An autoreply is an automated response to a customer’s request, sent through an email or web form. Autoreplies are created using triggers , which determine when the reply is sent and what information is included in the email response. You can create new triggers to send autoreplies, or update existing triggers.
Autoreply triggers can run at any time, but will only run once on a ticket. You must activate autoreplies before you can create autoreply triggers.
This article discusses the following topics:
Configuring autoreply triggers
Before you start configuring autoreply triggers, make sure you're familiar with how triggers work. See Creating triggers for automatic ticket updates and notifications and Managing triggers.
To set up an email autoreply to recommend articles, you'll need to create a new trigger, or update an existing trigger to include the Autoreply with articles action.
To configure an email autoreply trigger
In Admin Center, click
Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Business rules > Triggers.
- To start with a new trigger, click Create trigger.
- To edit an existing trigger, click the title of the trigger you want to update.
- Configure the trigger conditions. For example, you may want to send an autoreply email with suggested articles to an end user as soon as they submit a help request via email. That trigger would include ALL of the following conditions:
- Ticket > Ticket | Is | Created
- Requester > Role | Is | (end-user)
- Ticket > Channel | Is | Email
- Next, configure the trigger to perform the following action:
- Notify by > Autoreply with articles | (requester)
This establishes that all tickets meeting the above conditions will send your autoreply email (see below) to the ticket requester.
- Notify by > Autoreply with articles | (requester)
- When you select Notify by > Autoreply with articles from the Actions drop-down, the autoreply email field appears:
- Fill out the email subject and body text you want to include in the autoreply email. Use the placeholders listed below to customize the email text.
{{autoreply.article_list}} (required). You must include this placeholder for the feature to work. This placeholder adds a list of up to three articles that best match the request, links to those articles, and inserts buttons the end user can use to choose which article solved the request.
Note: This placeholder includes two pieces of text that are determined by the user's profile language: The header Do any of these articles answer your question?, and the two buttons located underneath each suggested article Yes, close my request and View article .
- {{autoreply.first_article_body}} (optional). This placeholder renders the first matching article (full HTML) into the email body, allowing end users to read the article and solve their problem without needing to leave the email experience.
{{autoreply.article_count}} (optional). This placeholder allows you to create an optional condition to send different body copy to customers based on how many articles are returned, for example:
{% if autoreply.article_count > 0 %} Here are some great articles that may help: {{autoreply.article_list}} {{autoreply.first_article_body}} {% endif %}
Note: Autoreplies are not compatible with the{{header}}
placeholder, which is an unsupported and deprecated placeholder that some customers may still be using in their HTML Email Template. The HTML Email template can be found in Admin Center , by clicking the Channels icon () in the sidebar, then selecting Talk and email > Email and scrolling to the Email templates section.
While this placeholder currently functions with standard email notifications, it produces a malformed header in autoreply emails To resolve the issue, remove this{{header}}
placeholder from the Zendesk HTML Email template. To replicate the look and feel of this placeholder, you can add the following code (with appropriate styling added as desired) to the Email Body section of your account's Notify Requester triggers.<a href="{{}}">Ticket #{{}}: {{ticket.title}}</a>
{{autoreply.article_list}} (required). You must include this placeholder for the feature to work. This placeholder adds a list of up to three articles that best match the request, links to those articles, and inserts buttons the end user can use to choose which article solved the request.
- In the section Configure labels and test autoreply, click Configure and test to filter the list of help center articles offered based on labels:
- Ticket brand: Use the drop-down to select a brand to run the test on. The brand selected here is purely for testing purposes, and will not be added to the trigger you are creating.
- Ticket subject: This field is used to test the articles returned when a ticket is filed with this subject.
- Ticket description: Enter a short description of seven or more words, written from the ticket submitter's perspective.
- Search articles by label (optional): Enter any article labelsyou want to use to filter the results. As you type into the tag field, available labels beginning with the same word or characters are displayed. Any articles with the selected labels are considered in autoreplies.
- Click Show suggested articles for a list of articles the user may receive if these labels are applied when submitting a similar ticket. If the results are acceptable, click Done to save the trigger. If the results are not acceptable, edit the entries and try again, or click Cancel.
- Click Create (if you're creating a new trigger) or Save (if you're updating an existing trigger).
