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Working with tickets

Edited Mar 19, 2025




How do I move open ticket to view ticket that I created?



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Shayne Traqueña

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Abhishesk Harshwal!

It depends on the condition that your Views has. Can you share its conditions so we can work on moving the tickets to the View.

For now, you can try to add Status is Open to the View's condition.




Play mode gets turned off after we refresh the page - can it be prevented?  Skipping tickets, to get to the point where you finished, takes ages. 


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Magdalena,

Thank you for posting a comment on our Community. Yes, the play mode needs to restart if you refresh the page. As of the moment, there is no native way to route the agent back to the ticket that they are previously looking at. I've marked this conversation as product feedback for review, which means that your input will be aggregated as a part of our Voice of the Customer program that provides customer feedback to our product development teams.

All the best 




To keep a ticket open after you submit it

  • By default, Stay on ticket* is on so you can stay on the ticket after submitting changes, click the menu from the left of the Submit button change default selection.
  • Change this option to Close tab before submitting your final updates so you can move to the next available ticket.


Are we able to customize the dashboard here? We want to be able to edit and add columns similar to how we would do this when we go into "Admin Settings" --> "Views". Essentially we want our SLA (next breach) to be showing in that dashboard.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Edmond!
Thank you for messaging us. If you are referring to the UI/Dashboard of Zendesk itself, it's sad to say that it cannot be edited/changed. What I can only suggest is using the Views to edit it to see SLA's per ticket.


Hey, what does the "closed eye" icon mean?


Hi CJ,
I'm hearing this is something added by the Lovely Views Plus app, although I'm not seeing any documentation as to what it means. 



When using Play, some of our team members are noticing that they are landing on the same tickets even when it's been submitted as Open to their personal queue. We're under the impression that if you "take it" and "submit as Open", this should remove the ticket from a general queue and no one should be landing on that ticket. Do you know what could be causing the overlap in this?


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Ash Turner

Customer Success

At the very bottom of this article, the posting makes reference to "If you are in Guided mode and your administrator has configured your role, you might also be required to enter a reason for skipping the ticket." How would an administrator configure a role to display Guided Mode & activate the Why are you skipping this ticket prompt? Thanks!


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jenn,
There are multiple ways to send a message to a user who does not currently have a profile within Zendesk.
  • Set up a Webhook
  • Change the requester
  • CC the individual
  • Create a PDF of the ticket
  • Side conversations 
Since you mentioned that you have already tried to utilize the Side Conversation, what I could suggest is to set up a webhook and create a trigger to notify the webhook with the ticket information.


How do I add "on hold" as an option within my tickets, as I only have "new, open, pending and solved"?


Also, is there a way of "flagging" as you would in Outlook so that it then becomes a priority?



Lee Ryall Admin Center > Ticket Field > Status > "Enable On-hold status"
It is a setting at the bottom of the page, > Save!

Regarding the other question, do you mean to the customer or flagged in Zendesk?
In Zendesk you can change priority of the ticket.


Hi Izabella,

Thank you for answering the first question, that's great!

Regards the second point, ideally I want my agents to be able to just flag an individual ticket for specific attention so that it is visible as a priority.



Then I recommend you to use the default Priority feature in Zendesk.
And I also recommend creating a view for tickets that has a higher priority, that will make it easy for the agents to start with those tickets in the morning, which
actually is creating a good effective workflow.


Thanks again Izabella.

Where in the Admin Centre would I find the Priority feature?


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Izabella Hammar thanks for sharing your recommendations :) 

Lee Ryall  There should be a standard Priority field that was created with your account. You can find this under Admin Center>Object and Rules>Fields. If you don't see it then it's possibly in the Inactive tab which then you can re-activate. If you still don't see that field, then I'd recommend creating a custom drop-down field with your priority levels as the drop-down values.



@Brett, If he create a custom field for priority it won’t work with any SLA and reporting will be a lot more complicated so I would not recommend it. For priority I highly recommend using the Zendesk native field

@Lee as Brett mentioned, check if the field is active. And also check that the priority field is added to your form. (Admin center> ticket forms)
If the field is activated and added to the form, it should appear on your tickets.



I can see the default priority within "fields" and it's active but not showing in the tickets.

There is nothing in the "forms" section so how do I go about adding it in?


Ignore my last comment as I have used one of the guides to resolve this


Sorry one further question - how do edit or add more columns to the home ticket dashboard?



Lee Ryall That is the default dashboard from Zendesk. I always recommend working from the views, and not the default dashboard. You can customize all views to have the work 100% after your own workflow and your specific needs, so that is better. I usually workshop around what views should be visible to what team, etc, and how should they be configured. You really want to have a system that is working effectively for you, and not just default that might not be the most optimal way of working.




I thought that might be the case Izabella, thank you for all your support on this.


Lee Ryall No problem, Good Luck 😃


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Izabella Hammar excellent point and thanks for correcting me there! Glad you both were able to get this resolved :) 


Brett Bowser On Zendesk Relate 22 there was an announcement for a new Agent Home dashboard that would feature incoming Emails from side conversations and Tickets.

Do you have any information as to when we can expect this feature or whether it is still on the timeline?



How do I get a work ticket


Hey all, is it possible to get the "Others on this ticket" to only show up if they're part of your group?  We have other departments glancing at support tickets occasionally and this often will cause a ticket to sit because support thinks one of us is working on it.


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