Add-on | Copilot |
Actions are automated tasks that you can configure to be carried out by auto assist, which is part of agent copilot. Auto assist uses admin-defined procedures and actions to suggest next steps for agents as they work on customer requests.
This article contains the following topics:
- About actions for auto assist
- Creating an external action
- Testing an action
- Editing an action
- Deleting an action
- Best practices for creating actions
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About actions for auto assist
Auto assist suggests relevant actions to your agents to help them solve customer requests. When auto assist suggests an action, the agent can approve it and the system carries out the action automatically, saving the agent time.
Actions come in two types: built-in actions that require no configuration from you, and custom external actions that you configure based on an API. For agents, the experience for these two different types of actions is the same. But for admins, the built-in actions don't appear on the Actions page in Admin Center and can't be modified.
About built-in actions
Auto assist currently includes the following built-in actions:
- Mark a ticket as Solved.
- Leverage a Shopify integration to look up a Shopify order, cancel and refund an entire Shopify order, or refund selected items from a Shopify order. (See Workflow recipe: Canceling and refunding a Shopify order with auto assist.)
About custom external actions
Custom external actions, on the other hand, allow you to update data outside of Zendesk using an API you define. These types of actions allow you to query and modify your own internal business systems or perform a third-party action. The more actions you configure, the more options are available to auto assist when it generates suggestions for agents.
Using Zendesk APIs with custom external actions
Because you can create custom external actions using any API, it's possible to create an external action that points to a Zendesk API. If you do this, however, there are some considerations to keep in mind:
- These API requests count against your overall Zendesk API rate limits. See Managing API usage in your Zendesk account.
- As part of action setup, you’ll create a connection to authorize the request, which uses a Zendesk API token or OAuth token. This connection might have greater access privileges than your agents and end users, so you’ll need to be cautious that you don’t accidentally expose information they shouldn’t see.
- In the future, you’ll need to migrate your Zendesk API actions to out-of-the-box Zendesk actions if and when equivalent actions become available.
- Be mindful of how changes made by these API requests may interact with other parts of your Zendesk configuration, such as triggers, automations, and apps.
About inputs for custom external actions
Auto assist has access to read custom ticket fields and the ticket fields below. This means you can use them as inputs in external custom actions.
- Assignee email
- Assignee name
- Brand
- Priority
- Requester email
- Requester name
- Status
- Subject
- Type
In addition, if you create an input with the name zendesk_ticket_id, auto assist populates that input with the ID of the ticket. You must use this specific input name for this functionality to work. The input type must be set to number, but when making use of the input in your API configuration, you can wrap the input placeholder in quotes to convert it to a string, or incorporate it into a larger string.
For example, you could have the following property in your API body:
"note":"Ticket number {{zendesk_ticket_id}} has been updated!"
Limits for actions
The following limits apply to actions:
- You can have a maximum of 100 actions per account.
- Each action has a maximum of 100 inputs and 100 outputs.
- External actions have a timeout of 10 seconds. If the external system takes longer than 10 seconds to respond, or that response fails to be received by your Zendesk account, the action is not performed.
- External actions have a maximum response size of 2MB.
Creating an external action
Admins can create new external actions in Admin Center. External actions require an input, an API call, and an output.
- The input is the information that an action uses in order to run. Each input you define creates an input placeholder, which can be inserted into the URL, body, query parameters, or headers of your action. These placeholders will be replaced with data provided by auto assist when it executes the action.
- The API call is how exactly the information should be structured when it’s sent to the API.
- The output determines how Zendesk should interpret the data returned by the API. The outputs you define tells the action which parts of the API response to send back to auto assist when the action is executed.
To create an external action
- In Admin Center, click
Apps and integrations in the sidebar, then select Actions > Actions.
- Click Create action.
- In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for your action.
This name appears to agents and in the event log.
- In the Description field, enter a description of the action.
This description is used by the system to determine when the action should be used with auto assist. For help writing good descriptions, see Best practices for creating actions.
- In the Inputs section, click Add input.
- In the Add input window, fill in the following fields:
- Name: Enter a descriptive name for the input.
- Description: Enter a description of the input.
