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Viewing your CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) score and ratings

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Following for updates on the reporting component



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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Jennifer Rowe Brett Bowser - the customizable CSAT works fine now on both email and messaging however I have same sentiment with Molly and Nick.

We can't seem to find this data in Explore. Is there any new set of metrics for this to be shown in Explore? 


I want to echo the last comments from Molly, Nick, and Jahn. If I am going to see Good/Bad in the reporting, what is the purpose of having scaled CSAT survey? Is Zendesk keeping the CSAT data in its DB as the scaled version or in the "Good/Bad" form at the moment? Is there any plan to implement such change in the future?


Emre Iyidogan - I ended up disabling the new CSAT and reverted back to the old Legacy CSAT. Zendesk does not have this fully implemented for agents to quickly see their CSATs on their dashboard nor is actual reporting available and seems like its only available if we want to pay more money and upgrade our plan to include add-ons. I have noticed since reverting back to the Legacy CSAT that the agents can see their Good/Bad CSATs again from the agent home page, within the ticket at the top of the page and our user response rate has also increased. Hopefully Zendesk makes some changes to help resolve these pain points but until then, I will stick with using the legacy CSAT.


Thank you sharing your experience Nick. I hope this won't be another thing that Zendesk will resolve in a couple of years :)


+1 to getting the actual numeric values of the CSAT scores available to report on.


it's so odd to me that you would allow a numeric rating scale as a change from the previous good/bad CSAT options, and then just translate the scores to use the same good/bad outcome as the metric for reporting. if someone gives a 3/5, in my opinion that's a 60% score, not 0.


super unhappy that agents can no longer see the comments in a quick glance.  Having to take extra steps just to see such a simple detail will slow them down and they likely will just stop looking and lose the motivation of the positive feedback and ignore then areas for improvement.  ZD team - please fix this!


I must say that with the new CSAT it's hard to see the satisfaction comment (manually looking for it in the events is just too much).

Also, if we are sending a 1-5 scoring request we want to see 1-5 results and not just good/bad.


Agreed on the seeing only good / bad when there are 5 results that customizable responses.  Plus - why are the bad ones at the top?  Thats rather frustrating.

Voting this up again as it needs a lot of attention!


Same comments here. Also this is impossible to get using the API.


How can I exclude tickets from being counted towards satisfaction % based on a specific tag?


Adding an attribute as explained here does not work.


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Pedro Rodrigues

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi Zendesk team, is it planned to have more detailed data in both Support (Views, business rules, etc) and Explore for this new CSAT experience? For example, the actual rating given as an integer. Use case: calculate CSAT ignoring the neutral value, and not considering it “negative”, when you have three or five rating options. Thanks!


Hi there, we are activating the new csat survey with 1-5 rating scale, but testing out I am seeing I am not able to analyze the scores: i'd like to analyze the breakdown by the scale rate chosen (how many 1s, how many 2s, how many 5s etc…) but I am only seeing “good” or “bad” as in the previous survey. Do you know how can I pull the breakdown by score? Thanks!



I can get the Satisfaction Rating using {{satisfaction.current_rating}}, and the Satisfaction Comment using {{satisfaction.current_comment}}.

But how do I get the satisfaction drop-down Reasons question result??


Will the CSAT results appear in the header-level ticket view again? It seems unnecessary to move them to events.


Hi all, I read the section Viewing CSAT results on the agent's dashboard (legacy), if we've switched to the new version how can agent's view their CSAT scores now? Why did it clear to 0 when we switched to the new version? I have some agents that miss seeing this. 


When will accurate CSAT results on a 5-point scale be available?

Currently, interpreting responses as simply "Good" or "Bad" is inaccurate and makes it difficult to analyze or act on customer experience data effectively. Having a visible neutral option would already be an improvement, as it is currently categorized as negative, which is misleading. Do you have a timeline for when this feature will be implemented?


the CSAT survey ratings data is retrievable now but it takes a few different API endpoints. Zendesk has published guidance here. (wish that the folks from the ZD team had commented about it here since it's been asked for in these comments so often…)


TLDR: you need the survey_response_id (which is in ticket audits) that you can then use to get the survey response. the survey response includes the rating i.e. the numeric value that the person chose for their CSAT rating.


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