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You can manage automated resolutions usage for essential and advanced AI agents by turning off some or all of the features that consume automated resolutions in your Zendesk configuration.
This article includes the following sections:
- Preventing automated resolution usage for AI agents in messaging
- Turning off automated resolution usage in email notifications
- Turning off automated resolution usage in web forms
- Preventing automated resolution usage for zero-training AI agents (AI agents - Advanced add-on)
- Turning off Article Recommendations in Web Widget (Classic)
- Finding more information
Related articles:
Preventing automated resolution usage for AI agents in messaging
Messaging AI agents are deployed through messaging channels like the messaging Web Widget. You can prevent messaging AI agents from consuming automated resolutions by disconnecting or deleting them from messaging channels, or by turning off article-based behavior in a messaging AI agent.
Disconnecting and deleting messaging AI agents
When you disconnect a messaging AI agent from a channel, it is replaced by the default messaging response unless another AI agent is connected to that channel. Before disconnecting bots, make sure your default messaging response is properly configured.
To disconnect an AI agent from a channel
- In Admin Center, click
Channels in the sidebar, then select AI agents and automation > AI agents.
- Click Manage AI agents for messaging.
- Click the AI agent you want to disconnect.
- In the Settings tab, expand the Channels section and deselect the channel you want to disconnect.
- At the top of the page, click Publish AI agent, then confirm your
Your changes are saved, the AI agent is disconnected, and the default messaging response is activated.
If you are no longer using an AI agent, and do not plan on using it in the future, you can delete it. When you delete an AI agent, any connected channels will revert to their default response settings.
To delete an AI agent
- In Admin Center, click
Channels in the sidebar, then select AI agents and automation > AI agents.
- Click Manage AI agents for messaging.
- Click the AI agent's Options icon (
), then select Delete.
The AI agent is removed from the list. This action cannot be undone.
Turning off automated resolution usage in email notifications
Autoreplies in email notifications are ticket trigger-based, and can consume automated resolutions when their triggers include the Autoreply with articles or Autoreply action. You can prevent automated resolution usage by deactivating or deleting these triggers.
In an email notification, a ticket trigger with the Autoreply with articles action adds a list of recommended articles to the body of the email. A ticket trigger with Autoreply action uses intelligent triage to identify and incorporate help center content into your notification email.
You can deactivate ticket triggers that include the Autoreply actions. After the triggers have been deactivated, you can delete them, but it isn't required. Deactivating the triggers prevents them from running, which means they will not consume automated resolutions.
To deactivate and delete ticket triggers using autoreply actions
- In Admin Center, click
Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Business rules > Triggers.
- On the Triggers page, click the Ticket tab.
- Filter the triggers list to display only triggers that include the
Autoreply or Autoreply with articles
action, using the following criteria:
- Type: Actions
- Category: Notify by, and select Autoreply or Autoreply with articles.
- Select the triggers you want to deactivate.
- Click Deactivate at the bottom of the page, then confirm your selection.
- Delete the triggers if needed.
Turning off automated resolution usage in web forms
Web forms can consume an automated resolution when autoreplies are toggled on. You can turn off autoreplies for each active web form in your account.
To turn off autoreply with articles in web forms
- In Admin Center, click
Channels in the sidebar, then select AI agents and automation > AI agents.
- Click Manage AI agents for email and web form.
- Click the Web form tab.
- Under Active web forms, use the toggles to turn off autoreplies for all ticket forms.
Preventing automated resolution usage for zero-training AI agents (AI agents - Advanced add-on)
If you have the AI agents - Advanced add-on, a zero-training AI agent can consume an automated resolution for any conversation that is considered AI agent Handled.
To disconnect an AI agentbot from a channel- In Admin Center, click
Channels in the sidebar, then select AI agents and automation > AI agents.
- Click Manage AI agents - Advanced.
- Click the AI agent you want to disconnect.
- In the Channel section, deselect the channel you want to disconnect.
- At the top of the page, click Publish AI agent, then confirm your changes.
Turning off Article Recommendations in Web Widget (Classic)
If you’re using the legacy Web Widget (Classic), automated resolutions can be consumed when the bot suggests an article in the conversation using Article Recommendations.
To turn off Article Recommendations in Web Widget (Classic)
- In Admin Center, click Channels in the sidebar, then select Classic > Web Widget.
- Click the Basics tab. If you have multiple brands, select the widget for the brand you want to use with the conversation bot, then click Basics.
- Deselect the Help Center checkbox.
- At the bottom of the widget settings, click Save.
Finding more information
If you have feedback or questions related to AI agents, visit our community forum where we collect and manage customer product feedback. For general assistance with your Zendesk products, contact Zendesk Customer Support.
Ben Daley
So tools to limit usage will be available soon… but you'll start charging us now? Got it.
Marci Abraham
This should be corrected. The last line “Your changes are automatically saved. The bot is disconnected and the default messaging response is activated.” is not accurate. You have to click “Publish Bot” for the changes to be applied. Fortunately, I tested or else I would have been racking up charges that I was trying to stop.
To disconnect a bot from a channel
In the Settings tab, expand the Channels section and deselect the channel you want to disconnect.
Your changes are automatically saved. The bot is disconnected and the default messaging response is activated.
Aimee Spanier
Thanks for catching that, Marci Abraham. I've updated the article.
Trinity Opoka
It's not clear to me how the automated resolutions are charged, especially for article recommendations. We have racked up so many since August that we have run out of our allotment in mere 3 months. That means we will have to be paying thousands of dollars for resolutions for the entire year next year. It defeats the purpose of even having AI agents if the extra cost is going to be more than 50% of what we already pay for Enterprise Suite. How do I make this make sense?