Converting a default trigger to an email autoreply with recommended articles
Zendesk Support provides a set of standard triggers, including triggers for email notifications. After activating autoreplies, you can update the default Notify requester and CCs of received request and Notify requester of new proactive ticket triggers to use the Autoreply with articles action.
To convert a default trigger to an email autoreply with articles
- In Admin Center, click
Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Business rules > Triggers.
- Click the title of the Notify requester and CCs of received request or Notify requester of new proactive ticket trigger you want to edit.
- In the trigger Actions section, click the Convert to autoreply with articles button.
This updates the trigger, including adding the autoreply placeholders into the email body.
- Edit the email as needed, and click Save.
Allen Lai | Head of CX at
Is there a way to remove or edit the "Do any of these articles answer your question?" header within the email?
Juraj Jarmek
Hello @...,
That is part of a pre-determined placeholder, answer_bot.article_list, and unfortunately cannot be edited or replaced, since it is required by the automation.
Hope that answers the question!
Hi everyone!
I've been configuring answer bot during these past weeks, and I'd like to know if there is any possibility to change the behavior of the button "yes, close my request" at the end of the article displayed in the email.
I'm talking about this one.
The change that we are thinking is about making that the button actually solves the ticket and doesn't redirect the user to the article on the help center. Is there a possibility to configure it like that on our end?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Luis,
Thanks for reaching out to our Community!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but at the moment, it's not possible to customise the way the Answer Bot's suggestions are displayed in email notifications. The reason for this is that the message is returned by the Answer Bot through placeholders that are added to your triggers. These placeholders are {{answer_bot.article_list}} and {{answer_bot.first_article_body}}.
The button from your screenshot is added by the second placeholder {{answer_bot.first_article_body}} and is visible on the first article. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to access these placeholders and change the content they return.
Let us know if you have further questions!
James Beniston
This looks so exciting, cannot wait to get it setup!
Two questions:
Jason Schaeffer
Hi James,
Thanks for reaching out! Yes you can use Zendesk placeholders in your dynamic content. For example, you can add placeholders for ticket and user properties. See Zendesk data object (placeholders) referenceZendesk data object (placeholders) reference. You can also add other dynamic content placeholders.
Dynamic content is also how you would setup support for multiple languages, so this should work for both of your inquiries.
Thank you!
Jason Schaeffer | Customer Advocate |
James Beniston
Thanks for coming back on this Jason, much appreciated!
Should this answer bot code work from within Dynamic Content:
{% if answer_bot.article_count > 0 %}
{% endif %}
I tried it but with no success.
James Molina
I am having the same issue. Answerbot is not working when I place the code within Dynamic Content
Hi James,
It appears that the Answer Bot placeholders don't work with dynamic content, see more details here:
Thank you!
Yours truly,
Sonny Rebenito | Tier 1 Associate Customer Advocate |
Got a question? Come chat with us!
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Tiffany Maberry
We recently added new labels to content related to an upcoming holiday campaign. As we're trying to create associated triggers for this content, it doesn't allow the addition of NEW labels when we try to configure & test. Any insight?
Julio H
I hope you are doing very well.
It seems that you are having a doubt about (Given that the brand setting is for testing only, how do I ensure the correct brand is used for suggestions?).
Could you tell me more about your issue?
Hi Tiffany Maberry
In relation to the Labels, I will recommend checking these articles:
Using labels on your help center articles
Best Practices: Using labels in Answer Bot triggers
These labels should be added already in the Help Center articles to be able to be reviewed by Answer Bot.
Julio H | Technical Support Specialist | Zendesk EMEA
Enjoy Free Zendesk Training
David Hartung
Hello. How do you prevent/ restrict INTERNAL Articles from showing up through the Answer Bot?
Internal articles that will show up in bot recommendations are restricted to the user segment the end-users belong to. Let's say for example you have enabled "Signed-in user" in your help center, even without signing in the end-user can still access the link the bot provided. But it's limited to articles that belong to their segment. They can't see any other articles that belongs to another user segment like "Agents and Admins".
Hope this helps.
David Hartung
I guess I am not 100% clear. I don't want our distributors to be served up an INTERNAL Articles. Can I add a restriction that includes the word [INTERNAL] so that any article labeled [INTERNAL] will not appear? For example: Any internal articles are titled as such: How to Set up the new Office Printer [INTERNAL]
Carl Hajal
Can we have the answer bot send an email to the agent (assignee) instead of the requester?
