Zendesk Explore features a prebuilt dashboard named Team Publishing that helps you understand your team activity in Guide. The dashboard can help you understand when articles are created, published, edited and more. Additionally, you can use the dashboard to help you understand how your agents are participating in the content creation process.
You can edit and customize the Team Publishing dashboard by cloning it (see Cloning Explore dashboards).
The information in Explore dashboards is updated on a schedule. The schedule depends on which Explore plan you are using. For details, see Data refresh intervals for Explore reporting.
Accessing the Team Publishing dashboard
Use the following procedure to access the Team Publishing dashboard.
To access the Team Publishing dashboard
- In Zendesk Support, open the product tray.
- From the list of products, click Analytics. Explore opens and displays the dashboard library.
- From the list of dashboards, click the Zendesk Guide dashboard.
- In the Guide dashboard, click the Team Publishing tab tab.Tip: If you don't have Team Publishing, the tab won't be displayed.
Understanding the Team Publishing dashboard reports
The Team Publishing dashboard shows information about Team Publishing activities like created, edited, and published articles, You can filter the reports by time, agent name, and article brand.
Team Publishing dashboard headline metrics
The dashboard contains the following headline metrics (KPIs):
- Articles created: Displays the number of new articles that were created.
- Articles edited: Displays the number of articles that were edited.
- Articles published: Displays the number of articles that were published.
- Articles submitted for review: Displays the number of articles that were submitted to another person for review.
- Articles approved: Displays the number of articles that were approved for publication.
- Articles assigned: Displays the number of articles that were assigned to another person.
- Articles verified: Displays the number of articles that were verified as being up to date.
- Articles unverified: Displays the number of articles awaiting verification.
Team Publishing dashboard reports
The dashboard displays the following reports:
Creation and updates: Displays the number of articles created,
published, and edited over the chosen time period.
Review status and assignments: Displays the review status of your
articles over the chosen time period including articles submitted for review
and approved articles.
- Verification: Displays the number of verified and unverified articles over the chosen time period.
Agent activity detailed view: Displays detailed Team publishing
activity for all of your agents including the number of articles created,
edited, and published and details of articles they have submitted for
review.Note: This report excludes events that have a null value for the Agent name attribute. Null values occur when an agent has been deleted, or when a system user performs a publishing event on behalf of an agent (such as when an agent schedules an article for publication).
Lauren Ward
Hi all, is there a way to see the number of articles that were both created and published? I'd like to get the number of articles created and published within a certain time period, and there doesn't appear to be a way to do this with the built-in variables listed above.
Russell Chee
Hey Lauren,
Thanks for reaching out, I hope you are doing well! When it comes to tracking both "articles created" and "articles published" within a certain period of time, you should be able to add them together by using a Result Metric Calculation. Alternatively you can create a calculated metric that uses both but you'll need to use an OR condition as these two metrics are actually looking at the same event attribute with different values, therefore the same attribute can't have both values at the same time. I hope this helps, let us know if you need anything else, take care!
Lauren Ward
Thanks for your response @.... That's not quite what I meant, though; I should've been clearer. I'd like to know the explicit count of articles that were created & then published within the same time period. My goal is to get a total count of articles published during a time period and be able to splice that into "new" and "updated" buckets. I.e., new articles published + updated articles published = ALL published articles. There doesn't appear to be a way to find this in the native metrics or by using a calculated attribute or metric, due to the way these events are tracked. Perhaps I'm missing something though? Please advise, thanks so much!
Russell Chee
Hey Lauren,
Thanks so much for reaching back and clarifying a little bit more about what you are looking for. In your particular case, I have consulted our Explore team about this and they have mentioned that there may be a way to build this but it would involve using customised metrics. To set expectations, because this is a custom metric any troubleshooting around it is outside the scope of support that our Zendesk Advocates can provide.
Having said that, to do something like you have mentioned, you would copy the metrics for created and published articles, then create them as attributes whilst using the IF THEN ELSE function where you would replace [Event ID] with [Event - Timestamp]. From there, you would do a date_diff of the two attributes with your preferred time value.
Hopefully this gets you pointed in the right direction and all the best with building this!
Lauren Ward
Hi @..., thanks so much for your response and suggestion. I'll give that a try! Really appreciate it.
Richard Dawson
Lauren Ward were you able to figure out the formula? I'm looking to report the same metrics. Would you be willing to share the formula?
Leonard Porrello
Could you tell me what’s going on in Zendesk analytics with “Articles created” and “Articles edited” versus “Articles published”? My Articles published number is greater than the sum of my Articles created and Articles edited. It seems like the numbers should add up. I have a fixed time-frame and am the only Agent selected.
Balasubramanian Mahadevan
Is there a way where we can get the details of articles published by each team member using Team Dashboards?
Nick Tucci
Could we get a more detailed definition of "articles edited"? If "articles created" is counting the action of adding a new article and saving it, and "articles published" counts the action of any article being published, does "edited" = the action of previously saved/published articles being edited and saved again, but NOT published?
Articles published can include any articles that has been unpublished and published will be counted again especially if you have additional attributes like Agent Name.
Hi Balasubramanian,
For the default Zendesk Guide > Team Publishing Dashboard you will only have the capability to filter specific Agent Names. However, you can create your own query for you use case. You can refer to Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Guide.
Chris Sinclair
Why can't you report this activity per group? Looking to create/manage a content creation/update SLA but there is no way to show the activity per group ('team')
Christophe Tiraboschi
Groups are more of a Support concept than a Guide one, so the Guide: Team Publishing dataset is not built this way.
As a workaround, you can create an attribute to break agents into different teams of your choosing. This grouped attribute would need to be computed from the Agent name attribute.
You can find more information on how to proceed in this article:
I hope this helps!
Bill Decker
Can someone confirm if my interpretation of the following is correct?
Your interpretation is mostly correct:
I hope that helps!
Sabine Hanna
Hi, is there a way of showing which agents have been assigned to review articles in Explore? The only thing I can see at the moment tells me who has assigned articles out (the sender, so to speak) but not who has been assigned to review (the receiver). I would have thought the latter is the more interesting info when it comes to monitoring review activities. Any suggestions how I could incorporate this into a report?
Anelise Leishman
Also interested to know the answer to Sabine's question above. The
Translations assigned
andTranslation assignments
metrics both count towards the person who assigned the article, not the assignee, which seems odd.0