Type: Select from the following options:
String, Integer, Decimal, or
Boolean.Note: Input types are strictly enforced. For example, 3.0 will not be accepted as an integer, the string “true” will not be accepted as a boolean, and the boolean value false will not be accepted as a string.
- Click Add input.
- In the Add input window, fill in the following fields:
- In the API configuration panel, fill in the following fields:
- Request method: Select GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, or DELETE, depending on what you want your action to do.
Endpoint URL: Enter the URL of your external service. Note: Only https:// URLS are allowed.
- Authentication: Select an existing API connection.
Body: Enter the information that you’re requesting in this
API call.
To insert placeholders for any of the inputs you created, click {+} and select the appropriate input.
- Query parameters: Click Add parameter and add a Key and Value for any parameters that apply to this API call.
Headers: Click Add header and add a Name and
Value for any headers that apply to this API call. Note: You don’t need to add a content-type header. Only the application/json value is supported, and this header is automatically added when the API call is made.
- In the Outputs section, click Add output.
- In the Add outputs window, enter test data for each of the inputs you configured.
- Click Make API call.
This information is sent to your external service, which returns a representative response.
Note: When an external action runs, the response must be JSON and must have the appropriate JSON header (content-type: application/json). Other JSON-compatible content types aren’t currently supported (for example, or vnd.api+json). - On the Output tab, find the appropriate output from the
response and click Add.
You can click the Response body tab to see how the actual response is formatted.
Enter a Name and Description for the ouput, then click Add output.
Repeat as required to capture all the outputs you want to return to auto assist.
Click Done.
Note: If a mapped output isn’t included in the response when an action is executed, the action still succeeds, but the output’s key is omitted from the response sent back to auto assist.
- Click Save.
Testing an action
When you create an action, you should test it to make sure it behaves as you expect. If necessary, run multiple tests with different input values that yield different responses to test all possible outputs.
To test an action
- In Admin Center, click
Apps and integrations in the sidebar, then select Actions > Actions.
- For the action you want to edit, click the options menu (
) and select Test.
- In the Inputs section of the Test tab, enter test data for each of the inputs you configured.
- Click Make API call.
This information is sent to your external service, which returns a representative response.
- In the Outputs section, verify that the response includes the information you expect.
If you encounter issues during testing, here are some troubleshooting recommendations:
- If you’re using an external action to interact with a third-party product, that product’s documentation is the best source for detailed troubleshooting.
- For an overview of HTTP error codes that you might encounter during testing, see HTTP response status codes.
- Ensure that all inputs and outputs are the correct data type (integer, decimal, string, or boolean) for your use case.
- You can see more details about the action execution in the integration log.
Editing an action
Admins can edit existing actions in Admin Center.
To edit an action
- In Admin Center, click
Apps and integrations in the sidebar, then select Actions > Actions.
- For the action you want to edit, click the options menu (
) and select Edit.
- Make changes to the action as needed.
For help, see Creating an external action.
Tip: If you make changes to an existing action, make sure that the name and description are still accurate. - Click Save.
Deleting an action
Admins can delete existing actions in Admin Center. Deleting an action is permanent, and its contents cannot be recovered.
If you delete an action, it will no longer be available for auto assist procedures. Make sure to adjust any affected procedures.
To delete an action
- In Admin Center, click
Apps and integrations in the sidebar, then select Actions > Actions.
- For the action you want to delete, click the options menu (
) and select Delete.
- In the window that appears, click Delete action.
Best practices for creating actions
When creating actions, follow these best practices:
- Use connections for authentication. Don’t include authentication credentials in your action configuration. Use a connection instead, as these are purpose-built to keep your sensitive details safe.
- Be mindful of access privileges. Keep in mind that a connection might have higher access privileges than your agents or end users. Configure your actions, procedures, and agent training to avoid sharing sensitive data to the wrong audience.
- Keep your data as private as possible. When capturing parts of an action’s response as outputs, be mindful of only capturing the specific data points you need. Capturing data that isn’t directly relevant to the task at hand isn’t good privacy practice, and furthermore could confuse auto assist.
Write good names and descriptions for actions, inputs, and outputs. Names
and descriptions help auto assist determine when actions (including their inputs
and outputs) are relevant to a customer request. Additionally, if you make
changes to an existing action, make sure that the name and description are still
Names and descriptions must clearly describe the meaning and outcome of an action. For example:
- Action name: Add book to cart
- Action description: Adds a book to the customer's shopping cart.
