Team Publishing includes states for articles that are ready for review and approved for publishing. You can use these states as needed, depending on your workflow.
- Ready for review articles. You can either publish these articles immediately or you can approve for publishing later. Also, if needed, you can leave an article in review if you need to assign it to the author for updates or to another reviewer.
- Approved for publishing articles. You can either publish these articles or send for review, if needed. Articles in this state might be ready to be published at any time. For example, maybe an article is waiting for a publisher who has permission to publish in the appropriate section. Or, articles in the approved state, might be waiting for an event, such as a product release or update, and need to be published at a later date.
Agents can review, approve, and publish articles where they have management permissions.
Reviewing articles to approve or publish
You can review articles that are in the ready to review state. When you review an article, you can either approve it for publishing later or you can go ahead and publish it.
If you need to change the workflow state for multiple articles at once, see Updating knowledge base articles in bulk.
To review an article
- Open an article that is ready for review:
- Click the link in the email notification to open the article you want to review.
- In Guide, click Manage articles (
) in the sidebar, then click Awaiting review and open the article you want to review.
If you don't have an email notification and you're not a Guide admin, you'll need the URL to access the article for review.
- Review the article and make and save changes, if needed.
If you save any changes, the article becomes a work in progress and no longer has the ready for review status.
- When you are ready, do one of the following:
To submit for review, if you've made changes to the article, click the
drop-down arrow on the Review status button, then select Awaiting
The article moves from the work in progress status, back to the ready to review status. If you want to assign it to a specific user, click Assign or Reassign. See Assigning or reassigning articles with Team Publishing.
To approve the article, click the drop-down arrow on the Review
status button, then select Ready to publish.
The article has the approved for publishing status. If you want to assign it to a specific user, click Assign or Reassign. See Assigning or reassigning articles with Team Publishing.
To publish the article, click the drop-down arrow on the Save
button, then select Publish.
The article is published. The live version of the article is updated, if there is one.
To submit for review, if you've made changes to the article, click the
drop-down arrow on the Review status button, then select Awaiting
Publishing approved articles
Articles in the approved for publishing state are waiting to be published. You can publish these articles when you are ready or you can send an approved article for review, if it is not actually ready to be published.
If you need to publish multiple articles at once, see Updating knowledge base articles in bulk.
To publish an approved article
- Open an article that is approved for publishing:
- Click the link in the email notification to open the article you want to review.
- In Guide, click Manage articles (
) in the sidebar, then click Ready to publish and open the article you want to publish.
If you don't have an email notification and you're not a Guide admin, you'll need the URL to access the article for review.
- If you need to change the section or modify other settings and the Article
settings panel is not displayed in the sidebar, click the Article settings
icon (
) to expand the panel.
- Click the Management and Placement cards to expand the article settings
panels and make changes as needed, then click Update settings.
- When you are ready to publish the article, click the drop-down arrow on the Save
button, then select Publish.
Alternatively, if the article is not ready to be published, you can select Awaiting review.
The article is published and the live version of the article is updated, if there is one.
If you sent the article for review, it returns to the ready for review status. You can assign the article to a specific reviewer, if you'd like. See Assigning or reassigning articles with Team Publishing.
Paul McCabe
We would like to have the ability to add internal comments to an article during the review process. The use case would be that an editor/reviewer is requesting changes from a contributor, which can be documented as internal comments and sent back.
Ashleigh Dietz
We are seeing an issue with Articles getting "stuck" in the Awaiting Review. This appears to be random and is not happening at a high frequency but we do have a handful of articles that are in Awaiting Review that we cannot get to leave this status.
The articles in question have the green published notification next to them but when you try and click into the article to verify the settings, you are directed to the All Articles page and you cannot actually navigate to the desired article.
A few articles have been stuck in this status for about a month now.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue or is anyone able to provide assistance on how to get these articles out of the Awaiting review status?
Maggie Ungerboeck
Hi Ashleigh,
I haven't seen this in our Zendesk instance personally. Do you use translations? Are you able to access the article from the Help Center and try and edit it from there?
Ashleigh Dietz
Hi Maggie,
I believe it is related to using Content Blocks. We signed up for the EAP for Content Blocks to help with an issue we were having publishing multiple articles from Paligo to Zendesk but ultimately it didn't end up working like we wanted. I have asked the Product Manger to disable Content Blocks for us and hopefully that will resolve the issue.
