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Analyzing your Support ticket activity and agent performance

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025





We're currently using Zendesk Chat, and thinking about upgrading. Is there anyway to monitor the customer's chat queue position when a chat is accepted by one of our agents? Basically, are we able to monitor if chats are being handled in a first-in-first-out capacity?



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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Sam,

Not after the fact, no, but on the Chat home page, you will be able to see that a customer initiated a chat and which agent they were served by (and which agent didn't accept the chat). That last part depends on whether you're going to set your Zendesk Chat on broadcast or 1 agent at a time chat offering.


I'm trying to create a table using full resolution time brackets but no matter what I do the order is showing as 

when it definitely should be showing as 

hours to days not with 5-24 hours out of order. I've tried all sorts of 'sorting' options and nothing seems to work 

the query has them in the right order but that doesnt seem to stick when shown in the table itself

IF (VALUE(Full resolution time (min)) <= 60*5)
THEN "0-5 hrs"
ELIF (VALUE(Full resolution time (min))>60*5 AND VALUE(Full resolution time (min)) <= 60*24)
THEN "5-24 hrs"
ELIF (VALUE(Full resolution time (min))>60*24 AND VALUE(Full resolution time (min)) <= 60*24*7)
THEN "1-7 days"
ELIF (VALUE(Full resolution time (min))>60*24*7 AND VALUE(Full resolution time (min)) <= 60*24*30)
THEN "7-30 days"
ELIF (VALUE(Full resolution time (min)) > 60*24*30)
THEN ">30 days"
ELSE " Unsolved"


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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Yarden Abukasis, one way you can do this is with renamed and ordered sets. There's a great example in this article:
I hope this helps!


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

I have a question around the Satisfaction tab-- is the time filter on this tab looking for a good or bad CSAT rating on the date the rating was given by the customer or is it looking for the date the ticket was solved?

The reason I'm confused is the Date Filter is checked for date solved and date updated ?!? What does that mean exactly please?


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Also reading through comments on other strings, I'm finding that Chat CSAT timestamps swing over to Explore a little off - and can skew results.  I've validated that on an account I'm working on -- a report run for a week Sunday to Saturday had to be backed up a day to capture the chat data correctly (Sat to Friday). Can anyone confirm regarding the chat csats being a little different?


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Eric Gao

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Heather,

The Satisfaction tab, as well as the default satisfaction queries in Explore, will be looking at the ticket solved date (rather than the CSAT rated date). Explore currently does not have a native attribute for the CSAT rated date.

As for the Chat CSATs, if you're comparing the data from Chat Analytics with Explore, the former will be in the account timezone whereas the latter will be in your user profile timezone. You'll observe a similar time shift in data if the two timezones are different.

Warm Regards,

Eric G. Gao | Technical Support Architect | Zendesk


Hi there,

Can anyone help as to how Zendesk calculates their satisfaction rating in a scenario below:

Agent Dave works on 100 tickets assigned to him in the past 3 months and suddenly he receives 1 badly rated ticket and say all 100 tickets were rated as Good and only that one ticket was rated bad. My questions are:

1./ What would be agent Dave's CSAT % with that 1 badly rated ticket?
2./ What is the general formula like in calculating the % CSAT if there badly rated tickets?

Be glad to hear your answers on the above soonest! Thanks!


Hello @...,

So the %satisfaction score that has been created by Zendesk as a metric in the Explore product is calculated based on this:

COUNT(Good satisfaction tickets)/COUNT(Rated satisfaction tickets)

So is a count of good ratings divided by all rated tickets (good+bad).

So in Dave's case if he has 100 tickets worked in the last 3 months. All of them received a rating from the customer. 99 were rated Good and 1 was bad then your calculation for csat will be 99/100 (good/all rated) which will be 99%.

Let me know if this answers to you question.

Have a great day!



Hi @...,

Thank you for the response, if say out of all 100 tickets only 1 ticket was rated bad and the rest of the 99 were not rated, what would the % CSAT be then since there is no good rated ticket?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jee,

Good question. Since the formula for %satisfaction score is "COUNT(Good satisfaction tickets)/COUNT(Rated satisfaction tickets)", which in this case would be 0/1, then the satisfaction score of the agent would be 0.

