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Updating ticket requesters and organizations

Edited Mar 19, 2025




We've notice that when we change the Requester for a ticket, the new Requester gets notifications when a Public Reply is added, and the old Requester gets notifications of the Public Reply and the Internal Note (to include the text of both Public Reply and Internal Note.)

Is there a way to change Requester and ensure that the old Requester stops receiving notifications?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Wendell!

The built-in default trigger "Notify requester and CCs of comment update" should help you with that. You don't have to update the conditions on that trigger since it's already set up the way you described it by default; not unless you configured the trigger's conditions.

If the trigger uses the "(requester)" or "(requester and CCs)" value for the "Email user" > "(requester)" action, that'll always keep up with whoever the current ticket requester is. With that setup, you don't need to change anything in the trigger itself.

Important note as a privacy/data security red flag. If the trigger's email notification includes a placeholder like {{ticket.comments_formatted}}, the new requester would be able to see the previous conversation between the support agent and the old requester. That could be alarming if the previous requester sent over their credit card number or provided any extremely sensitive information. I wouldn't suggest using a placeholder like that if you plan on changing ticket requesters often. Instead, use a placeholder that only looks at the latest comment like {{ticket.latest_comment}}.


Customer Advocacy Team


I'm wondering about the behavior of ticket updates when a requesters organization gets changed.  We are seeing that tickets created with a requester that dons't belong to an organization don't appear to update in data received via the api when they eventually do get added to an organization.  That is, old tickets organization ids stay as null. 

Do requester organization updates cascade to all tickets or only some?  




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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Eli,

Tickets that are in status other than Closed can still be updated. This means, the changes mentioned in the article above applies to tickets in New, Open, Pending, On-hold, and Solved tickets. When you change a requester's organization (assuming that this requester only has one organization), then the requester's tickets will be updated.

Closed tickets, however, will not be affected, because closed tickets can no longer be edited (see Can I edit closed tickets?). Once a ticket is Closed, ticket properties, including Organization, will remain the same even if you change the requester organization. 


Can I update the requester via the API? I need to update the requester on hundreds of tickets and I'd rather not do it one by one.


Hi Cyn –
You sure can! You'll want to use the Update Many Tickets endpoint in the Tickets API, which will allow you to update up to 100 tickets at a time: Update Many Tickets


Thank you, Dave!


Hi @...

How can I automatically change the ticket organization for a user who has many organizations depending on the type of request using triggers? I was trying to do it using organization tags or fields but it's not possible.




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Arianne Batiles

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Maky

An organization cannot be set or changed through triggers and automations. The organization can has to be set upon ticket creation or manually updated by an agent in the ticket. 


Somehow the button to change the requester directly from below the ticket subject disappeared over night. We have been using this a lot. Is this a bug, will it come back?




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Zendesk Luminary

Katharina Beckmann, I am wondering if your instance was updated to Agent Workspace where there is no more change option.  Instead you can now click directly on the Requester field on the left in the ticket form.  It's simpler and one less click than the old change option.


Katharina Beckmann Im seeing the same change in our Zendesk instance. We are not using the agent workspaces, nor do I see any reference to this change in the recent changelogs.

Zendesk Are you able to provide some insights regarding this?


Can we please change this back? I'm worried that agents will easily change the requester when it shouldn't be changed


This should at least be changed to only admins being able to change requester. 


Are we able disable partial matches or "relevant results" appearing when an Agent is updating the Requester by copying and pasting the end user's email into that field? Partial matches displaying only increases the chance of an Agent accidentally selecting an incorrect requester. Partial matches for the Requester field doesn't feel relevant here, as the impact could be a privacy risk. 

Instead of partial matches appearing in a drop-down, it would be more helpful for only the 'Add User' button to appear if the email inputted for requester does not already have a user created.

I appreciate any insights or steps to eliminating this issue you can offer. Thank you for your time and support. 


Is there anyway to run a report on the original requester?   One of our internal teams will raise cases on behalf of a customer, and after it is submitted we will tie it to the correct contact.   I want to be able to see who originally raised it in a report


I have a question about the requester. Right now, you can type in the name and the email of the requester. Can we add another field in the search? We have a custom user filed wich is an employee number. We we have calls, it could be so much simplet to use this field.


Though my light agents belong to multiple organizations - I do not wish them to set the organization when submitting tickets via the request form. How can I remove the organization field from the request form?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Efrat Barak Zadok,
As mentioned in this post it is not possible to have the organization field hidden to users who belong to an organization. May that be a single or multiple organization.


Hi there! When I update the requester of a ticket, do you know if the new requester will be notified, and will they share all the prior correspondence, including internal and public replies?


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