Using your views, you can make ticket updates to many tickets at the same time. For example, if you want to assign yourself to a number a tickets, you just select them in a view and then set yourself as the assignee. You can also delete, merge, or mark as spam the selected tickets. If you navigate to different pages, your tickets will remain selected.
Topics covered in this article:
Bulk updating tickets
The maximum number of tickets you can update at one time is 100 tickets. You cannot bulk update closed tickets. You can bulk update most of the same properties as an individual ticket, including ticket status, fields, subject, and comments.
For information about how specifying a default X (formerly Twitter) account affects bulk ticket updates, read about the Make this the default account setting described in Setting up your X (formerly Twitter) channel.
To update multiple tickets in a view
- Open one of your views and select the tickets you want to update.
You can pick and choose the tickets you want to update or select the entire list by clicking the check box at the top left of the view.
When you select one or more tickets in a view, a toolbar appears at the bottom of the list.
- Click Edit.
- In Edit tickets you can update ticket properties and add a comment for all of
the tickets you selected.
To help with accessibility, you can use keyboard navigation to select toolbar menu items and apply formatting before submitting the comment.
You can also apply a macro to all the tickets by selecting it from the Apply Macro menu. If you apply a macro that includes attachments to ticket comments, the attachments will not be included in the bulk update.
Note: If you bulk update tickets by applying a macro that uses dynamic content or placeholders in the ticket subject, then the updated tickets' subjects will be saved with the bracketed version of the subject. For example,{{}}
may display in the subject instead ofMarch 2, 2023
.Most active ticket fields (including system fields, custom ticket fields, custom ticket statuses, and conditional ticket fields) display in the Edit tickets dialog box during a bulk update, regardless of the ticket forms applied to the selected tickets. However, the bulk editor doesn't support CC, followers, or @mentions.
For example, if you attempt to @mention someone from the bulk editor, the text in the comment remains plain text, and the person isn't CCed on the ticket. There's also no visible fields for CCs or followers in the bulk editor. You also can't use the bulk editor to apply macros that have an action to add a CC. The CC will not be added if the macro is applied this way.
- Click Submit to save your ticket updates.
When you make bulk updates to tickets (edit, delete, merge, or mark as spam), the event is recorded as a Web Service (API) update. See the example below. If you have triggers based on Ticket: Updated via conditions, make sure you take this into account.
Bulk deleting tickets
You can select multiple tickets in a view and delete them at the same time. Deleting a single ticket is described in Deleting tickets.
Once deleted, tickets are moved into a Deleted Tickets view, where you can restore them or permanently delete them. After 30 days deleted tickets are permanently deleted and removed from the Deleted Tickets view. You cannot bulk delete Closed tickets. For details, see Deleting tickets.
To delete multiple tickets in a view
- Open one of your views and select the tickets you want to delete.
You can pick and choose the tickets you want to delete or select the entire list by clicking the check box at the top left of the view.
- Select Delete from the toolbar at the bottom of the list.
- When prompted, click OK to confirm that you want to delete the tickets, which are then moved into the Deleted Tickets view.
Bulk merging tickets
You can select multiple tickets in a view and merge them into another ticket. Merging one ticket into another ticket is described in Merging tickets.
Be sure that you merge the correct tickets. Ticket merges are final. You cannot undo or revert a ticket merge. You cannot merge tickets with a ticket that's shared, or with one that's already closed.
- Open one of your views and select the tickets you want to merge.
You can pick and choose the tickets you want to merge or select the entire list by clicking the check box at the top left of the view.
- Select Merge from the toolbar at the bottom of the list.
Tip: Be sure to have the ticket number of the ticket you want to merge into handy before you start the merge process.
- In the Merge ticket dialog, enter the ticket number for the ticket you'd like
to merge the selected tickets into, then click Merge. Alternatively, you can
select a recently-viewed ticket.
If you’re attempting to merge tickets into a ticket with a different organization, brand, or requester, a message appears.
- Make sure that you aren’t unintentionally sharing sensitive information by merging the
tickets, then click Continue Merge.
- When prompted, click Confirm and Merge to confirm the merge. If you want to
cancel the merge, click Cancel instead.
Be sure that you merge the correct tickets. Ticket merges are final. You cannot undo or revert a ticket merge.
Bulk marking tickets as spam
You can select several tickets in a view to mark as spam and suspend the requesters. Marking a single ticket as spam is described in Marking a ticket as spam and suspending the requester.
Tickets marked as spam are moved to the deleted ticket view and the requesters are suspended at the same time. You can unsuspend suspended users if necessary.
To mark multiple tickets in a view as spam and suspend the requesters
- Open one of your views and select the tickets you want to mark as spam.
You can pick and choose the tickets you want to mark as spam or select the entire list by clicking the check box at the top left of the view.
- Select Mark as spam from the toolbar at the bottom of the list.
- When prompted, click Mark as spam to confirm the deletion.
Tickets marked as spam are moved to the Deleted tickets view.
Ric Clements
I know that all ctive ticket fields are displayed in the Update view during a bulk update, regardless of the form(s) applied to the selected tickets. This takes far too long to scroll through to find the correct one.
Is there a way to search for a field, or only display the ones on that ticket?
Cheeny Aban
Hi Ric,
Unfortunately, there is no native way to do that yet, but I am creating product feedback to flag the said functionality.
All the best
Courtney Aldridge
When I am in the view, and select multiple tickets, and click on "Edit Tickets" there is not an "Update" option. I am trying to reassign tickets in bulk. I have tried triggers and automations with no avail. What else can I do?
