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Prioritize Bounced Email Notification
Posted Apr 06, 2017
I recently perused this support article about Zendesk's handling of bounced email notifications/undeliverable emails. I would like to ask that Zendesk prioritizes creation of a view, and/or agent notification when an email bounces, or the email address is undeliverable. Our organization is proactive on such matters, and we would like this feature ASAP.
Thank you,
Stephanie Smith
Ayal Kellman
+1 for this feature as well.
Shocked to discover that what every normal inbox has (an indication of failed email delivery), Zendesk does not have.
Scott Mcloud
The oldest support thread I've found on this exact issue was from 2014! Changes are just around the corner, Zendesk says. If I want to KNOW an email has sent, then I have to use something other than zendesk, which is a darn shame as Zendesk does a great job with our communications in so many other respects.
CJ Johnson
Benjamin Kirsch Over a year has passed since your pinned comment, is this still planned?
Dave Symonds
Tumbleweeds - given Benji's last comment was 5 months ago he has probably departed the company and this is just hanging
Milena Rusanova
Hi Benjamin Kirsch, do you have any updates on that? Your official comment from 2021 states that more information on the topic should have been available end of 2021?
In my company use case we are syncing customers data, including email addresses, from our systems. We are also proactively contacting our customers and it is crucial to know if our message was delivered or not.
If a customer email address is entered incorrect and we send a message through Outlook we would receive a notification that the email was not delivered due to invalid email address. But as we are now using Zendesk for all our communications, our agents will not be notified in any way if they send an proactive email from Zendesk to an invalid email address?!
I suppose Zendesk also receives somewhere a notification for undeliverable proactive messages. How could we access this information until a dedicated View or ticket notifications is available for such cases?
Please give us on update on this functionality? Additionally we require some workaround until this is done. Could you please advise us what workaround could we use to identify undelivered proactive emails from Zendesk?
Niclas gmail
We can't implement our GDPR handling due to this missing.
We can't rely on customer logging in to the portal or creating tickets, we need to send Product Information news letters, so we can't delete inactive users willy-nilly.
坂本賢 (サカモトマサル)
ベン こちらの問題ですが、投稿から2年経過しています。
Admin CNX
What is the status on this feature? Can you please provide us an update on actual step of developpment?
Mayoo Inoue
May I know any update on this one?
Nora Krogoll
this is definitely a function that we need as soon as possible. Aside from possible unnoticed mistakes by service agents that enter a wrong e-mail-adress, we also have an issue regarding proving that we sent out an email for legal reasons.
Please integrate this basic function!
Thank you.
Admin CNX
+ 1
Alison Gibbons
It's been at least 5 years that customers have been asking for this feature. Please listen to your customers.
Hello, we need visibility into how many of our proactive tickets are bouncing. We apparently don't get notifications at all since they aren't being suspended and don't show up anywhere else.
金子 美玲
Despite all these voices, and despite all the Zendesk people using Zendesk as users, why are there no feature updates?
I look forward to hearing your comments on the update!
Paul Brocklehurst (Brock)
not much is needed for this, simply show me the bounced email notification. Thats it, thats all that is needed.
Since end users can have multiple emails / email aliases, and email aliases have deliverable statuses, including volume of misses, it would be helpful to include that alias information when querying/viewing those end user records.
Many servers don't send bounce statuses, but if one alias is undeliverable, it stands to reason that the other may be undeliverable as well.
Roshni Daftary
I did not even know earlier that we do not get notified of emails being bounced back until we did the gmail connection. And now we have to spend at least an hour daily to check these bounce back of emails. Its one of the most basic feature that we need when communicating with members via email.
Andreas Guckert
Found out today that there is 0 information on non deliverable emails or bounced emails.
More than this, the issue is unsolved for more than 5 years...
Sorry to say this but if we would have known this before we would have chosen another ticketing system.
At the moment we are considering moving away from Zendesk.
Sascha Korinth
We have the same problem. If one of our customers gives us an incorrect e-mail address or the person in charge makes a wrong note of an e-mail address (e.g. due to a telephone note), they do not receive a response when they send an e-mail to this incorrect address.
This leads to a negative customer experience because the customer thinks that no reply has been sent.
We would like to see a message similar to the "Not delivered" messaging if an email could not be delivered to the end customer.
Elisa Simicevic
Hello, would you have any updates on this feature?
Reyna Ferretti
Hello, please provide an ETA for this implementation.
It's almost been 7 years since this was first raised. Is there an update about the progress for this?
Jawad Khan
zendesk support, this issue has been reported in 2018 and no enhancement has been done till date to address this issue. We are having major issues with auto response email some of them are not even landing in suspended view and it is impacting our business ability to work efficiently.
Hope you guys come up with some solution soon.
Carson Hess
Looks like we're still waiting to hear anything about this after SEVEN MONTHS. +1 times a million - how is this not a default feature?
Frank Spildener
We also use Zendesk to reply to invoices and reminders, using a sender email address that is connected to Zendesk to send the invoices. However, as we cannot see the replies to bounce mails, we have no control over whether the customer can be reached at all at the last known address.
This inadequacy forces us to build processes around Zendesk.
Since the problem of bounce mails has apparently been known for several years, it would be appropriate to offer customers a solution.
Jason Walker
How do we get visibility into bounced / undeliverable emails that come out of ZD? Suspended tickets does not include bounced notifications. Please advise?
Schartner, Tobias
Same Problem over here: Our Agents have used wrong E-Mailaresses as Requester-Contact (after changing the Requester to another Requester). So the message has never reached the Contact and our Agent never get informed about that. Furthermore, we have that issue within “Sideconversations”: We don´t receive undeliverability-notifications within a ticket. That results in major operative issues ….
Shawna James
Drew Clark
I guess we should have figured out that some emails were bouncing but now I'm wondering how many thousands of customers did not get the outreach they expected. This feature is way more important to me than additional AI implementations.