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Installing and configuring the Salesforce app for Zendesk Support

Edited Mar 21, 2025




I was informed by Zendesk support that the app is EOL and there will not be any ongoing development.

That said, are there any plans to replace the app or open the code?


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

@... - What you've mentioned would be news to me. I'm thinking there may have been some confusion on the part of the support person to whom you spoke - potentially confusing our sidebar app (which isn't getting a ton of active development at the moment, but isn't EOL that I'm aware of) and the legacy integration app installed within Salesforce.

I've not been able to find a record of that conversation you had with our support team, but I'll reach out to you to discuss this in a ticket to collect some more details and help to get to the bottom of this.


I've got the app installed in my SFDC sandbox and I am already logged in to my SFDC sandbox but when I try to connect from the Zendesk integrations page I get this error:

{"errors":[{"status":"400","code":"1301","detail":" : oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request\nResponse: {\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_description\":\"ip restricted\"}"}]}

Please advise if this is something on my end or not. 


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

heyO @...

I suspect that the error_description of "ip restricted" may be connected. Do you know if there are any IP restrictions present in your SFDC instance? If this doesn't appear to be the case, I recommend contacting our support team directly so that someone can take a closer look.


please can you add the screens - how the Salesforce right side panel looks like?

I havent been able to find any screenshot  - before we start trying to integrate ZD & Salesforce it would be great to have an overview from an AGENT point of view (how the work can look like) - I am mostly interested in the customer data fields (synced from Salesforce) and if there is a possibility to adjust some customer fields (not ticket fields) in Zendesk and have it synced to Salesforce...

I am referring to this statement (the last paragraph in the article)

To view Salesforce information from a Zendesk ticket

With a ticket open in Zendesk, click the Apps button on the upper-right side of the ticket page. The Salesforce app is displayed in the right sidebar.


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Tomáš Petržilka

Good feedback! I will raise a ticket to our documentation team to add some screenshots of how the app actually looks when in use. 

In the meantime, I recommend checking out our Salesforce Integration Video Guides which include this video specifically about the sidebar app


Dwight, thnx and please any info about the possibility to edit customer data by agents in Zendesk and have it synced to Salesforce? (from the agent right side panel)



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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Bi-directional syncing is something the team has definitely considered. I'll mention it to make sure they know there are still folks interested in that, but to get additional weight of consideration, I recommend posting on our Product Feedback forum so that other folks can vote in support of that idea or potentially provide workarounds for it if they've found any.


Can you please add ability for agent to refresh the data presented?

I dont want to keep pinging Salesforce due to API calls limits.

I want 1 initial pull, then if i gathered more info / or updated some key fields, then as an agent i want to manually pull data from Salesforce.

ANy idea when this would / could be done?


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Anika Rani

Zendesk Product Manager

Fabien Diakhate you can request to have the refresh rate reduced down to 15 minutes (it is 60 minutes by default). For an agent to refresh the data, they can simply refresh Zendesk Support page. What you described can be done, however, we don't currently have any plans to support this. 



Does the Salesforce for Zendesk app support showing checkboxes? When I configure settings for the app, I can select the checkbox field in the app (to show), but when viewing a end user/SF contact record in Zendesk (they have the checkbox selected), it doesn't show anything in the app in the ticket app sidebar.

See below:


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

heyO Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)

If a checkbox is in the settings for a given object and is checked within SFDC, I'm seeing a value of "true" in my test account. 

is it possible that you'd changed the checkbox in SFDC within the last 60 minutes? If so, you may be running into the caching timeframe. If you're still not seeing the value more than 60 minutes later, please contact support so that we can look into your case more closely....


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

One other thing to note is that if the checkbox is FALSE, it doesn't appear to show up. This feels like it's designed to be in alignment with the behavior of fields which lack values - if a field is empty, we don't display it in the sidebar app. 


Hi, When mapped where should I see the information from Salesforce on Zendesk ?

I note that is says "You can't map a Salesforce field to a custom user field or a custom organization field for record lookup."

However the fields used in the example above I cannot find in fields on Zendesk.

Any help would be much appreciated.





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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Joe - I recommend contacting support for help with this, as I'm not certain I follow your question and it'll likely be faster to chat with someone directly. We can circle back here to post our findings/update documentation afterwards.