Graham Haire
Is there a way to allow certain agents to Approve articles without allowing them to Publish articles? I have used User Segments and Management Permissions to allow for Edit permission to a certain group of agents so they can edit and review articles. What I would like to do is allow them to submit for Approval (which they can) to a group of agents that Approve content. Then another group who can Publish. This seems to be possible after reading this article but am struggling on how to implement it,
Brett Bowser
Hey Graham,
I did some digging and it looks like Approve is part of the Publish permissions and currently there's no way to separate the two permissions. More information can be found in this article: Creating management permissions to define agent editing and publishing rights
I think you bring up an interesting use-case that would be worth sharing in our Guide Product Feedback topic which I've linked for you. I would recommend copying the following template:
Product Feedback Post Template and sharing your feedback in that topic for our Product Managers to review.
Thanks so much for taking the time to share this with us!
Graham Haire
Thanks for coming back to me, Brett. I was about to post to the Guide Product Feedback site as you suggested however Jonathan beat me to it with this feedback article "Separate Permissions for Approve and Publish in Guide". I voted it up. For those interested, please do the same!
Zach Brown
I may be missing it, but how would one go about setting up the email notifications for when articles are submitted for review? It's referenced in this article but I can't seem to find instructions on how to actually enable this.
Dave Dyson
The email notifications should be sent automatically whenever an article is assigned to someone for review -- see Assigning or reassigning articles with Team Publishing
Nathan Cassella
I'm having the same issue Zach is. People that are assigned to tickets are not getting notifications, myself included.
The users that are being assigned are members of teams that have edit rights yet they never receive a notification.
We have articles that are being published but are stuck in the "Ready to Publish" view. When you open the individual articles, they say they have been published. However, they don't have the green dot and don't appear under published articles in the Article Management. Is there a way to move them from "Ready to Publish" to "Publish?"
Regarding this behavior, I'll create a ticket for you to investigate further. Please wait for my update via email.
Is there a way to create a webhook to Slack when an article is published?
Gabriel Lowe
Any thoughts on the original comment from Mr. McCabe? Comments from reviewers on an article would be great.
It is not yet available. However, based on our Product Manager's comment, it is already in the roadmap.
Ian Morgan
I am having the same problems as Zach. Email addresses are correctly displayed but notifications are not being sent to the recipient when being asked to review articles.
Christine Diego
Hi Ian Morgan,
If you are experiencing issues with email notification for article review, we ask that you please open a ticket with our Support team so we can investigate specifics with your account.
Judy Correia
Was happy to see that the review status dropdown list was added, however, it appears that as a content reviewer, changing the status from Awaiting review to In progress or from Ready to publish to In progress does not move the article to the associated default review status list in the left panel (shown below). They remain in the previous list (e.g. article status changed from Awaiting review to In progress remains in the Awaiting review list). The only way to overcome this is to make a small change to the article (in our case we add a space at the end of the title), click save, then set the desired status. While not significant in terms of effort this seems to be an unnecessary task if the desired status is being set.
Thank you very much for your feedback. I'm marking this suggestion down so our product team check that!
Feedbacks are vital and help us to improve our products. Thank you again and have a nice day!
Nicole Requejo
What is the "link in the email notification to open the article you want to review"? Where is this set up and how does it work?
Thank you for sending in your inquiry.
I understand you wanted to know how this link to email notification works for article review and where to find it. Essentially, as an account administrator, you'll be alerted via email when certain articles in your Guide require review. The notifications typically originate from, where 'yoursubdomain' represents your specific account identifier. Attached is a screenshot for your reference.
Within the email, you'll find links that directly connect you to the articles awaiting your review.
You can refer to the guide "Setting reminders to review and verify articles" to learn how to arrange everything from manual to automated article reviews.
I trust this explanation clarifies things for you. Should you have further questions or need more assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here to help!
Raida Lopez
Hello there! My agents are having trouble creating an article in the help center. I have attached a photo that shows their roles and access. When they access the help center, they are unable to see the "Add" button in the left-hand corner. Could you please let me know what we might be doing wrong? Thank you.
Gabriel Manlapig
Hi Raida,
Editing and publishing permissions for Guide agents are not present by default and must be granted through the creation of management permissions.
I hope that helps, thank you!