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We’re upgrading our Help Center ( thanks to your feedback
Zendesk Digital Resources Team
Posted Mar 06, 2024
Hello, Zendesk Community!
We're happy to announce enhancements to our Help Center ( The changes are directly based on feedback that you have provided in an ongoing survey that appeared throughout the Help Center.
Here are the top themes we’ve heard from you in the survey results:
- Content variety: more video and multimedia, more practical guidance for specific use cases, and less unnecessary Zendesk jargon.
- Better search functionality: there’s a lot of content in the Help Center and our current filtering, scoping, and sorting options aren’t enough to get you to the right information fast.
- Improved knowledge based structure: a browsing experience that focuses on the tasks you’re trying to accomplish in Zendesk and your needs at various points of your Zendesk journey.
Understanding relevance: What you can do with Zendesk varies based on your plan level, role, and other attributes, so it can be hard to know whether a Help Center resource is relevant to your specific account or plan.
Here’s a quick preview of what to expect:
- A refreshed design - The Help Center sports now a new look, still built on Zendesk Guide, but with a more streamlined, user-friendly interface.
- An improved browsing experience - We reorganized our content structure to make it event easier for you to locate and understand the content you need, quickly and effortlessly.
- An enhanced search results page - When you search in our Help Center, you are able to filter and scope your search results by additional facets. You’ll also be able to sort results based on additional attributes like date published or most upvoted.
It’s worth mentioning that your favorite features and content will remain intact. The aim is to make your experience better, not alter the core information you rely on.
Join the conversation
We invite you to participate in the ongoing discussion in the comments below. Your satisfaction remains our top priority as we continue to improve and adapt together.
Josef Prandstetter
Thank you - that sounds very promising.
May I ask if these optimizations, e.g. better search functionality, enhanced search results page,.. will not only be available on or if and when they will also be rolled out for our Zendesk instances (in the Copenhagen Theme)?
Ricardo Pinto
Hello Josef Prandstetter. Thanks for the question! These are enhancements to our own Help Center ( only.
Sara Giardini
Will the HelpCenter app disappear from the agent view? or they will still be able to search directly from the ticket?
Madison Hoffman
Hi Sara! Just to clarify, the changes we're announcing here only apply to this specific Help Center, No changes will impact your own Help Center or how your agents & end users find/use information there.
Tobias Hermanns
Pretty ugly, oldschool, grey and black really? Everything looks quite big need a lot of scroll.
I don´t like it!
Jacob the Moderator
I wasn't sure what I expected with this change - but you managed to catch me off guard! 😁
A few quick observations while I adjust.
Overall it looks good - great job 👍
Molly Katolas
Functionally, I can't seem to open any of my tickets. When I click on a ticket subject link from my Requests page ( it won't open the ticket. I've tried several different tickets and they all behave in the same way (seems similar to the dead developer link Jacob pointed out
Nick S
Definitely a refreshed view! Is there any way we can set the number of comments on articles? I like to read other Zendesk users' experiences and tips/tricks and the 5 comment limit per page is quite low.
Was there a change to default spacing, or is it the new background colour playing tricks? Everything seems a bit more compact now which makes it a bit less readable (in my opinion anyway).
I'm all for the change though, nice to freshen things up!
Anastasia Kachanova
In "My Activities" → “Requests” there is missing functionality like:
Ashley M
Its slow, clunky, and old school.
When creating a request you can't expand the text area.
Also why is the Zendesk logo at the bottom so large?
I am also experiencing what Molly Katolas described and cannot access some of my old requests to support.
In addition, it would be great for community posts and contributions to be under the same category “Contributions”.
At the moment, community posts are mixed up with the support requests cluttering the page and also confusing with their Open status.
Ricardo Pinto
Hello, Jacob!
Thanks for the great feedback.
Ah, we are working on fixing this issue.
Great call. We will update that soon.
This issue should have been fixed now!
Also working on fixing this issue.
Thank you very much :).
Ricardo Pinto
Hello Nick S!
Thanks for your feedback. We are working on increasing the comment limit!
There were some changes indeed. But I have passed your feedback to our designers to enhance some aspects of the theme.
Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback.
Ricardo Pinto
Hello Ashley M,
When you say “request”, are you referring to the comment box you used to leave that comment? I have captured that as an issue for our engineers to fix. Thanks for reporting it!
We are bringing our Help Center in line with the theme we use in our pages that has been live for a very long while. We do appreciate your feedback though.
Ricardo Pinto
Hello, Anastasia Kachanova,
Thanks for your report! I have captured those issues and asked the team to solve them asap.
Is your redesign really finished ???
The header and titles take so much space that the first screen of every page is basically useless
The right block with related articles is so big !! With a font twice the size of the content ??
Why so many different fonts ? My eyes bleed.
Remember that we need to read all this. Having compact contents and making the most of the space is key.
New colors and design is good. Bad UI is not so good.
Richard J
Jill Bragg
Hey team,
May or may not be related to this update but I found another broken link: I clicked “Enabling search across multiple help centers” on this page, & it says the page doesn't exist. Thanks!!
Ricardo Pinto
Hello, Molly Katolas and Atanas Tomov. Thanks for raising those issues.
Regarding not being able to access your requests, that issue should be fixed now. Do you want to try again after clearing the cache of your browser? :)
@Atanas, perhaps you could try “My profile” page. There is an Activity overview that should show you everything in the same place.
Honestly this looks like a website from the beginning of the internet. Especially the support tickets I have with you.
How can I add someone in CC in one of such tickets now?
Ricardo Pinto
Hello, Ahmed Zaid,
Thanks for taking the time to report these issues.
We are still working on improving the search experience. Our team has just made some changes to the way relevance was set up in the Help Center and the results should now be more relevant.
Sorry to hear that. I have logged that issue as something for our engineers to fix.
I am not sure I understood that one. Would you be able to add a little bit more of detail please? Thank you!
Ricardo Pinto
Hello, Jill Bragg,
That is indeed not related with the redesign but I have asked the writer to change the link.
Sebastian, we are currently working on fixing the issues in the Requests page.
Richard J, issues with the comment counter are also being worked on. The search results
Thank you all!
Nick S
Also noticed the comments do not seem to be sorted correctly - despite having Date selected in the drop-down the dates are all over the place. I find comments to be as helpful as the content, so would like the ability to view more at once and have them displayed in a proper chronological order.
PS: Besides not being able to add someone in CC for a Zendesk ticket I also can't solve a ticket anymore now.
Daniel Kovacs
Have to give feedback about this new change. It's horrendous I'm afraid. The comment section is broken (sorting, formatting and displaying). The color and fonts are drab. The articles are pushed to the left side of the page in layout making everything unpleasant and tiring to read. At first, I thought I was on an outdated page of Zendesk community or something similar, then saw that this is a “facelift”.
Dan Cooper
I've been running into a few issues with the new theme:
Overall things are looking good for what feels like a pretty large update.
@Ricardo Pinto, what I mean is in that location precisely. In My activity > Requests you can see both your community posts and requests where you have communicated with Support. Will be great if they are separated.
Also, at the time of this comment, I also noticed that you cannot @ mention someone.
One more thing I noticed today is that the edit button in Product Feedback posts is not working. It loads for a second and then nothing happens.
Aaron Doane
A few things I've noticed as I've been using the new layout:
Anastasia Kachanova
Completely agree with Aaron. Same comment is relevant to comments added by users, if it's multi-line comment, not possible to read it normally without zooming in.
Another thing I noticed is that comments sorted by date in articles can sometimes get a little hectic chronologically wise.
For example, in the link here for an article in Zendesk:
- On page 1 we have comments dating from 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
- On page 2 we suddenly go back to comments from 2023
- And on page 3 we go to 2024 once again
And in one of my own community posts here:
- On page 1 we have comments from Jan and Apr 2024
- On page 2 we suddenly have from Feb 2024 and Apr 2024
Perhaps some of these comments from Zendesk are pinned to the top as an official comment, however this is just a guess from my end. Please fix the comments sorting, pinned comments, official comments etc. on your Help Center as it could leave Zendesk customers confused.