Explore product limits

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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




I need guidance on how to update my work in order to accommodate the following restrictions:

  • "If a report has more than 50,000 rows, results are truncated at the first 50,000 rows. Rows that are processed as part of a formula also count toward this limit." -- How do I handle year-over-year volume reports? We receive several thousand tickets every month, and our ticket volume follows a yearly pattern. Aggregating this data involves many, many rows.
  • "Filters: 10" -- We have very flexible dashboards that allow users to find information in many necessary ways. Will there be a user-facing warning when too many filters are selected? Does this limit include filters that are saved in a dashboard-embedded report, but are otherwise not editable via user selection in the dashboard?
  • "Nesting calculated attributes inside of other calculated attributes or metrics is not recommended. Doing so exponentially increases the complexity of the report, resulting in potentially poor performance." -- Zendesk cannot provide all of the metrics that every customer needs. Zendesk acknowledges this, giving customers the ability to create custom fields. Are we not able to create custom metrics on custom fields anymore? This is a HUGE hindrance to our ability to understand our data.
  • "Live dashboards open per account: 100" -- Zendesk still does not allow admins to view every dashboard that exists on their account. How do I know how many dashboards are on our account if some dashboards were never shared with me? Is there a place to view them all? This support thread has been open for two years: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409222580634-Admins-should-see-ALL-Dashboards-even-if-not-shared-to-them 
  • "Applied filters on a live dashboard: 5 attribute values per filter" -- Again, we need the ability for end users to explore the data and drill down in order to identify trends and diagnose issues. This often includes selecting more than 5 attribute values in a single filter.
  • "Reports per tab: 35" -- Each KPI counts as its own report. I often insert a KPI beside a visualization for ease of use, so my report limit (report + KPI) will be 17. I would consider re-working the dashboards using the "Change attribute" tool and bookmarking different filter combinations, but there's also a proposed limit on filters, so that's not feasible.

Thank you for your assistance.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Jeremy,
I hope you're having a good day! I'll go ahead and address each issue one by one for you.
  • To prevent this issue, I recommend creating an annual report if the data for a particular year doesn't exceed 50,000 rows. Additionally, consider using dashboards to consolidate all your data on a single page.
  • If a report exceeds 50,000 rows, you'll encounter an error message stating, "This is a large report, limited to the first 50,000 rows." However, you can add more than 10 filters in both reports and dashboards. It's important to note that this won't impact the dashboard if the filters are either non-editable or hidden.
  • You still have the option to create custom metrics based on custom fields. We advise against nesting calculated attributes within other calculated attributes or metrics, as it may result in slower loading times, although it remains a feasible option.
  • While there hasn't been an official comment from Zendesk on this matter, it is indeed a significant concern. As an admin in Explore, you can view all reports as long as you have grant permission to access custom datasets created by agents. I understand that this solution may not be ideal, but it's currently our best option. The issue has been posted in the product feedback discussion board, where our managers and developers engage with the community. You can track progress with various statuses, and we've already implemented features based on customer feedback and upvotes. Thank you for your patience and input.
  • This guideline applies to live dashboards, and you can utilize more than 5 attribute values.
  • In my test account, I conducted an experiment and found that a single tab can accommodate more than 35 reports.

    Please keep in mind that most of the numbers mentioned in this article are not strict limits but rather recommendations aimed at ensuring optimal dashboard performance. 😊


Elaine Thanks so much for your help! I appreciate the clarity! Have a great week.


Nested calculations 3 levels


can this limitation report be updated to 7 maximum? because we have 7 levels of nested loops in our subdomains.




when this updated?



thank you




We are having an issue with Dashboard restrictions in the new Beta builder. When we try to set it up, we receive a pop-up with an error “You have reached the limit of 0 dashboard restrictions for your account.” and a link leading to this page.

Don't you have an idea what could be causing this? Any advice will be appreciated.


Many thanks,




I too am migrating my first legacy Dashboard over to the the new builder.


However, when I click on the Share button to create a Dashboard Restriction I also the the error: "You have reached the limit of 0 dashboard restrictions for your account.” and a link leading to this page.


How can we have a limit of 0 dashboard restrictions - is this a feature available to only certain level of account?


Same problem for us: limit of 0 dashboard restrictions; 
Just started exploring the migration of 40+ reports and the second action would be adding a restriction, which is vital but failed. 



This is not the only problem. Working in the new BÊTA builder seems to have a rate limit implemented so you get kicked out of Explore (error page “too many requests”)  while assembling a dashboard if you “work too fast”. I was busy in an account and I got kicked out more than 6 times within the same hour. That's at least once ervery ten minutes while assembling data for the past 30 days. Really frustrating. It's really hard to find a way to just do your work in large accounts when you're facing such issues. Will this be fixed somehow ? 

Thank you


I have been told by our Zendesk reseller that it is due to our licence.


However, this means that the new Dashboards no longer support the facilities we are currently using.


For example, we have many dashboards that use Bookmark using hidden widgets to lockdown  data filters/selection criteria - which is now longer possible in the new Dashboards. Many of these Dashboards are for specific Organisations and go out on a monthly schedule and are a feature of our contractual reporting to these customers.


We are on a legacy licence using bookmarks and hidden widgets too and in the same position as you Darren because we need to produce monthly reports for specific organisations in line with our contracts.


We are also getting the “You have reached the limit of 0 dashboard restrictions for your account error”.


Migrating an existing old book marked report appears ok and filtered on screen to one organisation, but publishing and scheduling the report produces it for all organisations.  I can't get it to work if I create it from scratch either.  This is currently unusable.


Surely this can't be right?




I have a question concerning the upcoming data retention limit.


Does the limit only apply to Explore ?  Will historical tickets still be available within the agent workspace for agents to search and view?


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