Is there an access log for the help center to know which user looked at which article?
You cannot see which particular user viewed an article in your help center. However, three workarounds might suit your workflow:
Knowledge base dataset in Explore
Use the Knowledge base dataset in Explore to see the overall role of the users who viewed the articles published in your help center. If you want to create your own custom report, the name of the attribute is Engagement user role. Otherwise, use the pre-built tab on the Zendesk Guide dashboard, and use the User role filter to filter the role of your choice.
Customer context in the context panel
Within Support and tickets, if you use the Zendesk Agent Workspace, you can see the visitor path, or the Pages viewed, in the customer context panel. This feature displays the web pages, app screens, or help center articles the requester has viewed.
Google Analytics
Use Google Analytics to create your own reporting structure. The Google Analytics implementation is out of scope for Zendesk Customer Support.
For related information, see this article: Analyzing your knowledge base activity with Explore.