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Add "Back" step in "Flow Builder"

Posted Nov 26, 2021

Feature Request Summary: 

I would like to add a "Go back" step to "Flow Builder".

Description/Use Cases: 

Currently the "Flow Builder" does not allow to "go back to the beginning" until the end of the flow.
If a customer is in the middle of a "messaging" guide and the information is not what they want, they want to go back to the beginning of the flow immediately.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

If customers can't find the information they want in messaging, they will feel stressed and leave.
Or it leads to a never-ending volume of inquiry tickets.





Also - what's interesting is that Zendesk HAS this functionality.  They just have not released it yet.  When you request help from Zendesk, you can have multiple tickets open, and the bot presents those options in addition to the option of asking a new question.  I'm not sure why, if that feature has been in use by them for at least 6 months+, that there isn't a release date to their client base.


Simple answer, it's because it's custom code enabled by Sunshine Conversations.  To fully use that, you likely need a developer and additional SKU when you exceed a relatively small amount of MAU.


Agree this should be standard.


We need this basic function.


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Simon Blouner (midlertidig)

Community Moderator

This would be such a good feature! Please implement..


Hola necesitamos tener la opción "volver atrás" y también "Menu principal" es importante tener esto cuanto antes ya que los clientes entran en un loop sin salida, si ingresaron a una opción que no contiene la información buscada no pueden volver atrás o al menú anterior y esto genera una mala experiencia.


Adding to this - this is a necessity - Adding a Back button - call it Begin Again, Start Over - whatever is most intuitive but it is needed for all the reasons noted in the thread - 

This explanation of what was coming from ZD really doesn't answer the need for the back/start over button.  If we can train the bot to find articles, it seems you should be able to add a button allowing our customers to start their bot experience over.  This came from ZD back in 2022:

The bot building experience will be updated where you can create bot answers as a separate flow and train the bot to recognise specific phrases which the bot will direct the end-user to that particular answer flow. This way the end-user won't be stuck in the loop, they can simply ask their question and the bot will find the best match answer flow to direct the user to, taking them to their answer quickly.  We hope this update will help improve the end-user experience, helping them find their answers faster.



We need this basic function asap! We get alot of confused tickets from customers who are unsure how to proceed. 


I've moved our organisation away from Messaging for this reason back to Live Chat. 

This is extremely disappointing and frustrating and will definitely be taken into consideration for next year's planning. 


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Shiyu Zhu

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone, 

Thank you for the feedback. I want to let you know that this is a problem that the team is looking at. We will be sure to come back on this thread once we have timelines to share. Stay tuned. 



Shiyu Zhu

I'm surprised they're still considering it.
I don't think it's the kind of part that changes behavior depending on the language, and we all want this feature.


+1 to this feature. We have customers that want to be able to allow their customers to start the conversation again from the welcome message. This would be a big boost to flow builder.


I agree. This really is required functionality for a pleasant end user experience for reasons described in many of the posts here.

I also think it's unusual that Zendesk doesn't have this capability considering their focus on great customer experiences throughout all their products.

Maybe if Zendesk could share their concerns and use cases as to why they don't have this feature it might help us understand why it's not there and how we can align more to the experience the product team at Zendesk want us to build. Or maybe it's extremely hard from a technical standpoint.


My company is in the process of switching over to Zendesk messaging and I have to say this is the biggest UX problem we've encountered and its kind of mind blowing that this isn't supported. Customers can return weeks later and still be in the exact same spot of an issue they no longer need help with. Sure they can type a question to start over, but our ability to proactively surface the most useful and commonly used content to our users when they enter the experience, at the beginning of their support journey, is one of the biggest perks to using Zendesk Messaging. If that perk is only available once in the lifetime of the customer, the value of Zendesk messaging drops significantly. I would point to Kate Horners comments (from almost a year ago!) as a good starting point. Having some form of 'restart' and 'back' functionality is table stakes for a chat experience of Zendesk's scale. 

I see you've provided an update from September, so I hope you are truly prioritizing this and listening to the helpful and informative suggestions your paying customers have provided in this thread. Thank you. 


Would it be possible to receive an update? We have just switched to messaging on one our our brand and yes its annoying that you cannot go back to the previous flow.


Gonna request an update on this @... (tagging Aaron Mitchell, Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner), Simon Blouner (midlertidig) Dan Cross but can't tag Kris - not sure of which Kris to us lol!)

