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What's new in Zendesk: June 2022

Edited Jul 12, 2022




When is the "Coming soon" items being released? I don't see any links to any documentation of release dates


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Lisa Kelly

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Syd,
Both are scheduled to be released in the next few weeks. Look for an Announcement about "Interface improvements to managing tickets in bulk."


How come the new Flow Builder experience is not mentioned under "coming soon"? Has this release been delayed? I am not talking about just the "make an API call step", but about the "collect information" step, the new way to train Answer Bot with questions through flow builder, and segment a flow into many subflows.


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Aimee Spanier

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi, Shayan M. That feature is still being rolled out to customers and won't be fully available for another two weeks, so it will show up on next month's What's New. We do have new articles about it, if you need them:

Hope that helps!



I'm not seeing the option to turn on colored background/text in my admin center.  Has that not yet been enabled?


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Lisa Kelly

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Aaron
Support for colored background text is included as part of the option to Turn on color text. You should see it in the Comments section of Objects and rules > Tickets > Settings. See screen capture below. 

One caveat: You must have the Zendesk Agent Workspace activated on your account to see this setting. If you don't have the Agent Workspace, you won't see this setting. 


Hello there,

Unfortunately this feature does not seem to be available as part of the "Make an API call" step that was released with flow builder:
"This step allows your bot to surface data, like subscription ID or order status, into a bot’s response that is stored from an external system, such as an internal CRM or an enterprise resource planning product"

The Make an API call step is available, however it is not possible to collect specific information about the customer (such as customer ID, name, email, order number) and send it to an internal CRM. This would require a "collect information" step, which unfortunately does not seem to have been released so far. The Make an API call step, so far, only has limited functionality of making an API call without input.



Hi Shayan, that's on the roadmap – see our product manager Chris Tomkins' comment here: Using the Make an API call step in Flow Builder


When is the Whatsapp Csat language going to be solved?


When are we going to be able to change the incoming call ringtone? and is there a possibility to create a standalone app for windows instead of having to use the browser? 



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Colin, welcome to the community!
There is an ongoing product feedback thread around changing the incoming ringtone, but unfortunately it's not on our current roadmap. I would recommend upvoting and adding a comment with your use case here: Customize / Edit Ringtone for Incoming Calls and Keyboard Shortcuts for Voice
As for standalone apps, that's probably not likely since we don't have desktop apps for our products. But you can create desktop shortcuts. 
Let us know if you have any other questions!


How can we pass variables stored in the chat to an API request URL in flow builder?

For example, is it possible to store the customer question as a variable to pass as a param in the URL?

Maybe this would be achieved using the 'gather information' step that I understand isn't yet available?


The article states: 

A new prebuilt Community dashboard and dataset for Guide help you monitor your Zendesk community activity, including the number of posts and comments, upvotes and downvotes, community members, and more. 


But it's July now and I still cannot find up vote and down votes. There's still only the singular attribute for article votes that is a total for both. Am I doing something wrong? 


This is listed as something that launched in June, it's mid-July and still not rolled out to everyone? 

  • Malware scanning service scans file attachments to tickets and blocks any that are flagged as potentially malicious. See Managing malicious attachments.


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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi CJ Johnson

Here's the announcement for malware scanning. Looks like the rollout is supposed to be complete this week. 

And I'm checking on the other question about up/down votes for you.




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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi CJ Johnson, the Community dataset has discrete metrics for Post upvotes and Post downvotes, but those apply only to community posts. (The Knowledge base dataset, in contrast, has a grouped Article votes metric, which applies to help center articles.)


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