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Reporting - Skipped tickets within the "play-mode"
Posted May 05, 2017
I would like to see how often a ticket x has been skipped by agents within the "play-mode".
Christoph Zwanzig
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Posted May 05, 2017
I would like to see how often a ticket x has been skipped by agents within the "play-mode".
Christoph Zwanzig
Jennifer Morris
Hello. We use the Play Views Only role within one of our teams. We need to allow managers the right to see the play views on the agent profiles in their team. How fast can we make this happen, please? This seems like a no-brainer as far as customer requirements. Also, this really needs to be reportable in the Explore product.
CJ Johnson
Barry Neary Since omnichannel routing is not available to folks using Live Chat, can you let us know if this is still planned? This is a very different request.
Barry Neary
Hi All,
This specific report is in the long term roadmap, but something that we will be working on in 2023 is the ability for customers have chat and messaging to use omnichannel routing - that feature is likely to be delivered before the reporting one......
Annelies Van der Sanden
As mentioned before, this should be part of explore for reporting.
Why is this not on the short term roadmap, clearly a lot of people want this. First post was a couple of years ago. So this is already long term.
Kai B
Adding my vote to this - while I appreciate that omnichannel routing is taking precedent, for those of us who are not able to move across straight away and need a way to manage our agents, being able to report on this is vital and shouldn't be something we have to pay for an app for
The way I see it there's 2 options:
1) Preferred - Make skips available natively in Explore so that I can report on all agent productivity
2) Make skips an event action, so that I can build a trigger and add a tag or other automation whenever a ticket is skipped and therefore build out my own reporting
Jennifer Bloem
Adding my vote to this as well.
The main goal is for agents to help customers. If we cannot assign anyone but administrators to look at skipped tickets, QM, onboarding and Teamleads have no chance to help and coach (new) agents, and make sure that the way of working in Zendesk as my company wishes is clear and understandable for all. Maybe not a prio for Zendesk, but a great prio looking at coaching agents and improving customer service as a whole.
Barry Neary
Have you considered using omninchannel routing? That assigns tickets directly to agents and if they reassign their tickets you can report on that in Explore?
Dan Chikanov
Hello! Is reporting available through API per
Viktor Osetrov
Good question. I have tested it and can confirm that it doesn't work anymore. Proof:
Apologies for that. I am going to mark the article as outdated for our developer portal.
Dan Chikanov
Is there a reason why it doesn’t work? This is a pretty critical need for our workflow. We are NOT currently planning on doing omni channel and so we need a way to report on skips. Any recommendation @viktor?
Viktor Osetrov
Could you please follow this workaround - Setting up Guided mode?
Then please try again. If you will see empty results - please create a ticket with us via the bot.
After some of my tests, it works
Dan Chikanov
Thanks so much @... for confirming. That is exactly what I wanted to see.
Elif Ahmetoglu
Adding my vote as well.
Chris Stewart
Zendesk have confirmed to me that no more resources will be put into Play Mode, so this won't be coming.
That's incredibly disappointing as we're beginning to consider having guided mode work in conjunction with omnichannel routing.
Barry Neary
Hi Monica
You can use omnichannel routing and if an agent reassigns their tickets you will be able to report on that in Explore
Tobias Hermanns
Barry Neary
I also run now into limitation with Omni Channel and Guided Mode.
The Agent (Capacity 20) getting 20x Open Tickets.
They are cherry picking from open ones, open 10 at same time, ignore some for few days (still keep assignee), let SLA run red and more. You can say it´s may because of knowledge or overload scenario, but we don´t know.
For this I want to enable Guided Mode, so fill out "skip reason" of an "Open Assigned Ticket" in their queue, will give us some reason, and this reason should show up in Explore Teamleader Dashboards.
So in easy words, with Omni Channel right now, I see no option, to find out "if an Agent keep his Capacity busy" what is the reason and can force them to write it down....
Do you have a solution?
Barry Neary
Hi Tobias
We usually see issues with agents reassginging ticket to other agents, but this is the first time I have heard agents sitting on their own tickets and leaving them in Open status.
