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Agent Home provides useful information to help you manage your tickets and view your recently-completed work. Think of it as a personal command center to keep you up-to-date and prioritize your work.
This article includes these sections:
- About Agent Home
- Activating and deactivating Agent Home (for admins)
- Opening Agent Home
- Filtering your work
- Sorting your work
- Removing yourself as a CC or follower
- Using Agent Home with auto assist
- Limitations
Related articles:
About Agent Home
Agent Home is the one-stop shop for agents to manage all work, including tickets, messaging conversations, and conversations you’re CC’d on or following. Agent Home works in real time, showing tickets assigned to you and their latest updates, the moment it happens, without the need for a refresh. Productivity tools help you keep your workspace well-organized and tidy.
Agent Home includes:
Your work > Tickets: Tickets assigned to you that
need action.
- Hover your mouse over a ticket to see more details, including the original request and latest comment. Click to open the ticket.
- Messaging conversations are shown in real time, with conversation status and latest updates visible right from the home page.
- Supported ticket types include: web, email, messaging, chat, talk, and SMS. Child tickets (created via side conversations) are also included.
- You can filter and sort the tickets in your list.
Shared work: See Understanding CCs and
- CCed: Tickets where you are included as a CC on the ticket.
- Following: Tickets where you are listed as a follower.
- Completed work > Last 30 days: Work you completed recently (last 30 days). This includes tickets with a solved, closed, or archived status and side conversations marked as done.
- Ticket statistics: The number of your tickets with a Good Customer satisfaction (CSAT) rating, a Bad CSAT rating, and tickets Solved by you this week. Agent Home ticket statistics show legacy CSAT ratings only.
- Satisfaction statistics: Satisfaction statistics for you and your team, expressed as the % satisfaction attainment for the past 60 days.
- Open tickets: The number of open tickets assigned to your groups.
Updates: Updates to your tickets. Click an update to
open the ticket.
Ticket updates include tickets assigned to you that have:
- Received a new comment
- Increased in priority
- Been reassigned to you
Activating and deactivating Agent Home (for admins)
Admins can choose to activate or deactivate Agent Home. Agent Home is activated by default in most accounts, but admins can deactivate it and return to the legacy agent dashboard.
To activate Agent Home
- In Admin Center, click
Workspaces in the sidebar, then select Agent tools > Agent interface.
- Scroll to Agent Home, then select Enable Agent Home.
To deactivate Agent Home
- In Admin Center, click
Workspaces in the sidebar, then select Agent tools > Agent interface.
- Scroll to Agent Home, then deselect Enable Agent Home.
Opening Agent Home
Agents can view their home page in the Support ticketing interface.
Admins have a different page that they access from the Admin () icon. See Viewing the Support Admin home
To view Agent Home
- In Support, click the Home
) icon in the sidebar.
- Use this page to manage tickets assigned to you and view ticket updates.
Filtering your work
You can filter tickets on Agent Home to get the exact view you need to manage your work. You can filter tickets by status and by channel.
To filter your tickets by channel
- In Support, click the Home
) icon in the sidebar.
- Click the Channel filter at the top of your tickets list, then
select a Channel. You can choose any channel currently shown in
your tickets list.
The filter also supports custom ticket statuses if your admin has activated them in your account.
- To see all tickets regardless of channel, click Clear filters.
To filter your tickets by status
- In Support, click the Home
) icon in the sidebar.
- Click the Status filter at the top of your tickets list, then
select a Status.
You can choose Open, Pending, or On-hold (if activated). You can also sort by custom ticket statuses if your account includes them.
When you filter your tickets, you’ll see a blue dot to show you’re looking at a filtered list. The number inside the dot shows how many filtering options you’ve set.
- To see all tickets regardless of status, click Clear filters.
Sorting your work
To help you manage your priorities, you can sort your tickets to show what’s most important to you.
To sort your tickets
- In Support, click the Home
) icon in the sidebar.
- Open the sort menu at the top of your tickets list and select a sort
Sorting options include:
- Recommended: Provides suggestions on which tickets to address first. The recommended list groups live messaging conversations at the top of your work list, and sorts the rest of your tickets by next SLA breach.
- Oldest updated: Your least-recently updated tickets are listed first.
- Newest updated: Your most-recently updated tickets are listed first.
Removing yourself as a CC or follower
Agent Home provides a quick way for you to remove yourself as a CC or follower on tickets.
To remove yourself as a CC or follower
- In Support, click the Home
) icon in the sidebar.