Hope this clarified it for you. Cheers!

Marco M. | Zendesk Support


I have question regarding the satisfaction tab.

How can I get the individual CSAT ratings for my agents from this tab? The Tab only shows the CSAT for the entire team. Is there a way I can break this down to individual CSAT scores?

Thank you!


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Temiloluwa,
Thanks for reaching us!
As you can see, the default Dashboard in Support does not have a filter per agent within the Satisfaction tab. In order to achieve this, you will need to be subscribed to an Explore plan that allows you to create custom queries and then you can follow up on this Explore recipe: Reporting on customer satisfaction by agent.
I hope it helps!


Hi Gabriel,

Thanks for your reply. Indeed I already created custom query for this in Explore.

I was just looking for the possibility of seeing the CSAT per agent from the Satisfaction tab rather than having to create a separate query for it. If this is not a possibility, then I'll just have to make do with the query I already created.

Thanks again.



Can someone help me understand how you can have a 100% SLA achievement and 2 SLA breached tickets at the same time, as in the example above?

I get this kind of stats quite a lot and fail to understand.



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Zendesk Engineering

It will depend on what target you are looking at. For example, if the breached SLA is regarding Next Reply Time and you are looking into the First Reply Time data (not breached), you'll definitely see that the SLA target for it is still at 100%.


No SLA tab showing on my Support dashboard even though SLAs are enabled


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Larry,

It appears that you already raised a ticket related to this. Kindly check your email for updates. Thank you!



How is "SLA achievement rate" calculated? 


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Anne Ronalter

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Aaron,

it is calculated by the percentage of tickets that met the SLA from the total number of SLA tickets.
The SLA achievement rate is calculated using metrics "SLA tickets" and "Breached SLA tickets"

I was able to achieve it using this formula:  
(D_COUNT(SLA tickets)-D_COUNT(Breached SLA tickets))/D_COUNT(SLA tickets)





wondering why we not have the satisfaction nor SLA tabs


Hi Dave,
Please double-check CSAT feature is enabled in your instance.
If the tab still does not appear, I encourage you to raise a ticket to our Customer Support.


How do I see the comments users left? In the Zendesk Support Dashboard in Explore I can see that some of the respondents left a comment, how do I see what they said?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Andres,
As mentioned in this article

Explore doesn't capture the content of ticket comments. This was intentionally designed to optimize the performance consistency and scalability of Explore for all Zendesk customers.

If you use the Ticket ID attribute in your report, you can access individual tickets and check their comments by selecting the ticket ID in the table visualization.


An alternative workaround is to create a custom multi-line text field. The agents can then manually copy and paste the comment into the ticket field and report upon that custom field in Explore.


Is it possible at all to use Group SLAs to calculate a counter of "real time" spent within that SLA? What I mean is that let's say my Group Ownership time SLA is 10 minutes. How can I calculate, on average, how long handle time actually is for that group?


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Ivan Miquiabas

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Laura, 
Thanks for reaching out! 
I believe your goal will be met with this update, 
The product team is currently rolling out an enhancement to Group SLAs so you'll now be able to specify more conditions in your group SLA policies than just the group alone.
That means more flexibility to put more appropriate targets on group ownership time based on the type of ticket being handled.
More info below:
Hope that helps! 


Hello Zendesk support, I have a question regarding the “SLA active tickets” metric. For example, for the month of June 2024, I see we had 186 SLA active tickets. Does this number just mean that, in June, 186 tickets had an SLA applied? Because it's confusing for us, as it seems like we still have 186 tickets with an unachieved SLA, but all of them were achieved instead. When I drill in, I see that 0 tickets have an active SLA. 
So I guess that metric just indicates how many tickets in total had an SLA applied, even though they're now all achieved? Thanks.


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James G

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Ilaria, 
The report SLA active tickets utilizes the metric "Active SLA tickets" which counts the tickets meeting the following criteria: 
- An SLA policy has been applied to the ticket. 
- At least one SLA metric within that policy has been activated for the ticket. 3
- The activated SLA metric is ongoing, meaning it has not yet been fulfilled, regardless of whether it is in breach.
Please note that this report might also include tickets that were deleted with active SLA targets. 


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