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Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jan 08, 2025




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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Justin,

There is currently no way to create a report on the content of a comment within a ticket may it be public or internal.

The ticket comment data is not synced into Explore and this was intentionally designed to optimize the performance consistency and scalability of Explore for all of our customers.

The workaround I can think of is for you to copy the keyword/keyphrase from a ticket comment, paste it into a custom ticket field (this could be a Text (single line) type or a Multi-line type of custom ticket field), and create a report on this custom ticket field in Explore.

Hope this helps! Stay safe! (:


Howcome these can be more than 100%, full resolution time is always greater than agent wait time right?



Please assist



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Zendesk Engineering

I have noticed that this concern has already been raised through Messaging and one of our support team is already looking into it and is waiting for your response.


I am pretty sure that the metric for Update Country is not functional. 
This is what the formula shows; 
REGEXP_EXTRACT([Update country and region],"[^, ][\w\.\-'ç\(\)\/) ]+$|Congo|Iran|Korea, Republic of|Macedonia|Palestinian Territory|Taiwan|Tanzania|Virgin Islands, U.S.|Virgin Islands, British")

That returns nothing, 100% of the time. Update country and region, returns just fine, so it definitely seems like a formula problem. 


hi trying to create a query combined of both history updates (i.e tickets that were assigned from one group to another) and other attributes (mainly status and tags) - how do I do that?


Inbal Ketzef Unfortunately, it's likely you cannot. The updates dataset was not set up to track when tags were added during an update. If the tag was added by a field being set, you might be able to achieve your goal with the Updates set by using those fields and values, but if it was something like a tag being added from a macro, there's nothing you can do to track that update.  There is a recipe for just tracking group changes here: that might get you part of the way to where you want to go. 

Here's the feature request to add tag updates tracking to Explore reporting:


Is there an attribute for email support addresses?

We have a large amount of email support addresses setup on our instance (all with a domain). In an effort to clean-up and pair-down these addresses, we would like to create a query to see how many emails are being sent to each support address. Any ideas on how to create a query like that?


Jon Durlauf there's not a way to do that, unfortunately. You can upvote the request for this feature here though:


Thank you, CJ Johnson! Just added my vote. 



How can I obtain a report with the number registered under the User profile? I am unable to locate this option in the Support dataset.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Ulises, thanks for your question. There would be no way to create a report with Explore at the moment just with the user and their number. But I would suggest posting this as a feature request:
You may also want to look into exporting a list of users. Though a full User XML export will export only primary numbers. You may check this article here for more information.
Hope this helps! Cheers! 


I'm trying to get a definitive SLA% achieved daily, but the support dash uses DCount of SLA tickets in the calculation so I often find our SLA% change after the fact. Does anyone else have this problem? I plan to be using % Achieved SLA target as advised by zd support since it pulls from the ticket's history and should not be a changing value. 

However, I'm still a little confused as to which time filter I should be using. I thought it would make sense to be straightforward and use Ticket created - Date since we only care for First Reply time, but I'm starting to think I should use SLA Update - Date. Anyone able to point out exactly what I'll be missing if I use one or the other?


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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi @...!

I'm a bit confused about your inquiry involving D_COUNT & SLA tickets since D_COUNT is only meant to count specific values.

But for your statement regarding the time filter, this would depend on your use case.

Ticket created date - If you want a filter for your report on when the ticket was created. For example, if you set it for this month, it would only calculate the SLA % of tickets created for that month. 

SLA update date - This would NOT depend on the ticket creation date. If you set it for this month, it would only show updates within the month regardless of when the ticket was created. 

Hope this helps.


In the updates dataset, is there a way to calculate the min/hrs between updates from an agent?


What is the difference between the Updates History attributes:

"Update - Minute"


"Ticket updated - Minute"

I am trying to create a calculated attribute that would combine the hour and minute attributes as we have no native 15-minute interval attribute. However, I do not know which of these two Minute attributes to combine with the Hour ordered attribute I have created.



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Sigmund,
The Update - Minute will return all the updates done on a ticket in minute. While Ticket Updated - Minute, will only show the last update made on the ticket in minute.
Hope this helps!


Hi Dane,

So what you are telling me is that none of these two - "Update - Minute" nor "Ticket updated - Minute" are time attributes? What I am trying to do is drill down the time attribute further than the given "Hour" attribute.

For example, in the screenshot I provided, I have already prepared a converted "Hour" interval - 6AM and I wanted to concatenate this with data from another column where I can get the minutes (e.g. "6:xx" AM). I do not want to concatenate "6AM + 20 Tickets".


Thank you!


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Sigmund,
The attribute for your use case is not readily available. You can try to create your own calculated attribute or check if Update - Timestamp will work for you. 


