I requested CSV file but haven't received the download link in my email yet.
If you haven't received the data export zip file containing the data report(s) via email, you can download the file by going to Admin Center > Account > Tools > Reports, click latest.
Data export must be enabled by Zendesk for your account. You also need to have permission to export account data as an admin or agent with a custom role. If you do not see this option, your account owner can contact Zendesk Customer Support to enable it. For more information, see the article: How do I enable exports?
Cathy Grim
Thanks but the 'latest' is from a week ago - no luck!
Thank you for reaching out and for your patience while we are dealing with a high support request volume.
Upon closely partnering with my team, we were able to determine that there's an issue related to your concern. While we are aware of the problem and our Development team are investigating, your report really helps us understand the scope of the problem. I will go ahead and mark this ticket as an incident related to the original problem and let you know as soon as we have an update from them!
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you or your customers, and thank you for your patience.
This request was closed and merged into request #11319833 "CSV export is not generating..."...".
Jack Yumulu
Hi, I requested CSV file but haven't received the download link in my email yet and it's been 1 hour and 23 minutes.. is there another incident at the moment?