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Joined Mar 29, 2022
Last activity Jul 26, 2023
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Ronald commented,
it's insane it took me this long just to find out how to use the blocklist, from a comment way down the page.
We've been having a spam issue via webform and this was exactly what I needed. I wonder how long this functionality has existed. The support docs and End users page in the admin interface should definitely be updated to include notes about these keywords.
Edit: Ok, so now I see. The "Read more" link under the blocklist points to an article which explains the keywords:
But it's still odd that this crucial detail is buried. As far as I can tell the blocklist doesn't do anything without the keywords present.🤔
View comment · Edited Jul 26, 2023 · Ronald
Ronald commented,
Hi Joey Tabush - Yes, you should be able to accomplish this by creating a report using the Support: Updates History dataset. I already had something similar, a report where I'm looking for a specific tag related to escalation macros. So I changed things around a bit to demonstrate, I think, what you're looking for:
First create the calculated metric in the Updates History dataset. This will be how you find the tickets with the tag you're interested in. Here's what mine looks like:
IF (CONTAINS([Changes - New value], "eng_escalation_side_conversation-macro")) THEN
[Ticket ID]
Then create a report, using the calculated metric in the "Metrics" area. And in the "Rows" area of the report builder add the Update - Timestamp attribute. I added Ticket ID also which I think would probably be useful.
End result looks like this:
You'd probably also end up wanting to hid the 4th column with the ticket count. You can do that under Chart Configuration > Columns
There might be a better way to do this, but this is what I came up with from my starting point. Cheers!
Edit - For your calculated metric you may also want to add an AND condition to check if the tag was already on the ticket (below). Or you may want to do a D_COUNT. I had to experiment a bit with these for my report to find what was most appropriate for my use case. I can't exactly remember but I think subsequent updates to the ticket will re-apply all of the existing ticket tags which may necessitate the AND condition to make sure that the tag is being added for the first time to the ticket. You may need to play around with it a bit but I think this should at least get you close. Good luck!
IF (CONTAINS([Changes - New value], "eng_escalation_side_conversation-macro") AND NOT CONTAINS([Changes - Previous value], "eng_escalation_side_conversation-macro")) THEN
[Ticket ID]
View comment · Edited Jun 29, 2023 · Ronald
Ronald commented,
Hi Sarah Seiwert - I haven't set this exact thing up but I've done similar. Here's how I'd answer your q's:
For the dynamic content -- You probably have this feature but according to the ZD pricing/feature table, if you're on the "Suite Team" plan you don't have access to the DC feature. Also, I think this will still work even when it's indicating a JSON error in the editor so this part, I believe, is optional. But here's how to do it. Navigate to the dynamic content by going to:
Workspaces > Dynamic Content > Add Item
And then create an item that looks like this:
Now you can reference this DC item as placeholder in the JSON body like this:
So everything you put into the dynamic content item will be inserted into the request body in place of where the {{dc.thanks_solver}} placeholder is referenced.
As for authentication, you need to use the actual email address of the Zendesk account. It's advisable to use a service account, rather than an account of an actual member of the team, for authenticating Zendesk webhooks and potentially other third party integrations. It's easier to tell that an integration user or service account has made the update when you can name the account making the update something like "Zendesk Integration User".
View comment · Edited Jun 05, 2023 · Ronald
Ronald commented,
This seems like a dumb question but that won't stop me - How do I create a report for reply times, inclusive of all agent replies, not just first reply time?
I'm not only interested in first reply time average/median but also average reply time for all replies. I was expecting this to be a default metric but the only reply time metrics I can find are "first reply time". It seems like I have to create a custom calculated metric for this? Any guidance would be appreciate.
View comment · Posted May 15, 2023 · Ronald
Ronald commented,
I have an issue where Drill In works perfectly fine in the report itself and when I'm viewing the report from a dashboard when I'm in dashboard edit mode. But when I attempt to Drill In on the same report on the same dashboard from the normal Dashboard read only viewing mode the Drill In modal doesn't populate with data.
When I Drill Into the report on the dashboard when I'm not in dashboard edit mode the modal opens, the little data loading thingee spins briefly, and then the Export button activates. But the Drill In data never populates in the modal itself.
I have tried removing the report from the dashboard and re-adding it but it continues to do the same thing. Any ideas what I can do to resolve this?
View comment · Posted May 09, 2023 · Ronald
Ronald commented,
Ronald commented,
I would like to add formatting to the last two metrics in my table. These are total and rate metrics which are computed from the other metrics in the table.
Apparently I can't format these because "Advanced display format is not available with result metrics."
This is unfortunate for me because these are the only rows that I want to format. Seems like the result metrics representing totals would always be the most probable candidates for conditional formatting, so this limitation is particularly odd.
View comment · Posted May 08, 2023 · Ronald
Ronald commented,
My groups page looks different as of about a week ago. It's no longer ordered alphabetically but rather kind of reverse alphabetically with the exception of two groups whose positions in the list appears to be random. I also don't have the ability to re-order this page. I'm hoping the are more updates coming for this page. 🙏
View comment · Edited May 08, 2023 · Ronald
Ronald commented,
Nana Puccetti An approach you could explore would be using javascript to hide articles rather than permissioning the content with the proper user segment memberships.
You could add a custom Organization field (checkbox) called something like "hide content". When the checkbox is checked it would set a tag like hide_content on the Organization. Or set a user tag but it would probably be easier to do this at the Org level if possible.
Then you'd add a function to the script.js file of your help center. The function would check the HelpCenter object looking for the specified Org tag (or user tag) hide_content. If it finds that tag in the current user's HelpCenter object you can then hide the URL of the articles based on a partial string match of the article URL using jQuery hide method.
Here's an article that goes into some of this in more detail:
It's a bit more of a workaround than a proper solution but it works and once it's setup it's really not very hard to maintain.
Edit - I just realized that article is quite old but I've successfully used this approach in Zendesks for the past 10 years in various forms. I don't think this configuration is "officially supported" by Zendesk but sometimes it has been the only way to accomplish certain things.
View comment · Edited Apr 28, 2023 · Ronald
Ronald commented,
Hi Kavi, Raghu --
Yes and no but I would say mostly yes. I think it really depends on what you need to accomplish in terms of content permissions and how you intend to onboard end-users into the support environment.
Here's a little more about my use case and approach -
SaaS product with two distinct support cohorts: Application Support and Operational Support users. More specifically, users of the application itself and the support teams who support the consumer services built in the SaaS product.
So that's two User Segments - Application Support & Ops Support
In the Zendesk Organization I've added two checkboxes: one that adds a tag for application support content and one that adds a tag for ops support content. And built the user segments off the presence of those tag(s). And then users in these organizations inherit their content permissions based on the permissions set on the organizational level. Since I'm defining the user segments on the tags set on the organizations rather than by the organizations themselves the 50 orgs per segment limitation is a lot less problematic.
Things become a bit more complicated when I need to onboard a new account which has some users that should see only Application Support content and some users that should see the Ops Support content. For these organizations I have to use user fields to add the appropriate tags to inform the content segment memberships. That's not ideal but since I have to do a bulk import anyway I can set the user fields accordingly during the bulk import.
Another use case we have is hiding content that is specific to beta features that are not available to all accounts (organizations) yet. For those I thought I might not need to a new tagging concept as we may not ever have more than 50 organizations in a beta at any given time. But if we did, the 50 orgs wouldn't be a limitation -- just have to be very thoughtful about how to use org tags and/or user tags to define the content segments.
View comment · Edited Apr 04, 2023 · Ronald