Hi there, tried to sync up to SF but get this error message, any ideas what could be the issue?


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Adam Martin - that's often the result of a timeout due to fetching more fields than SFDC can return within our timeout window. For more info please see 


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Dan R.

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Are there any options to reduce the caching time for the Support app to below 15 minutes? We have cases where tickets are on the wrong org and after an agent changes the org, they can't pull customer data for 15 minutes, which is an absolute eternity if the customer's on the phone.

Being able to shorten that to either live fetch, or 2 or 5 minutes would be huge! 

Or being able to manually trigger a refresh from the agent's side if needed


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Dan R. - the 15-minute caching time is the shortest setting option we allow. 

One workaround might be to look up the Account information through the Contact record as shown here:
if the user can be matched to a Contact based on their email address and that Contact would belong to the correct account.

I know that the cache gets reset whenever changes are made to the set of mapped fields.  As such, another potential workaround (albeit a bit cumbersome) would be to alter the field-mappings when you know the referenced Account is inaccurate. Adding any field (or removing any) should force a fresh lookup.


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Dan R.

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hey Dwight,

Thanks for the quick reply and suggestions. Unfortunately, I can't give my agents admin access to manage the integration to do that.  

If we took the Contact -> Account route though, a few questions:

What happens if the Contact has relations to multiple accounts? What if only some are synced to Zendesk?
What happens if the Contact doesn't exist in SFDC? Is no data displayed at all?

I am unsure either of these would work unfortunately, we really do need to be able to force a refresh agent-side. We understand there's potential API call impacts to our SFDC instance but we can manage those and there's certainly a CSAT impact for support when we can't pull customer data for 15 minutes.


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Dan - happy to speak to those questions as best I can here:

What happens if the Contact has relations to multiple accounts?
The relationship that matters is the main account/contact relationship: within the Contact object this is stored within the AccountId field. If there are multiple contacts each related to a different account, the side bar app can display up to 5 records. 

What if only some are synced to Zendesk?
Syncing and the sidebar app are independent in this case; whether those accounts are synced over would have no bearing on the ability of the sidebar app to find contacts (and by extension, their related account) 

What happens if the Contact doesn't exist in SFDC? Is no data displayed at all?
That's correct.

I recommend posting on our Product Feedback forum if the current functionality doesn't meet your needs. This allows other users to vote in support of your post which helps our Product Managers to prioritize future development in this area.


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Dan R.

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Cheers, I'll go do that, thanks so much Dwight!


I just want to confirm that in order to pull over Opportunity details that the contact must be marked as the "primary" on that opportunity. We just found this out by testing a few out that wouldn't pulling over. 


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Lauren Giblin - I suspect that might depend on which field is used to relate those opportunities to Contacts. It's also possible to look up the Opportunity object directly (depending on which fields are available within the ticket). I recommend contacting our support team if you've got questions about the specific configuration within your Zendesk instance.


Is there any way to request that the related record cap (5) is removed? We are wanting to show what products our customers have purchased and Emergency Contacts. Salesforce is our source of truth for these items. We have more than 5 products and Emergency Contacts on our Accounts.


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Janet Holyoak

I believe that's a firm limit at the moment. The filters (documented above) can help ensure you see the most relevant 5 records, but I realize that's small comfort if you really need to see more records. I recommend adding that feedback on the need for fetching a larger set of objects within so that others can vote in support of this idea, as I can definitely see a use-case there. 


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Sorry for a bit of runaround on this: I see that you reached out to our Support team and they suggested you post herein. I'm going to huddle up with folks to see where the best place for such feedback is to make sure we (Support folks) are all on the same page. 


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Today I learnt that there is a forum specifically for providing feedback on our platform/integrations: - please feel free to post these ideas for improvements there in the future!


Hi, is there any update on removing the 5 related record cap? It was mentioned this was going to be included in the roadmap for 2024.


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Karan Shah

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey everyone,

We’ve released the upgraded version of the Salesforce app for Zendesk Support, which includes several enhancements. Here are a few highlights:

  • App configuration is now located in the Admin Center.
  • Flexible caching duration and on-demand caching options.
  • Improved user experience for the app.
  • Increased display limit for related objects from 5 to 10 records.

For more details on the changes to the integration, please refer to the GA announcement.

Karan Shah


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