When referencing actions in auto assist procedures, remember to use similar language to invoke a particular action.
- For example: “After the customer has confirmed the book they want to purchase, add that book to their cart.”
Additionally, if you make changes to an existing action, make sure that the name and description are still accurate.
- Plan for missing inputs. If an input will be available only sometimes, make sure your description explains how that situation should be handled. For example, not every requester will have an email address. So your description for an input named requester_email_address might say, "The email address of the end user who initiated the ticket. If this isn't available, use 'not available.'"
Luca Baldini
How can I create an action that uses the co-pilot agent to modify ticket fields? The endpoint{{}}.json does not work. It cannot get the
David Hall
Hi Luca, thanks for the question! I would like to get more details from you about your use case, so we can make some suggestions. I will reach out via a ticket.
Ian Marston
How can i configure the auto-assist process formatting? e.g. new paragraph, bold, italic, underline etc?
Is it simply “in new paragraph ask the customer” or “in new paragraph tell the customer” or do the new paragraphs occur if in a different step?
Ian Marston
When will you be implementing pre-configured action for Zendesk that adds tag xxxx_xxxx to ticket?
When will you be including event stamps to show which process was offered to agents?
When will you be enabling explore reporting on the process usage (offered/edited/rejected)?
Ian Marston
We cannot get “mark as solved” to work on auto-assist. We were under the impression this was the only pre-configured action available, but when accepting the AA reply, the ‘submit as’ stays as “Open” rather than “Solved”
David Hall
Hi Ian, thanks for all the questions. I'll need to gather some answers from a few different PMs and will come back to you shortly. I'll also create a ticket so we can investigate why the ‘mark as solved’ option isn't working for you.
Jakub Konik
Hi Ian Marston please find answers to your questions below:
Right now auto assist does not support rich text (bold, underline, paragraphs, etc.). Auto assist will come up with its formatting of suggestions based on how procedures is phrased, and the content of conversation - it will try to mimic the way a conversation is formatted. Because auto assist is based on generative AI technology the formatting might vary ticket per ticket and might not always be the same, even for tickets that are similar. If you want auto assist suggestions to be formatted in a certain way you can preface each procedure with the way you want them to be formatted.
All of this is on our radar but not yet have a concrete implementation timeline. Some of these things should be available in the product sometime around first half of 2025.
Izabella Hammar
"Mark as solved” is not working for us either!
Tabish Khan
Hi, don't see the Mark as solved action configuration in my account. Do we get it right out of the box for this feature or does it need some implementation?
David Hall
Hi Tabish Khan , mark as solved comes out of the box and does not require any configuration. Auto assist will automatically suggest it when it assesses that the enquiry is resolved. You can also take more control by including directions in your procedure about how and when the conversation should be marked as solved.
Ian Marston
Hi Jakub Konik & David Hall
Thanks for your initial answer on formatting.
We strongly feel the key functionality we require as early adopters for Auto Assist is to be able to add tags to tickets natively.
Without this native tagging capability being available directly in the instance (without having to set-up an action API into our own zendesk instance) it makes it very difficult to report on which processes are being used (approved).
In our scenario we feel this should happen:
1. Trigger adds agent_copilot_enabled tag
2. The agent approves/edits the suggestion, then in accordance with the process adds the tag natively to the ticket e.g. add tag Auto_assist_process_WISMO when the suggestion has been approved by agent
3. We can then set-up custom reports in Zendesk Explore to report which tickets contained each process tag
A secondary primary feature would be for Auto Assist to be able to read the AI intent prediction field, so that we could include that condition in our Auto Assist process we have written e.g. If intent prediction is “Where is my order” use the following process.
Tabish Khan
Thanks David but still not getting the option. Wondering how to implement it. Can you please provide more details about it?
David Hall
Hi Tabish, I'm sorry to hear you are still having trouble with this. If it helps, we've recently published a new recipe that includes an example procedure (here). In that procedure, the last step guides auto assist to mark the ticket as solved:
Try adding something similar to your procedure.
If that does not work for you, I'd suggest creating a support ticket so we can take a closer look at your specific account setup, procedures etc.