The assumption was that if an agent cannot actively work on a ticket, they would set it to Pending or On Hold. There could be Explore reports that show agents that are spending a long time in Open status and which agents they belong to?
Putting a reason on skip mode is of course another option, but given our feature priority list, we wont be able to get to that for quite a while
Barry Neary
Could you use the SLA: 'Agent work time' SLA to track how long agents are spending on tickets?
My understanding is that omni-channel routing is replacing the Play button, but when setting this up in the Sandbox and in some demo videos I've been sent, I can see omnichannel routing and the play button sitting side by side.
What's the best practice here? Reporting on skips using omnichannel routing isn't comprehensive if there's nothing stopping agents from flitting between Play mode and omnichannel.
Barry Neary
Hi D.Fitz
When it comes to using Play mode as a way of assigning tickets, yes - omnichannel routing is really a replacement for Play mode. Routing will mean that agents dont have to play through views of unassigned tickets looking for a ticket to assign to themselves
Once routing has assigned the tickets to the agents, an agent could use Play mode to work through their assigned tickets
Hi Barry,
Thanks for this.
So it's not a 1:1 replacement necessarily? We'd effectively have to remove all views so that agents can ONLY see tickets assigned to them in order to benefit from the improved reporting, is that correct?
Barry Neary
Hi D.Fitz
It really depends on your circumstance. If you have situations where you may want agents to pick up work from other groups (assuming they are not busy), then you could give them access to views that show tickets from those groups and the agents could play through those views. In this situation perhaps skipping tickets is not such a big deal.
But these agents would still be routed directly tickets that come into their group by omnichannel routing, and if they tried to reassign these then you can see that in reassignement reports in Explore
I see.
There was a comment further up the thread that suggested that the Play function was being depreciated. Presumably this isn't the case then as Omni-Channel routing seems to provide a very different function to Guided Mode?
As a side note, it's been very difficult to get to the bottom of exactly how these two functions do work side by side. Googling the issue brings you to this thread, which suggests that omnichannel routing is a direct replacement for Play mode, but the only instance I can find of this being demo'd was on a Google Drive link shared by our CS Manager. Further resources clarifying the exact relationship between these two features would be incredibly helpful.
Anastasia Kachanova
Adding my vote for reporting on Skipped tickets here.
We cannot use omnichannel routing because in one of Zendesk instances we use Chat and not messaging, this is due to the fact that our instance is multi-brand and Messaging authentication in this case cannot satisfy our needs.
We would like to have a historical reporting on tickets skipped by agents, with timestamp, ticket ID and relevant reason connected.
For us it's vital to have this reporting connected to Explore and to be natively available as Zendesk in-house solution.
It's good to know that there are 3rd party apps available on marketplace, however it's a big hassle for us to get this app approved in terms of Data Protection.
Barry Neary
Hi Anastasia Kachanova
For cases where you use Chat and Messaging across different brands you can now use comnichannel routing. see here
Anastasia Kachanova
hi Barry,
In Zendesk instance in question we use only Chat product and guided mode.
Upvoted and agree there should be a native reporting capability for skipped features.
I saw in the previous comments that Zendesk will not be dedicating resources, so will we see this feature available anytime soon?
Anastasia Kachanova
hi Zendesk,
I see we have an open ticket here awaiting our reply.
Please advise what is needed from us.
Adding PTMS Zendesk to CC.
Michael Yuen
It's a shame that reporting for skipped tickets was never fully developed before Zendesk abandoned it and moved on to omnichannel routing. Some Zendesk customers still use Chat, which precludes us from using omnichannel routing.
This means we're stuck using the rather inefficient workflow for viewing skipped tickets as I understand it--i.e., having to open and review each individual agent's user profile in Zendesk in order to see the Play only skipped tickets listed there. That's a far cry from being able to run a single report that captures all skipped tickets for all agents and the reasons for skipping--especially when you have more than 1-2 agents.
We were late but excited to discover the Play only and Skipped tickets feature--and equally disappointed to learn reporting had never been developed, nor was the option to view skipped tickets expanded beyond just Admins, 6.5 years after its original launch.