Hi Dane,

I guess I will just use Update - Timestamp for my case.




Continuing with the replies above, I have looked into the "Update - Timestamp" attribute and it seems like it relates to the "Update - Minute" attribute:


Reporting yet another pre-built metric that is non-functional. 
You'll notice that this doesn't specify anything about multiple resolutions. Additionally, it considers a ticket being assigned to NULL to satisfy the assignment condition. So if you have a ticket, and it is solved, and re-opens, and get re-assigned, you will get a negative result for this metric. 

It's really, really frustrating as a customer to continually find these issues in these base metrics. Not a single bad formula I've raised has been fixed since Explore launched, and the list of attributes and metrics I can't use because Zendesk has written a bad formula grows every time I try to use Explore to build something new. 


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Alex Zheng

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey CJ,
Thanks for sharing. Were you able to get a negative value for this metric? The ticket solved timestamp should only return a value if the ticket is actually in a solved status so in my testing and understanding this should never return a negative value as once the ticket is reopened there is no longer a ticket solved timestamp and the metric is null. Also for your point about it considering tickets being assigned to NULL, can you explain a bit further on your use case of how this negatively impacts this metric?


Hi Alex, 

Yes, I was able to get a negative value, that's why I posted my comment and included instructions on how to recreate the behavior. It turns out this is a much bigger and worse problem, the "Tickets Solved" underlying metric is written incorrectly and is the real culprit. Unfortunately, so far all I've been told is that Zendesk doesn't consider returning bad data a bug and has no plans to fix this. 

The null part in more detail: Ticket comes in, agent 1 works it. Ticket solves. Ticket reopens, assigns to NULL. Agent 2 resolves it. The timestamps used to calculate the "Last assignment resolution time" will be the time that agent 1 solved it, and the timestamp where the ticket re-opened and assigned to NULL.  Since the solve came BEFORE the assignment to "NULL", this results in a negative last assignment timestamp. 

The entire write up about how Tickets Solved consistently returns bad data, as a result of using the wrong attribute for calculating the result:


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Alex Zheng

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey CJ,
Thanks for sharing. Internal discussion is being raised as a result of that post on the tickets solved metric. Please bear with us as we work through this issue.
Best regards,


What is the definition of Tickets updated. When in dig into that metric it seems like it is only showing solved tickets but I thought that was Ticket resolution? and Tickets updates vs Agent Updates the latter can reflect multiple updates in 1 ticket vs the former is ticket updated in any number of ways only shows as 1 because its counting it at a ticket level. 



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Zendesk Customer Care

HI Natalie, the Tickets Updated metric in Explore pulls ticket IDs that have received updates within the Update History dataset being queried. It may be that the you are only seeing Solved tickets due to other interacting metrics, or filters on the query, but at its core, Tickets Updated only pulls IDs of any updated ticket. If you find this metric is behaving differently, I would recommend reaching out to our support team here to open a ticket and we'll be happy to help. Cheers!


We are trying to measure Ticket SVL at an agent level. The challenge we have is that currently, the SVL breach/met metrics are attributed at the ticket level and count towards the "final" agent who closed the ticket.

Our tickets often times are passed to multiple tiers of agents for resolution. We are trying to figure out a way to measure who had the ticket, at the time the SVL breach happened.

Any suggestions or thoughts?




Agent 1 is assigned the ticket initially... during the period in which they had the ticket, they had two breaches of SVL (based on our SVL thresholds). They then escalate the ticket to our tier 2 agents.


Agent 2 (tier 2) now has the ticket and resolves the ticket without breaching any SVL thresholds.


The end result is the report currently shows Agent 2 had two SVL breaches. It should report that Agent 1 had two SVL breaches and Agent 2 had zero SVL breaches.


we have shift patterns.

we want to know the speed agents are answering tickets

Requester wait time- is it a good metric to go by?

Will it be assigned to the individual agent?

For the shift pattern: how can we account for an agents speed to resolving tickets etc. but on their shift pattern. E.g. Agent works 12.30pm-9pm UK (BST) time. If a ticket is solved in that time, and they assign it to themselves, if the cust replies but they don't answer it until the next day, does that mean the Requester median time is increased?





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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Dave Colley,


At the moment SLA breaches will be attached to the ticket and not to agents. So, the breach will appear to be attached to the agent who is currently the assignee of the ticket. You could create a custom ticket field that gets updated when an SLA policy runs on a ticket. And then create a report in Explore for the timestamp as to when the ticket field got updated and who was the assignee during that update. In addition, you can hide that custom field from your agents to avoid any manual updates. 

Hope this helps!


I'm seeing an attribute on the SLA dataset that is not covered here, "Days Since SLA". It doesn't seem to work, and there's no definitions in this article about all these. What is this supposed to reflect? 


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