The suggested articles are not always accurate but it would be nice to prompt the agent with the suggested ones and they can evaluate them.
thank you
It is only available for requester and CC.
However, your agents can review the articles that were sent on the actual ticket.
Allen Lai | Head of CX at
How can I suggest my own list of articles instead of having AB suggest it for me? I could just use a normal trigger, but I want the ability for end-users to mark their ticket as solved.
We don't have this feature yet outside of Answer Bot.
Would you mind posting your use case to our Feedback on Support topic? We have a template you can copy and use in your post. This is to help get more visibility and votes on the idea. Then, others can share their use cases to further drive demand for that feature. Thanks!
Shantanu Desai
Hi there,
We have AnswerBot(now Autoreplies) enabled in our production and sandbox Zendesk instance. While it continues to work in the production instance, it has stopped working in the sandbox.
A little context: we have the trigger set up to respond to customers, via email, as soon as they open a ticket. The email gets sent, but no suggestions are included.
When testing using the `Configure and test` button, the expected articles show up for multiple queries.
Our help centre is set up for signed-in users only.
Are there other considerations that I may be missing? Could someone help me figure out why the same exact trigger works in production but not in the sandbox, please?
Emilie Schutyser
Coming back to the questions asked on May 14 and June 5 2021, is there in the meantime a way to alter the text or the behavior of the button "yes, close my request" at the end of the article displayed in the email?
We have a lot of confusion with our clients, that close their tickets with these buttons without meaning to. They then create new tickets when not receiving response on their first created (and mistakenly closed) ticket, being frustrated about the extended waiting time and lack of responsitivity from our customer care teams.
Is there a solution for this?
I'm afraid that the text
yes, close my request
cannot be modified as this is part of the placeholder{{autoreply.article_count}}
which adds a list of up to three articles in the request and inserts the buttons Yes, close my request, and View article.I encourage you to create a new post in the Guide Product Feedback topic in our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
Samuel Babalola
I have a scenario where I want to serve suggested articles in a local language based on a specified custom field value I am setting from my contact form. Is this presently supported ?
The Scenario: Based on the language a user selected,and submit a contact form with, we are setting a custom field to pick that locale. Based on that we are sending auto reply to the customer. Our dynamic contents seems to be working fine with this (some if and else to achieve that). But we noticed the article suggestion below the body of the autoreply does not, it always defaults to english (default user language). Is there a way to specify which locale to serve the articles in?
I created a ticket for your question as we may need to do some testing in order to check the possibility of achieving your workflow. Our team will reach out to you via email.
How can this placeholder be both optional and required?

Arianne Batiles
Hi Cristian,
Would you mind sharing your use case? Although we cannot change the placeholder rule, may I know why would you like placeholders to be both required and optional?
I think the {{autoreply.article_count}} in #5 is a typo.
Arianne Batiles
Can you confirm if that was indeed a typo?
Arianne Batiles
That's right. Thanks for flagging, Walter. The first placeholder should be
We'll be updating this article shortly. Thanks!
Hi Arianne,
I don't want the placeholder to be both required and optional at the same time, I just asked how is it possible. =)
Sorry for not phrasing it clearer and thank you for flagging the article to be fixed.
Hi Walter,
I assumed that it was a mistake. Thank you for clarifying the situation.
Hi, this article conflicts with another article, here. Which states:
Note: Intelligent triage conditions don’t work with the Ticket | Is | Created condition. If you plan to use conditions related to intent, language, or sentiment in the triggers as described in this article, use the Status | Is | New condition instead.
I have been testing the Advanced Auto Reply feature as per the conditions advised in this article, but you can't use the Ticket | Is | Created condition, because the intents and language are added a few seconds after the ticket is created.
Can you please clarify which article is accurate?
Also, if you try a workaround, using Ticket | Is | Updated condition. Only the ticket comment is updated with the auto-reply, nothing is sent to the requester.
You will want an auto reply to fire on creation, as that's the purpose of the advanced auto reply feature
Mike DR
This article would be for Intelligent triage (AI): Recipe: Adding comments and notes to tickets using triggers