Dave Dyson
Hi Courtney –
Sorry for the confusion! Once you've clicked "Edit Tickets" and you're in the Update Tickets window, to reassign the selected tickets you'd choose a new Assignee from the menu on the left hand side, and then click the Submit button at the lower left of the window in order to update the tickets. Once you click that button, it should process the changes you've chosen for each of the selected tickets.
Does that help?
Jason Schaeffer
Hi Carl,
Yes you can bulk link ticket to the problem ticket. Once you have the ticket checked and then select "Edit X Tickets" You will want to navigate to the "Type" Ticket field and set that as "Incident" Once you do a field will appear that will allow you to put the ticket number for the Problem ticket. Then you will submit the update which will link those selected tickets.
Jason Schaeffer | Customer Advocate |
Federico Olmus
Hello Zendesk team,
When bulk updating tickets the formatting is changed. E.g: Spacing is changed or hyperlinks are broken.
Any idea why and how to fix this?
Federico Olmus
Have exactly the same problem as Ric from thread one. I have lots of fields as we used lots of different forms. But huge problem when using bulk edit that lots of fields pop up that are not relevant for the form, very time consuming to find fields.
Can't even rearrange the order of fields in bulk edit, it seems to be completely random. At least there should be a way of doing that.
Kieran Thorpe
Did product feedback ever get created for the fact all active fields are shown? In our case there are literally hundreds of fields spread across the various business functions that use them and when we come to bulk edit a ticket its almost unusable
Dave Dyson
Here's the product feedback thread for that – be sure to upvote and add your use case!
Make forms, conditionality and apps work when bulk editing tickets.
Hi there. We suggest using GDPR Compliance for bulk deletion. It is simple and easy to navigate. Compile a target user or ticket list by setting up conditions and then select one of the bulk processes: delete or anonymize. Also, you can choose the type of data to process. Retrieving option is also available.
April Schultz
Is there any plan to add Followers as an allowed field to bulk update?
Fabrice Charles | pfabcha | Francois
Hello Zendesk,
Is there a feature to bulk download tickets?? For example, if a user has 20 tickets, I would like to be able to download them all at once instead of one at a time. Please advise. Thank you!
Nicole Saunders
Hi Fabrice,
You can do this via the API using the List Tickets endpoint. Here's where you can find the documentation on how to make that API call: Zendesk API - List Tickets. It's pretty quick and easy to do.
Hi, how to this kind of mechanism in WhatsApp channel?
Audrey Ann Cipriano
Hi Feby! It's currently not possible to manage tickets in bulk in Whatsapp. Sorry for this!
Matt Johnson
Any news on being able to bulk update the requester field?
Audrey Ann Cipriano
Hi Matt, it's still currently not possible to achieve this via the User interface in Zendesk,
It could be possible to perform it via our API endpoint to update a ticket: Using our API you would be able to update multiple tickets in bulk setting the requester as long as the status for the ticket is not "Closed". Thanks!
Looks like this broke the linked tickets view in Chrome. I can only bulk edit 30 linked tickets at a time. I am unable to page over. It works fine in Firefox, though.
Ashley Waldman
I don't see this view at the bottom of the page - only when I click next to edit ticket at the top right do I have the option to merge tickets. How do I turn this view/settings on so I can see this functionality at the bottom of my tickets?

If the option is appearing on other views, try to clear cache and history of your browser. Normally, it will resolve the behavior.
Jennifer Lee
Ashley Waldman - I didn't see it the other day either but just checked again and the bulk edit options are now at the bottom of the page.
Emre Aktaş
Hi Team,
i am looking to how can i create a bulk ticket, like i want to create 50 tickets in one time, is it possible to do that ?
Sharon Bare
Hi, Emre Aktaş
Maybe the Proactive Campaigns is suitable for that
Emre Aktaş
It looks like Proactive Bulk Tickets does that.
We do it via API calls. On occasion, we'll create up to 1,000 tickets this way.
Jay Nelson
Any reply to April's comment on March 17th?
The Triggers and Macros allow for functions to add Followers easily, but now if a user has followed to many items or wants to unfollow tickets, they have the pain to open each and every ticket to perform this action. This is extremely time consuming.
When will at least Followers functions be added to the bulk edit functionality?
Gamee Support
Can you have the Bulk merge function in the interaction tab?
So I do not need to search for user email and tick all but one and merge it like that. But when I am on a ticket, on the right side interaction view, where I can see the tickets from user, I could tick which ones I want to merge and where to.
Thank you,
It makes no sense to prevent selecting "closed" tickets only because you can't edit them. It would make sense to disable the "edit" button instead.
I frequently need to delete multiple closed tickets and can't. Very annoying, I consider this a bug (even though I know it's just too short thinking of the product developers probably).
Please fix!
Dave Dyson
For better visibility to our product team and so others can add their support for your idea, can you create a post in our Feedback on the ticketing system (Support) topic, using this template to format your input? Thanks!
Gabe Castillo
I have found that bulk editing tickets with a macro no longer seems to fully work. Tags, cc's, & subject are updated, but no public comment is created. This worked up until a few months ago. Strangely enough, the macro works fine when applied one ticket at a time.
Use case: server security update notifications for downtime
Details: tickets created via API as "stubs", with requestor,group,private comment and placeholder subject, as well as setting the ticket type to task and sets a due date. Macro should add a public comment, set cc's, tags, and update the subject. The subject and comment body are rendered via liquid markup.
I am curious if something changed with regard to adding bulk comments via macros, or if there is a way to debug this. My current workaround is applying a macro one ticket at a time.