- To remove yourself as a CC:
- Click Shared work > CCed to open the list of tickets where you’re included as a CC.
- Open the ticket you want to be removed from and delete your name from the CC list.
- To remove yourself as a follower:
- Click Shared work > Following to open the list of tickets you’re following.
- Open the ticket you want to be removed from and delete your name from the Followers list.
Using Agent Home with auto assist
Auto assist, part of agent copilot, is an AI-powered assistant for agents. Auto assist understands the contents of submitted tickets and suggests how to solve them. For more information, see Using auto assist to help agents solve tickets.
To help you prioritize your work, the ticket list on Agent Home indicates which tickets have auto assist suggestions, so you can quickly see which tickets you can open and solve using auto assist.
- On Agent Home, click Auto assist in Your work to show all
your tickets that include auto assist suggestions.
This section describes limitations in Agent Home. We’re working to remove these limitations in future releases.
- Chat tickets appear as tickets only, without real-time conversation updates. Messaging will show the conversation status, latest comment, and typing indicator.
- To maximize performance, Agent Home has the following limits
for displaying tickets:
- 100 most-recently updated tickets assigned to you
- 100 most-recently updated tickets where you are included as a CC
- 100 most-recently updated tickets where you are listed as a follower
- Tickets updated since November 21, 2023, will appear in Agent Home. If you expect to see a ticket in Agent Home that has not been updated since November 21, you can update it and it will appear. In a similar fashion, if you are listed as a CC or follower on a ticket updated before November 21, you can remove yourself, update the ticket, then add yourself again. You need to do this only once.
- Chat and SMS tickets updated since September 30, 2024 are available in Agent Home. If you want to see a Chat or SMS ticket in Agent Home that hasn't been updated since September 30, you can update it and it will appear.
- For the latest message preview, if you send a reply to a messaging conversation, your message will not appear in the conversation preview. The latest message from the end user will appear.
- For live updates, updates from messaging conversations appear immediately in Agent Home. Updates to email and web tickets will appear the next time you navigate to the page or when you refresh the page.
- Calls made via Talk Partner Edition will not show the live conversation state while a call is ongoing.
- Outbound calls made via the console without a ticket associated may not show the live conversation state while a call is ongoing.
- Outbound transfers to an external number will continue to show the active call until the call leg is ended, even after the agent leaves the call.
Naomi Greenall
Could we get documentation on the difference between this and the old agent workspace? I'm confused as to what the difference is between these and how it will effect our agents. It is hard to make a change like this without knowing the impact it will have on what our agents are used to.
Bruno Cruz
Echo'ing Naomi's comment, having a video or such showing the difference (and a confirmation that this feature can be disabled again) would be great.
Would also like to see a side-by-side or tutorial video on this... need to know full picture of seemingly huge global change to a company's CS interface before pulling the switch... Thx!
Jose Sepulveda
Hello, this looks great. I would like to know if there is a way I can preview this as an admin before enabling it for all agents. I would love to explore and understand the benefits before releasing it to our team. Thank you.
Jason Thees
Yes, please. Give us something to look at before we make changes, to get a feel for this.
Christine Diego
Hi Jose and Jason,
As of the moment there's no option to preview the agent home, you will have to activate it on the account. But if you would like to test it out first, if you are on the enterprise plan, you can create a Sandbox account and activate the agent home feature there or you can create a new trial account for testing purposes.
Jim Keller
I too am wondering why there is no video showing the new Agent Home interface, what it looks like, how it works, so we can be better informed before we activate something in production.
This is not a good business model to make changes like this live in production without the ability to see what it looks like first. 'Testing' it in production is not feasible for most of us.
Thank you.
Christine Diego
Hi Jim,
Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your feedback here. I wanted to point you in the direction of our product feedback forum for the Support ticketing interface where we collect product feedback and where our PM’s review feedback from our customers. We would greatly appreciate you using this forum to share your feedback with us for better visibility. Here is our product feedback template to get you started. Thank you!
I'm wondering if agents will be able to select 'good' or 'bad' on the new home page and be able to see the list of tickets with that satisfaction rating and the comments from the customer as they used to be able to before
Also, the status filter doesn't seem to be capturing all opens, specifically. We have another view to check and it shows 12 opens but when filtering by status it's only showing 9 of those. We've tried this with a few different agents and it's doing a similar thing. We have also tried setting the last filter to sort by 'newest updated' rather than 'recommended' and it doesn't seem to help. The tickets are recent so there is no reason I can think of for it to not work
Thank you!
Christine Diego
Hi Kiran,
We have a recipe for this. See Creating a view to show CSAT ratings without the legacy agent dashboard.
