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Zendesk Support placeholders reference

Edited Feb 27, 2025




Hey all,

I'm trying to understand how to make a custom placeholder that captures a section of data from Zendesk sunshine. Can someone help me understand what the code would look like?



What would the placeholder be for a date field?


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Charles Gresula

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Roee aizman,

I see it here as something that's available for use - ticket.organization.custom_fields


For the "Alias" field, I understand that the placeholder "" pulls the Alias if present; however, is there a specific placeholder for just the "Alias" field?

We have a use case where we would like to pull the "Alias" in certain situations and the "agent.first_name" in other situations. I don't see how we can do that without if/else statements in liquid markup.


I saw someone asked above if there is a placeholder to link to a brand's help centre, but don't see an answer. Is there a way to do this please?


Hi Ola 

This is what we did in our Macros

{% if {{}}​ == 'Brand X' %}
{% assign kb = '' %}
{% elsif {{}}​ == 'Brand Y' %}
{% assign kb = '' %}
{% elsif {{}}​ == 'Brand Z' %}
{% assign kb = '' %}
{% else %}
{% assign kb = '' %}
{% endif %}


For further details - visit {{kb}} for 100s of FAQs already answered...


Try it out


Hi Tony - thanks for sharing!

I've just been having a play and have come up with the following, which seems to work.

{% assign link_parts = {{satisfaction.rating_url}} | split: "/" %}
https://{{ link_parts[2] }}/hc

I have over 20 brands and so try to avoid switching on brands if I can!


20 - wow 

I thought our 5 or 6 were a handful... happy to pay it forward


I have not tested this thoroughly, but it seems I am having no success with using: 



When using the #{{}} placeholder to generate a link in a email notification (for example, a ticket creation email notification), it appears that the link it always the end-user link. This causes these links to fail for our light agents/agents when they open a ticket. This link ends up redirecting them to the help center/guide home page.

Is there a way to make sure this user is the Agent interface link when the requester is an internal user?



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Zendesk Engineering

Due to the nature of your concern, I'll create a ticket for you. Please wait for my update via email.
On email notifications, the URL generated will be in the format of /hc/requests/TicketID instead of /agent/requests/TicketID. Changing these values is not supported. However, on the actual tickets, these format will still open the correct ticket on the Support interface and will not route you to the Help Center.
Hope this helps!


Hi there,

Is there a placeholder that can read two names but not the whole name? I have a fair amount of regular communication with people with two first names. For example, a woman named Joy Lynn Baker with the placeholder for the first name will pull as Joy and then I have to go in a manually had Lynn. If there is a way to denote two words as one name in their profile we create or some other way to do it, that would be swell. 


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Holly,

I'm not aware of a placeholder that will accomplish what you're looking for at this time unfortunately. I think the best option would be to format the names to look like "Joy-Lynn Baker" which should allow you to use the first name placeholder. This will then display "Joy-Lynn" when the placeholder is applied. I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for but hopefully this helps!


Would it be possible to add support for `` under the Comment details?

Zendesk Support placeholders reference – Zendesk help

The goal is to include enough attachment detail in the trigger to avoid immediately pinging the API. The Redact Comment Attachment endpoint requires the ticket, comment, and attachment ids. 

For instance, consider the following liquid markup in a trigger + resulting payload with one attachment. The resulting JSON property `id` does not have a value since `` is not included in the available placeholders. To redact an attachment, we have to retrieve all comments after receiving the webhook, just to get the attachment Ids.





Hi Joe, welcome to the community!
Eric Nelson from our developer support team mentioned a possible workaround in this thread: Attachment ID placeholder for a comment

Unfortunately we don't expose the ID to the service that handles business rules placeholders. If you need this information, you can easily pull it from the list comments api endpoint.


Hi we have web hooks and triggers setup for our account to get back public comments which are posted on the tickets, I tried using the following place holders 





But still for messages with hyperlinks embedded in texts like the following 
we are not getting back the links in the JSON payload sent back to us. Is there any way to get those links embedded in text. It works for us even if we get the links with markdown format like the following.

[This is a text with link embedded in it](


I want to customize the user account creation email so it reflects the current organization - ie if someone is at HC for org A then it should say "thanks for creating a support account with org A" where-as for org B it would say "... with org B". I can't seem to get any of the substitutions working (ie this stuff {{.....)


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Ram,
Unfortunately, welcome emails are only per account. Per brand welcome email, let alone per organization, is not yet supported. 
You can engage on a similar feature request below to further drive the demand for it. 
Feature Request


Thanks Dane. Is it possible to customize the email template using the automation or script or?


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Zendesk Engineering

Please follow the steps here: Customizing your templates for email notifications



Hello, I'm trying the Zendesk - HubSpot integration and I want to create a trigger notifying HubSpot that there was a tag added to the ticket. Similar to the one for CSAT rating - {"ticketId":"{{}}","eventType":"ticketCSAT"} but I'm not sure what the event type should be. I couldn't really find all the types of event listed anywhere.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Nikolay,
I'm thinking that the payload you have sent is specifically for HubSpot. You can just designate an actual text value if you can't find a corresponding value on our placeholders or Ticket API JSON format.



I have been trying to  add the job title to the signature which is a custom user field. I tried to insert the below but it didn't work.




Are there side conversation ticket placeholders?


Rawan Dawairi we have this in our signatures and use {{agent.custom_fields.title}} for a custom field with key title.


Hi! Can this article please be edited to mention that placeholders are case-sensitive? I found this out today while working with a Zendesk agent to troubleshoot an issue I was encountering and I think it may be helpful to include it on this page.


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Lisa Kelly

Zendesk Documentation Team

Thanks, Maddie, 
I updated both these Placeholder articles to include the following sentence:
"When you specify placeholders, remember they are case-sensitive."
I'm marking this ticket as Solved. Let me know if you disagree. 


How do I pull the URL of the respective commenter's avatar? My use case is that I'm using liquid mark-up in my email notification triggers and need to display the avatar of the commenter next to each comment, whether the commenter was an end-user or agent.

I tried the code someone posted here in Aug 2021 (pasted below), but it seems to always return the agent's avatar's URL, even when the comment is from an end-user. Any ideas?

{% assign newtext = ticket.latest_comment_formatted | split: 'src="' %}
{% assign evenmoretext = newtext[1] | split: '"' %}



Quick question.

I am creating a trigger to notify an external email target of a ticket created at their organization, but I am having trouble finding the right placeholder in the email body that will link them back to the help-center to view the ticket. 

Basically, an email will be sent to an external user when someone at their organization opens a ticket via our help center, I want the external user to be able to click the ticket link and be taken to the help center to view the ticket. 

Currently I have tried: 




But these all point me to the agent's view of the ticket. How do I get the external user a link to the help center view of the ticket? 


Can we take the time and date of a side conversation when she is created? 


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