringified version of the JSON (with escaped quotation marks). 

Any thoughts?


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Alexander,

Can you provide us a code snippet of the request so we can take a look?



How can I do API Call with database json And redirect to a específic group?


Eric Nelson

Sorry for the late response, but let me give you an example. In this example I am calling an API hosted on AWS, I will share the request logs to demonstrate the problem.

Let's start with the Zendesk request. This is what I put in Zendesk (Note that I added all implicitly required headers, they are just not in the screenshot and they are not relevant for the problem)

The above request leads to this being logged in our API:

'body': '"{\\"hello\\":\\"test\\"}"\n'

You can see that the quotes are double escaped. Also I am not exactly sure where that \n at the end is coming from, I don't think I have entered a new line, but it's probably not relevant anyway.

Now when I send a request using Javascript directly the outcome is different. A request example:

fetch(API_URL, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        body: JSON.stringify({
            hello: "test"

This yields the following logs:

'body': '{"hello":"test"}'

Here it just logs the JSON as a string, the way it was sent. This is also what is expected and correct.

So my question would be, am I using the API call in the flow builer wrong and the JSON should be entered in a different format? Or is there a problem in the software that breaks the JSON when sending the HTTP requests?

Please let me know if you have any other questions about the example I provided.


Hi there,

How can we pass variables stored in the chat to an API request URL?

For example, is it possible to store the customer question as a variable to pass as a param in the URL?

Thank you in advance


Unfortunately there currently is a bug where we stored variables are not translated when used in text.

This is quite detrimental to the end user experience.


Hi Zendesk team,

Can you add the info:

- how to make API calls to the Zendesk instance to :

1- get info 

2- do updates on the ticket?

- what should we put as key and value to be able to connect to our proper Zendesk Instance?


Thank you


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Raphael, if you'd like to know more about how to make API calls to get info/make updates to tickets in ZD, please check out our API documentation here on the Tickets endpoint. The Key and Header fields in your screenshot are for any parameters that you want to add to the request, with more info on parameters found in each relevant endpoint's documentation. Cheers!


We're trying to use a GET call to an endpoint on our server that receives a user's e-mail and returns a json with several data points about our user. However, as we try and test it out, we get an error saying that the API call can't include a period so sending an email as a variable in the call doesn't seem to work.


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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Diego,
Can you provide an example of the endpoint URL you're making the request to, including any query parameters (being sure to redact any sensitive info). Also, could you include the full error you're seeing when making the request.


Hi Tipene, certainly, here are the steps to reproduce, in Bot Flow Builder:

 - Add Step

 - Make API Call

 - In API Details, include GET Request Method with this type of request https://XXXXXXX.XXXXX.XXXXX/api/admin/users/{{}}/

 - Select Add Variable and select Responses from Customers: Email, which adds {{}} as displayed above

 - Press Make API Call and then are asked to include Test Data in the email. I put in my email and get an error "Variables added in the URL path must not contain periods."


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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Diego,
Thanks for providing this clarification for me!
Unfortunately the error that you're seeing is a result of having a period in the variable, as you mentioned in your earlier comment. This is a system rule and can't be overwritten. Variables with additional symbols or punctuation should be sent as a payload body in a PUT or POST request.
Feel free to reach out with any questions!



I have a problem with the headers keys: i need to use "authorization" key with a bearer token, but the field value it's short!

So my bearer token was truncate and i have an authorization error....




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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Gabriele,
Thanks for reaching out!
The character limit for the value field is 256 including spaces. Generally, you shouldn't see oAuth tokens exceeding that length. Can you make sure there are no extra spaces in the value field that might be causing the issue?


My web service use JWT token leght 372 c.


There are many web service with long token...



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Shiyu Zhu

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey okean123
Thanks for the feedback.  The issue has been fixed and it would be great if you can confirm. 


Hi Tipene Hughes - we noticed that we can send a payload body with POSTs but not with GET requests. Is it possible to enable us to send a payload in a GET? That would solve our problem of not letting us include e-mails in the URL of the original GET request but rather in the body.


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Shiyu Zhu

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Gabriele
Thanks, I have captured your feedback for us to fix. 


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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Diego Villarreal,

Unfortunately it isn't possible to send data as a payload via a GET request; you will need to use the appropriate POST or PUT request method.

I've logged this as feedback to our product team who may look at adding this as additional functionality in future updates depending on demand.

Sorry I couldn't be more help!



Is there a way to send the current user context to the make an api call step with the help of a variable ? I want to present a different flow for authenticated versus anonymous users in flow builder...can you let me know the details ?


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Shiyu Zhu

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Gauri Sanil

This is not possible but this use case has been prioritized on our roadmap to solve for H1, 2023. Thanks 


Is it possible to access the external_id value of the user?


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Shiyu Zhu

Zendesk Product Manager

We are planning to expose external_id as a system variable in Q1,2023. 


Is there any variable we can use to identify the user other than external_id? Such as a ZenDesk ID we could sync to our db


Hi @... also curious about Carlton's question if you have any thoughts. How can we insert variables that are customer-specific via an API call with FlowBuilder? 


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