Hey Christine
I've already created views showing them but was hoping it would be available on the new home page at some point. Could you confirm whether it will be an option in future?
In order for the views to work in replacement of the legacy home page, I'd be looking for another column when formatting that will show the satisfaction comment without having to click on to the tickets themselves and this isn't currently an option
Could you also come back to me on the second part of my first message? Thank you!
Nikki Goodson
The Agent Home screen doesn't seem to show New / unassigned tickets. Do I need to have tickets automatically become assigned in order to view them here?
Lisa Kelly
Hi Nikki,
Agent Home shows tickets that are assigned to the agent who is viewing the page. New, unassigned tickets must be manually or automatically assigned to the agent before they appear on the Agent's Home page. For unassigned tickets, refer to the Unassigned tickets view.
Tony Ho
I just enabled this yesterday and today I have a brand (non default) with about 10 agents all indicating they don't see any information in the Home Section. That said, it seems like agents supporting my non default brand are fine. I've gone over the Limitations Documentation to see if there was any indicator there as to why a group of my agents see nothing in Agent Home but nada.
Any idea or should this end up being a ticket? There was a lot of enthusiasm from the agents when we announced this change being enabled but it died out quite quickly as there was nothing for agents to see in there.
Christine Diego
Hi Tony,
I would suggest creating a ticket to our support team to further check the issue Contacting Zendesk Customer Support
Thank you!
Aaron Doane
We were very excited to try the new Agent Home, but have since found a number of shortcomings that have almost immediately turned agents off from using it.
There are a lot of good things that were added, such as CC'd and Following, however, general feedback from agents is that the things listed above outweigh the positive enhancements.
Do we know if there will be additional updates to Agent Home to address some of these concerns?
+1 on the need for auto-refresh. It's a poor workflow not to be able to see updates as and when they happen, and something that our agents are complaining about.
Zac Garcia
Hi Naomi Greenall! That's a great idea, and we'll try to get something put together in the next couple of weeks.
As a point of clarification, this does not change the Agent Workspace - the way you work on tickets will be unchanged. This is a change to the start page experience - the Dashboard (a view of all tickets assigned to all your groups) will switch over to show Agent Home (a personalized list of all tickets assigned to you, sorted by urgency, with realtime updates for Messaging, and quick access to any collaboration you're participating in).
Gerald J
We tried forcing our agents to use Home by removing some of the Views they have. The feedback was they prefer the View option where the ‘Play’ button is available. This let them work continously. It would be nice if ‘Play’ would also be available in the Home page. So for now, we enabled My Open Tickets view again.
Aaron Doane
My prior comment had multiple bullet points, so I wanted to note that one point is particularly problematic.
Has there been any progress in adding refresh functionality to Agent home for Non-messaging channels? not having an automatic refresh is one thing, but there is an entire lack of a refresh button, requiring agents to refresh their entire browser window.
The lack of a refresh option is really hurting adoption of this new tool. Has there been any discussion about addressing this?
Shawna James
[VI] Sascha Hinkel
as a little feedback, it would be nice if followers of tickets could have in the agent home something like updates, or if this would be included from the beginning for followers, so they stay up to date.
Efrat Barak Zadok
We are not using Ticket Statistics. Can I remove this section from the Agent home page?
Lisa Kelly
Hi Efrat,
Tickets Statistics cannot be removed from the page. We recommend posting this request on our Community feedback site.
Mark Nino Valencia
Child tickets do not show up in Agent Home which makes this change useless for us. Can we get these tickets on the Agent Home, please?
Lisa Kelly
Hi Mark. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your feedback here. I wanted to point you in the direction of our product feedback forum for Agent Home where we collect product feedback and where our PM’s review feedback from our customers. We would greatly appreciate you using this forum to share your feedback with us for better visibility. Here is our product feedback template to get you started. Thank you!
Erin from Newton
Why are phonecall tickets not included in this workspace/dashboard? How is this useful for a customer service team if the agent can't see phonecall tickets in their queue? (i.e. callbacks, voicemails that need returned, etc.)
Lisa Kelly
Hi Erin,
The team is aware of this limitation. They are working on adding Talk tickets to Agent Home. Stay tuned. When it's ready we will update the article.
Zac Garcia
Mark Nino Valencia support for child tickets will be coming soon! We are adding channels progressively and expect to support all tickets by end of year!
Will there be an option for admins to post announcements internally to agents on the agent home?
For example, outages or app issues, or new feature notices to internal agents?