Suite | Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support with | Explore Professional or Enterprise |
When you create a dashboard, you might want certain users to see some of the data without being able to see all of it. While you could create a separate filtered dashboard for each user, it’s much easier to accomplish this goal with dashboard restrictions.
For example, you can create a single dashboard to monitor agent productivity, and then use dashboard restrictions to ensure that each agent can see only their own metrics when they open the dashboard.
This article contains the following topics:
Creating a dashboard restriction
The first step in determining what a dashboard viewer can see is creating a dashboard restriction. A dashboard restriction is a set of rules that determines what data—broken down by dataset, attribute, and attribute value—a user is allowed to view.
Customers on Professional plans can create a maximum of 10 dashboard restrictions. Customers on Enterprise plans can create a maximum of 100.
To create a dashboard restriction
- Open an existing dashboard for editing (it must have been created using the beta
dashboard builder), or create a new dashboard using the beta
dashboard builder.Tip: You can use the Support agent productivity template to quickly create a dashboard that’s designed to show a full picture of agent productivity over the last 7 days.
- Click the arrow next to the Share button and select Manage data
- Click Create restriction.
- In the window that appears, fill out the following fields:
- Name: Give your dashboard restriction a descriptive name.
- Dataset: Select the dataset that you want to restrict data for.
- Filter: Select the attribute that you want to restrict data for. For details, see List of dynamic attributes.
Values: For the filter you selected above, select up to 20 values
that will be visible to the dashboard viewer. Search for specific values
by typing. For example, if you want the dashboard to show only tickets
assigned to a specific agent, you could select a Filter of
Assignee name, and a Value of the agent’s name.
The Based on viewer option dynamically restricts a dashboard’s data based on the signed-in user. For example, if you select the Assignee name filter and the Based on viewer value, the dashboard will show only tickets where the signed-in user is the assignee.
Note: Dashboard restrictions that use the Based on viewer setting can’t be shared externally.
- If needed, click Add filter and select an additional set of
Dataset, Filter, and Values. You can add as many
filters as you need to restrict the dashboard to your desired level.
You can remove a filter at any time by clicking Remove filter underneath the corresponding Dataset/Filter/Values set.
- When you’re done, click Create dashboard restriction. The Dashboard
restrictions window appears, showing you the restriction you just
created along with any other restrictions that exist for this
- Click Done.
Creating a dashboard restriction is the first step in controlling what dashboard viewers can see, but you need to share that dashboard restriction with the applicable users for it to have any effect.
Sharing a restricted dashboard with users
After you’ve created at least one dashboard restriction, you need to share it with users. Sharing a dashboard restriction with a user invites them to view the restricted version of the dashboard, meaning they’ll be able to see only the data that you defined in the dashboard restriction you created above.
To share a restricted dashboard with users
- Open an existing dashboard for editing (it must have been created using the beta dashboard builder), or create a new dashboard using the beta dashboard builder.
- Click Share. The Invite people window appears.
- In the Add team members or groups field, select the users you want to share the dashboard with. Search for specific users by typing.
- In the Access field, select the dashboard restriction that defines which
data the selected users should be able to see. If you don’t want to apply any
dashboard restriction for the selected users, choose All data. The
People with access pane shows you which users can already see the
dashboard.Tip: If none of the existing dashboard restrictions meet your needs, you can create a new one from this dropdown by clicking Create dashboard restriction.
- (Optional) Clear the Send email notification checkbox if you don’t want to send an email notification to the invited users to view the dashboard. If you don’t send an email, users can still find the dashboard in the report library or by going to the dashboard’s URL.
- Click Invite people.
Viewing a dashboard with a restriction
When a user opens a dashboard that was created with the beta dashboard builder, they can see the name of the dashboard and the currently applied dashboard restriction at the top.
Users with access to multiple dashboard restrictions (like admins) can switch between the different restrictions, changing the data shown in the dashboard. Users with access to only a single restriction cannot change the selection.
To view a dashboard with a restriction
- Open a dashboard that was created using the beta dashboard builder.
- If you have access, select the dropdown next to the dashboard’s name to switch
between different dashboard restrictions.
List of dynamic attributes
You can create a dashboard restriction with any historical dataset or attribute. However, the attributes listed in the table below are the only ones that dynamically change the dashboard’s data based on the viewer.
