Using standalone skills-based routing

Edited Jun 21, 2024




When will skills be able to be leveraged in triggers? 


Hi Khajik, 
I don't have an answer for you, so I think this question is best posed in our Product Feedback forums. Does this existing product feedback thread capture your need? If so, please upvote and add any further comments you have here: Ability to update Skills from macros or triggers
If not, then here's the place to post your use case: Feedback - Ticketing System (Support) -- use this template so our product team can understand your needs. Thanks!


How do I remove the Skills dropdown on tickets/agents if we are not using Skills right now? I added it to test it out for a couple days, but it does not fit with our workflows. Now I need to remove it, but cannot seem to do so. 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Hope,
To remove the Skills dropdown field from within a ticket UI:
  1.  First, you'll have to go to Admin Center > click Objects and rules > Business rules > Skills
  2. On the Skills page, click the Configuration (gear) icon on the left side of the New skill type button
  3. Next, as mentioned in #2 of To configure the skills field visibility options, select No one (disabled) in the dropdown menu, then click the Save button
Once you refresh your Zendesk instance and open an existing ticket, the Skills dropdown field should disappear within the ticket UI.
While, if you want to delete an existing Skill type:
  1. From the same Skills page, click on the three-dotted icon on the right side of the New skill button, and choose the Delete option in the dropdown menu
  2. Lastly, from the pop-up message, click on the Delete skill type button
Hope this helps!


That did it! It takes a couple minutes to take effect, but when I checked it 15 minutes later it was removed. Thank you!


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all


We have now released skills in omnichannel routing, including

- the ability to change skills on a ticket using a trigger

- route tickets from all channels to agents based on skills




I see the ability to route tickets for messaging on our Sandbox and Production.  But I don't see 'the ability to change skills on a ticket using a trigger' on either our Sandbox or Production.  Can you elaborate on this how we can see this?



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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

HI Denise Sehlmeyer

We are looking into this... will post here when I have an answer


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Denise Sehlmeyer

We can see the skills section in your prod instance - I will email you what we see




I'll look for your email, as I know we have a skills section.  What I didn't see is ability to use the skills as a condition within Triggers per your "the ability to change skills on a ticket using a trigger" as being available now.  When I'm creating a new trigger and I try to find 'skills' within any of the conditions, it's not available.  I do see it under actions add/set/remove.  So will there be the ability to also use them as conditions within triggers?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Denise Sehlmeyer

Skills are only currently available as actions on a trigger rather than conditions of the trigger. 

We may in the future add them as conditions , but thats not in this years roadmap




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