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How can I bulk delete spam tickets in Zendesk?

Edited Dec 04, 2024




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Devan La Spisa

Zendesk Community Manager

Hello @...,

You can find the option to grant agents these permissions under the Admin icon, select Settings > Agents, then click Agents Can Delete Tickets. For further help, see Enabling agents delete tickets. Let us know if this doesn't prove useful, and we'll be happy to assist. 

Best regards. 


Hi there!

If anyone is still looking for bulk deletion of tickets, there is a GDPR Compliance app in Zendesk marketplace. It allows creating ticket lists by criteria and deleting the whole list altogether. So, you won't need to erase each ticket one by one. 

Hope this was helpful! 


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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Hey team! Just a few side notes regarding these recommendations:

"Automations run hourly and can perform an action to close these tickets. Although this option doesn't delete the tickets, it places them into a closed status and removes them from your live ticket queues."

It's true but these simple steps may not prevent the spam tickets from appearing under what are valid reporting filters in Explore (or any other tool). The best option, if possible, is to modify the spam ticket's Brand and Group (even form for the most zealous). So if you have a brand set for internal docs or something like that, you can use it to 'host' all these spam tickets so that your main brands' reporting isn't affected.

"The automation can also be configured to add a spam tag to the ticket. (...)  Perform these actions: Ticket: Set tags | spam"

⚠️ The action "set tags" (as opposed to "add tags") literally removes any other tags in the ticket, which might not be desirable, even if a spam ticket ⚠️

Lastly, depending on how we organize our processes, we may not want to set the status as Closed, as the tickets become uneditable.

Let's say that later on we wish to add another specific tag (eg. "jira_zen123") referencing the JIRA issue where the case was documented, and to properly identify a specific occurrence of spam tickets. If the ticket is Closed, you can't, so probably better to just solve and ensure you disable satisfaction surveys, notifications, etc.



We receive a really large amount of spam every day. The subject contains, for example:
There is nothing in the body of the email. The email domain is different every time. The only thing they have in common is that "qun39" is part of the string in the subject of the email, but it's not a separate word, so the article description apparently didn't work and I can't set up the automation. Please advise how to solve this.


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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Hey Zbyněk Čepera, coincidentally enough a client of mine was spammed by what looks like the same crew very recently... The subject follows the same pattern as yours, the only difference was that our tickets do have a description/comment:

Regarding the process, mine is just an example of how to tackle this but here it goes.

The main objective is to resolve these, mark them as spammers, and prevent these tickets from appearing in any relevant dashboard or report by moving them to an admins-only Brand in Zendesk.

1) We'll set up a specific Organization for these cases (take note of its ID because you'll need it):

2) Then - if you haven't got one already - create a webhook to update the Requester by using the endpoint{{}}.json

3) We'll now create our trigger:

In my client's case, either the Subject or Descripton always include "咖" and/or "80咖qun" and/or "咖qun" (some cases didn't have the '80'). I could've just left the last string as it would consider the one containing '80' but I'm extra cautious when doing these things.

The trigger conditions (under ALL):

And its actions:

The JSON body of the API request is:

  "user": {
  "organization_id": [your spammer organization ID here],
    "suspended": true

This means we'll be accomplishing what we set out to do:

  • ✔️ Identify and mark these cases as spam
  • ✔️ Resolve these tickets and ensure they don't clutter the agent Views
  • ✔️ Prevent these tickets from appearing in any relevant dashboard in Explore (by reassigning them to non-reportable Brands/Groups)

Adapt the trigger I shared accordingly, of course. By the way, to address the issue regarding previously created (existing) tickets remember that you can use an automation with identical conditions/actions.

EDIT: deleting instead of preserving. In the example above we're keeping the tickets in the account (as there are Chinese users, and although highly unlikely, it could happen that some day the conditions match a legitimate ticket). You can obviously just delete them all immediately using the API, of course.

Hope this helps, good luck 💪


There is no way to trigger an automation based on  a string appearing in the Requester name. This should be added as spammers make use of this field


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