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Using auto assist to help agents solve tickets

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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




we are using copilot, is there a way of turning of it adding its own ending? We have out own signature with everything that we want included, but co-pilot adds its own Kind regards. Which results in a double kind regards for the reciving customers. Can this be disabled in any way?


Hi Gabriela, as workaround, our own signature is added by instructing the copilot to replace “Your name” with a dynamic content signature. Instruction:


<"[Your name]" after "Best regards," at the end of the reply should be replaced with {{dc.copilot_procedure_signature}}.>


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Judy Correia

Zendesk Luminary


Erin O'Callaghan In the future, auto assist will be able to get data from API to complete actions? Like, if the client requests a document, he can call an endpoint with the URL of the file.


Hi there,

So we have copilot activated.

>Auto-assist is generating an answer in the language of the requester (or detecting language of the request).

>Our issue is that my Agent speaks only english, he receives a ticket in greek, Copilot generates an answer in Greek.

>Is there a way to get a translation for my agent ? Because he can't edit/approve the greek answer if he doesn't understand it…
Thank you for your input on that specific use case


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