You cannot create dashboard restrictions for live data.
Dataset | Corresponding attributes |
Support - Tickets |
Support - Updates history |
Support - SLAs |
Support - Backlog history |
Talk - Calls |
Chat - Engagement |
Chat - Messaging tickets |
Walter Bellante
Hi Efrat Barak Zadok, thanks for your question.
An Importer tool will be available after the GA of the new dashboard builder. This tool will allow you to quickly import reports from an existing dashboard built with the classic builder.
Besides the Importer Tool, the Dashboard Activity feature will help you in measuring what dashboards have been viewed so you can identify the ones to migrate.
You can find the full list of features here
Anita Rajkumar
Please let me know when this functionality will be fully released ETA
Walter Bellante
Hi Anita Rajkumar,
thanks for your interest in dashboard restrictions.
The feature is already available in the beta dashboard builder.
Spencer Barrett
Walter Bellante Thank you for the additional information, customers are currently looking for a way to export a list of tickets with specific details outside of the Zendesk system. We currently have the Guide system set up where users are required to sign-in and therefore believe that having a Dashboard restriction for End-Users based on Organization may fulfill this requirement.
1. Do we have an ETA when Dashboard restrictions will be applicable to End-Users?
2. Is my understanding of how this Dashboard could be utilized correctly?
Spencer Barrett
Tango Analytics
Walter Bellante
Hello @Spencer Barrett,
Thank you for your inquiry about dashboard restrictions. Currently, you can share dashboard restrictions with end-users through a link. This allows them to view a filtered version of the dashboard. However, the restrictions shared externally cannot dynamically adapt the data based on the end-user. To clarify, if you have multiple organizations, you would need to create a restriction for each one.
While we plan to introduce the ability to dynamically filter data based on the end-user in the future, we do not have an ETA yet. Once this feature is available, you will be able to use a single link to be hosted on Guide showcasing the filtered dashboard based on the organization to which the end-user is linked.
I hope this information answers your questions. If you have any further inquiries, please don't hesitate to ask.
Gerald J
Can I add multiple datasets on the same beta dashboard and apply multiple data restrictions? Like assignee email from Support, updater email from Update history, assignee name from Backlog?
When can we expect to see here the Agent state dateset?
I think it should be possible to add multiple reports each one based on a specific dataset that doesn't have to be the same, on a dashboard. Check this article to know more about dashboads.
Are there any plans to include to include live filters in the restrictions?
Walter Bellante
Hi Stephen, yes, we plan to include them before the end of Q2.
Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)
How do I go about restricting access to the Default Dashboards? Do I have to re-create them in the beta builder?
Christine Diego
Hi Chad,
In case you are using Explore Lite, all Support users are granted view-only access to the prebuilt dashboards by default. However, if you are using Explore Professional, the default access to Explore is determined by the role assigned to the user during creation. For more detailed information, please refer to the following article: Understanding default Explore access.
Any way to exclude reports from the dashboard data restrictions? For instance, we want to include reports for individual agents and their teams, but if we turn on a data restriction based on viewer, it doesn't seem to be possible to restrict to teams and an individual agent at the same time
atlantis dx
Is there a way that i can make a data restrictions for groups? i have this use case where i have two departments, and i want to prevent Group A to see the data of Group B and vice versa.
Thanks in Advance!
Samer Kaskas
We've found that this isn't viable at the moment due to the blanket restrictions that are in place. For example, we have reports on the dashboard that are built around the Assignee from the Update History dataset as well as reports built around the Updater. If we apply a data restriction for either of these reports, it messes up the other one.
More granularity on how these data restrictions are applied is going to be essential before we can consider this feature.
Walter Bellante
Hi D.Fitz ,
thanks for sharing your feedback about the beta dashboard builder.
While filters can't be hidden, the beta dashboard builder allows you to exclude filters from reports and set some default filter values using filtered views.
Sierra Collins
When trying to add a viewer restriction by Ticket Group. I'm only able to add up to 16 groups in the restriction. However, we have more than 16 support groups.
Elavarasi M
Hi Walter Bellante ,
When adding multiple filters within a Data Restriction, the filters are applied with an AND condition, however, we would want the restriction to be applied with an OR condition.
For example: I want to see the number of tickets addressed by Agent A for the last 2 months as a builder and a reviewer. Agent A can either be the builder OR the reviewer, but cannot be the both on a ticket.