The last update in September didn't give much insight, so I wonder how this has progressed please - can we have some news? We want to make our messaging experience much more user friendly however our customers are still stuck in loops due to a lack of 'return'/ 'start over' feature and this is a recurring complaint for most



Hello Zendesk team, any update to this? It is causing us major complaints both internally and externally on how there is no "go back a step" or "start again" button. Our company has created a chat flow that might require stepping back many times. Please update this feature!


Adding another voice to this. Seems like a very basic functionality that should be easy to implement, exists in almost every chatbot I've seen, and has been requested for years. We really need this, Zendesk.


+1 for this feature being an absolute basic requirement for conversation bots to work in a basic form. A customer returning and seems to be stuck in the same point of the conversation. If you are trying to guide a customer through an answer flow and they select the wrong option, it's very hard for them to circle back to the same point in the conversation and they will just create a support ticket anyway.

This is a 2-year-old feature request that I was directed to via Zendesk Support today. Similar to the promised feature in Zendesk's support bot where the customer can start multiple conversation topics, it seems to be in the never-to-arrive roadmap.


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Shiyu Zhu

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone, thank you for your continued engagement on this thread and expressing your interest in this feature request. We have been excitedly working on this and other features to help you in your work and efficiency.

In an effort to keep this community informed, I wanted to share that what I wrote in September still holds true.. We continue looking into this issue. I am pleased to say that our impending release of flow linking has the potential to solve the problems of users needing to start over. With this linking feature, customers can configure the bot to either restart the current answer or return to the greetings message. This solution will cover most of the use cases mentioned in the thread.

Our plan is to release this in Q1 2024. I will return to this thread with any pertinent updates and documentation when it launches. Thank you again for providing us with your feedback and for being valuable Zendesk customers.


Absolutely basic functionality, unconceivable that is taking so long.

- User interacts with flow builder 

- Agent handover 

- Conversation ends and tickets is solved 

- Same user came into the chat and it simply reopen the existing ticket, no option to reengage with the Bot? I mean really? 

How can you even conceive a flow builder without the option of restarting the Bot after the agent handover. 

We are in the middle of Q1 2024, waiting desperately for news here.


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Jon Ross

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Antonio Naddeo, you can achieve the behaviour you are looking for by using a trigger to close the ticked when the agent moves it to Solved. Control of the conversation is passed back to the Bot when the ticket is closed. Please see this article for additional details.  Thanks! 


Dear Antonio,

A few days ago, Zendesk launched a new feature within the bot that allows users to backtrack within the flow, which may require you to readjust your flows. Here's the link to the update: Zendesk February 2024 Release Notes

Additionally, it's now possible for customers to continue navigating the bot even after creating a ticket. However, it's important to note that this operates asynchronously, meaning responses will be delivered via email.

Please keep in mind that if you're working synchronously, it's essentially an online chat where the customer creates a ticket, and if you're online, you handle the chat and interact with the customer until the case is resolved.

On the other hand, in an asynchronous setup, the customer leaves the case, continues using the bot, and you respond when available, with messages delivered via email.

We've successfully implemented this approach for several clients.

Best regards


Hi Daniel V the action recently released "link to another action" is not available after the action "agent handover". What I am trying to achieve is to restart the bot after the agent handover and after the Messaging ticket has been solved. I think the suggestion of @... of using a trigger to change the ticket status to closed, will hopefully restart the Bot conversation.  



Thank you @... the trigger does the job!


We have also implemented the "back button" and while we had to reconfigure our bot flows to add this, the one customer experience that is still not ideal for us that I would appreciate any comments on how others have made this updated feature work better:

The customer gets their help from the bot, and at the end we have a comment that says something like "Great, simply come back here and type a question if you need help later" (paraphrasing).  However, the bot conversation remains where the customer and the bot left it at and if that customer takes days, weeks to return, they may not see that last bot comment, so is there any way to configure this so after a certain time, the customer comes back and types anything, or clicks refresh (something), the bot automatically starts over so the customer is presented with the intended starting point?  

We have def made improvements since this back button update but it still is not super intuitive for the customer to just know they can type anything without us adding in really silly sounding language prompts to tell them how to get to the beginning...

Any tips/help on effective ways to navigate this is helpful!


Hi all, let me add a comment as well to tell that we need a ‘go back one step’ button, as requested by our users after implementing the conversation bot two month ago.


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