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Understanding the step types for AI agent answers (Legacy)

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Aimee Spanier

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Can you add a feature for exporting to PDF or share to email for colleagues?


If I have live chat enabled, how will answer bot be incorporated? Will there be a hand off from bot to chat or vice versa or how does it work?


How can I measure tickets that are not transferred to agents in explore


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Zendesk Luminary

Is there a limit on the number of values in a drop-down that can be displayed as a ticket field (in the Messaging widget?)? I have a drop-down field with about 160 values and on the widget, it only shows ~20 or so. 


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Miranda Burford

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...,

Thanks for your feedback.  Much appreciated!  We have plans to increase the number of dropdown values we support within the messaging widget.  Unfortunately, I don't have an exact timeframe on this but will be sure post an update in here once it's been actioned.


- Miranda.




is there already a plan to increase the limit for dropdown menu values?

This is currently our showstopper and we can not continue implementing the new answer bot with that limitation.


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Miranda Burford

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...,

Yes, we have plans to increase the limit of dropdown menu values to 150 or so.  This is something that's currently on the roadmap and should be available within the next couple of months.

Stay tuned!

- Miranda.  


We've been having problems with customers getting stuck at the end step and not being able to exit the transfer to agent "flow". Is there any way to have a callback to start over from the top again? This currently holds us back from enabling the transfer to agent step as it renders the rest of the answer bot/flow builder unusable until an agent deletes the ticket.


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Can we have the flow offer different options to different user segments? We'd like to customize based on the type of user is interacting with us and keep some options confidential based on who is interacting with the bot


Is there a way to start over the whole flow after opting for a agent handover in the flow builder?



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Daniel Aron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Sam, 

The bot does not automatically send the first message in a subsequent conversation after agent handover. Once the agent has closed the associated ticket, and the conversation is handed back to the bot, the returning customer must send a message to initiate a response from the bot. The bot will then attempt to find a conversational shortcut and respond according to normal free-text entry behavior. 

Does that help? I'm curious to hear your feedback on this experience and the desired experience you had in mind.


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Daniel Aron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Heather, 

That isn't possible with Flow Builder currently, however we're looking into ways to allow admins to personalize the flow based on user data as part of our 9 month roadmap. Thanks for your feedback I have captured your use-case for consideration.


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Daniel Aron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Fredrik,

It is expected behavior that once the conversation is handed over to an agent, the bot can no longer participate in the conversation with the customer until the agent has closed the ticket. This document has more details. Having said that the ability to support multiple concurrent conversations is in the 9 month roadmap for messaging and Flow Builder.


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Thomas D'Hoe

Community Moderator


It seems like there is a conflict between adding a "business hours" condition and the "continuous conversation" setting.

In our account we have both (see screenshot widget): 

- a business hours condition for chat as described in the article above (numb. 1 in screenshot)

- continuous conversation setting enabled (numb. 2 in screenshot)

As you can see, this is not the best experience:

1: Customer receives a message because he started a conversation outside of business hours.

2: Customer receives another (automated message) that we are offline (because of the continuous conversation setting).

So the second message isn't necessary => Ofcourse we are offline because it's outside of our business hours... 

Any suggestions on how we can make this customer experience better? 



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Daniel Aron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Thomas, 

Thanks for the feedback. To avoid the unnecessary second message as you point out you can disable the trigger from Chat Triggers > Continuous Conversations. The setting itself needs to remain enabled. That setting is used for sending email for unread messages.


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Thomas D'Hoe

Community Moderator


Thanks. Good to know. Is there an article that describes that? I didn't found that.

With the setting itself, you mean the checkbox in Support?



Is there any "Go back to last option" button, looks like I have to duplicate the whole flow multiple times to make something like this happen for now.


@... I would also like help with this.


"Is there any "Go back to last option" button, looks like I have to duplicate the whole flow multiple times to make something like this happen for now."


How do you configure an option with the given flow builder steps to start the conversation over?  In case the user selected the wrong option in a previous flow builder step.


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Lisa Tam

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Rex Lai and AMU Cx Lead

We are currently looking at how to make it easier for the user to navigate to another answer by simply typing in their question but I'm keen to understand the use case with "go back to last option" and whether that could solve this problem.


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Lisa Tam

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Dustin Swayne

It is currently not possible to configure a step to start over. The start over option is only available with the feedback step. However we have plans in future to make improvements in this area where the user can start from the beginning of the flow. 



Wondering if it's possible to offer existing forms (multiple forms) as an option to select through Flow Builder.

Not exactly sure, but it looks like we have to rebuild our forms in Flow Builder if we want to use forms at all.



Hi Chad,
At present, it's not possible to serve a ticket form directly via Flow Builder. Workarounds could include sending a link to a ticket form, or serve a Help Center article that explains how to contact your support team (which could include pointing the user to your help center's New Requests page). There's a thread in our product feedback forums that includes a request for the ability to serve ticket forms – would you mind adding your use case to the comments thread here (and upvoting the thread)? New feature requests: Answer Bot Feedback Flow Customization


Cool. Awesome workarounds especially the Help Centre direction...great idea. Thanks Dave :)


Glad I could help, Chad!


The one thing I can't figure out is how to add additional ticket fields to capture customer data, such as a phone number.

It sounds like it's possible, but whenever I go into the ticket field sections, it is not clear where I can 1) Add a phone number option
2) Make it available in the bot flow

Maybe it's obvious or maybe I misunderstood and it's not possible currently. Thanks!


Hi Camden -
You first need to add the text or drop down ticket field(s) to Zendesk: Adding custom fields to your tickets and support request form
When you create those fields, be sure to select "Editable for end users". Then return to Admin Center (you may need to refresh the browser tab that Admin Center is running in so it picks up the new ticket fields), and then when you're configuring a "Transfer to agent" step in Flow Builder, if you click on the "Search by title" field under Fields, the dropdown should display any Text or Drop Down ticket fields you've added that are set to Editable for end users.
Hope that helps!


@... Hi Dave,

Yes that helped. Those were the steps I was following, but it's nice to have it confirmed so I don't think I'm missing something. It seems the issue is I was trying to make a numeric custom field for a phone number. But even when doing the correct steps, it won't show up as available in the bot flow. But a custom text field does, so that should work!


Glad that was helpful, Camden! And yes, it's only text and dropdown fields that are available for this.


Is there a way I can increase the number of fields we can pass to an agent, this is a really powerful tool where we can automate a large chunk of a customers interaction with our support team by mitigating the need of the agent having to ask for the information due to the restriction on fields


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