The AND condition does not display any data.
While we are able to achieve this with the help of Filtered Views, lacking the ability to hide data filters poses privacy concern, as agents can view data of other agents, which we would like to restrict.
Can the data restriction be applied with an OR condition? If not, bringing back the ability to hide filters should help us.
Elaine Foster-Jones
Here to voice additional concern about the Omnichannel datasets not being included in restrictions. If we do not have the ability to hide filters, we need data restrictions to be applicable to any/all datasets to create functional dashboards for each of our team's productivity metrics. Currently, we have a dashboard looking at schedule adherence for our agents, which is measured based on their online time for certain channels. These reports are useless if we cannot restrict this data based on the viewer. We do not want agents to have access to other agents' individual data via these dashboards, so filters & default filter settings will not meet our needs because we cannot hide them.
We either need the ability to hide filters, like the Legacy dashboards had, or we need all datasets included in data restrictions.
Lara McCaleb
Not being able to set a Talk Dataset restriction around the Leg Agent Name handcuffs my ability to show a user how many calls they personally missed. Using the current data restriction elements with call agent name displays the number of missed calls other agents on the team had, that the current user answered. If I use Leg Agent ID for the Talk Dataset, and Assignee Name for Support and SLA datasets, the personalized dashboard will not load any datapoints. There needs to be a way to exclude filters from reports while also showing data based on user.
Does ZenDesk plan to add Leg Agent Name into dynamic filters? Are there any workarounds to the above issue?
Efrat Barak Zadok
I have 3 team leads and I would like each one to see data of his own team members - how should I define it in the restrictions?
They are not the assignee in the tickets.
Walter Bellante
Hi Efrat Barak Zadok ,
thanks for your interest in dashboard restrictions.
Assuming your team leads are assigned to their corresponding group, you can create a dashboard restriction on “Ticket group” and select “Based on viewer” as a value.
When they open the dashboard restriction, they will be able to see just the data that is related to their group.
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Hi Walter Bellante,
I just wanted to follow up on your comment from last year regarding the following capability. Has there been any update that you could share with us? It is a much anticipated feature for several of our clients.
Jimmy Long ~
David Froemke
I would like to schedule the delivery of a dashboard to our agents. The report was built with all agent data in there. It's a simple list of open/backlog tickets. How can I schedule that delivery to agents based on their OWN data and not everyone else's.
UPDATE 1/7/2025:
It is my understanding that there is no way of doing this currently in the new Dashboard Builder. How can I schedule the sending of a dashboard that includes a report where the data is filtered based on the login info of the viewer?
Efrat Barak Zadok
Hi Walter Bellante Thanks for your answer.
Our different teams all have the same group - I have distinguish them via a set I created in the calculation →attributes option.
How can I do the same in the new dashboard?
Walter Bellante
Hi Efrat Barak Zadok ,
Thank you for your interest in dashboard restrictions.
You can utilize calculated attributes within dashboard restrictions.
Efrat Barak Zadok
Walter Bellante Can you please let me know how I can use in the dashboard restrictions sets I created as a calculated attributes?
For example I created a set which is based on assignee name.
But when I select the assignee name in the Filter option - I cannot find the set I created in the drop down values options.
I also cannot find my set in the filter option.
I would appreciate your guidance here
Efrat Barak Zadok
Is there a way to duplicate filtered view to different tabs? Instead of manually creating them again and again for every tab?
I second this! Would be great for there to be a checkbox in the filter configuration to “Apply this filter to all Dashboard tabs”
Efrat Barak Zadok
I am trying to create dashboard restriction but I see that the dataset for Knowledge Capture is not showing in the drop down options.
In my use case - I have one tab in the agent dashboard related to all the Knowledge Article he wrote/added - and I need to be able to restrict according to Article Author Name
Walter Bellante without the ability to exclude reports from individual data restrictions, it's not possible for numerous reports to exist together. For instance, if we have CSAT (filtered by Update Ticket Assignee) and Tickets Solved (Filtered by Updater) on the same dashboard, the restrictions will apply to both and distort both reports.
I've raised this with the support team who have admitted that this is an enormous oversight but that there's nothing to be done apart from posting on these forums.
For us, this is an absolute dealbreaker and a huge step backwards in terms of usability.