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In a messaging conversation, a session is the real-time exchange between the end user and a live or AI agent. Ending messaging sessions allows agents to manage their workload by concluding sessions that no longer require real-time interaction, freeing up capacity for new requests.
- They have all the information they need from the customer but must perform some wrap-up tasks before closing the ticket. Ending the session prevents the customer from continuing the discussion or bringing up different issues within the same conversation.
- The conversation can be handled better in another channel, such as email or Talk.
When you’re ready, you can turn on the end session feature for your agents.
This article includes the following sections:
About the terminology used in this article
- Conversation: The entire lifecycle of a customer request. A conversation begins when the end user clicks the Web Widget launch button and enters a comment or otherwise initiates communication and ends when the related ticket is Closed.
- Session: The real-time, live chat-style interaction between an end user and an agent. Agents can end sessions, which prevents the end user from interacting with the agent through any messaging channel. Each messaging conversation has only one session.
- Ticket: Messaging tickets are created when messaging conversations are handed off from an AI agent and routed to a live agent, group, or queue in Support. Each messaging ticket is associated with a messaging session. Tickets include all manual and automatic events applied to the ticket, such as status changes, triggers and other business rules, and both public and internal replies.
Understanding workflow changes when you allow agents to end messaging sessions
When an agent ends a messaging session, the messaging channel is essentially turned off for that customer interaction which affects the following aspects of the conversation lifecycle:
Ticket routing
When an agent ends a messaging session, the associated ticket is treated as an email ticket for agents rather than a messaging ticket.
Depending on your routing configuration, tickets associated with an ended messaging session can be treated as messaging tickets or email tickets.
You can create triggers using the Ticket > Messaging session ended reason | Changed to | Ended by agent condition to automatically reassign a ticket, or to update the status of a ticket, after an agent ends a messaging session.
Additionally, when you choose to treat agent-ended sessions as email tickets, you can create a custom queue using the Ticket > Channel | Is | Messaging and Ticket > Routing channel | Is | Email conditions to route these tickets.
Because the messaging channel is unavailable on a ticket with an ended session, messaging triggers can’t run on them. However, ticket triggers will still act on them when conditions are met, including triggers with the Ticket > Channel | Is | Messaging condition.
When you turn on the end session feature, a new ticket condition category for ticket triggers is added: Ticket > Messaging session ended reason. When used in combination with the Ticket > Channel | Is | Messaging condition, you can build ticket triggers that fire on messaging tickets with ended messaging sessions. These conditions are helpful if you need to replace the bypassed messaging triggers or want to send a CSAT survey when an agent ends a session.
Agent capacity
The agent’s messaging ticket capacity is released after they end a messaging conversation session. The agent’s email ticket capacity is not affected.
Ticket status
A ticket’s status does not automatically change when an agent ends the associated messaging session.
CSAT surveys
Because the messaging channel is turned off when an agent ends a messaging session, the action of solving the ticket doesn’t occur in the messaging channel and, therefore, the conditions in the default messaging CSAT trigger can’t be met.
Using customizable CSAT (available on Suite Growth plans and above), you can create a trigger that automatically sends the survey to end users when an agent ends their messaging session. See Recipe: Sending a CSAT survey when a messaging session ends.
Understanding the agent experience when messaging sessions are ended
When you allow agents to end messaging sessions, they can do so in the composer in Agent Workspace.
When an agent ends a messaging session in a conversation, the related ticket is updated in the Agent Workspace in several ways:
- In the composer, the Messaging channel option is deactivated for that conversation. Agents can contact the customer through other available channels.
- If the end user’s email address is known, the composer defaults to public reply; if no email is provided, the composer defaults to an internal note.
- The end session event is captured and displayed in the ticket event history.
- Agents can continue communicating with one another on the ticket using internal notes.
- The status of the associated ticket isn’t influenced by the messaging session’s state.
Understanding the end-user experience when messaging sessions are ended
After an agent ends a messaging session, the customer can’t reply to the related ticket through that messaging conversation. If a customer enters new replies in the messaging channel after the session is ended, it’s treated as a new agent interaction that initiates a new messaging session and, ultimately, a new ticket.
Customers aren’t automatically notified when an agent ends a messaging session. To prevent customer confusion, you may want to instruct your agents to inform the customer that they're ending the conversation and any new replies will result in a new messaging conversation and ticket. To streamline this communication, admins can create a macro with a standardized statement for them to use.
Hello Aimee Spanier - how to make this available in our instance? Is this going to be rolled out soon? Thank you!
Aimee Spanier
Hi, Jahn Jerenz Bronilla. The feature is being rolled out over the next week. It will be available to everyone by October 7, 2024.
We don't see why we need this new feature (we complete chats as solved and then keep them solved for 1 hour for possible follow-up from customers). It would be better if a client could mark the conversation as completed on their side and I hope it will be released also soon.
It would also be nice to have an indication on the client side that the conversation is ended (regardless of whether an agent or a client marked it as closed). And when using the multi conversation feature, the closed chat should be displayed as closed on the client side.
Will there be a corresponding trigger action or API method to end a Messaging session?
Can we end the session in the conversation bot builder? our flow is mostly automated and we need a way to end the session once the bot flow ended, so next interaction starts the bot flow all over again (rather than the agent choosing to end it) . How can we do that?
Rachel Martin
Is this Zendesk's solution to the issues with persistent conversations?
Chase Dungan
This has been a frustrating update so far for me and my team. Triggers are not working as expected, even after reading through several of the articles in zendesk help to figure out a solution.
Additionally, I have ending messaging sessions turned on, which states “Once ended, no more replies can be sent via messaging and a new message from the customers will open a new ticket.” However, this is not the case. Through several hours of testing this, new messages from customers after an ended session do NOT open a new ticket and instead just create a new message on the same existing ticket. There is NO alert or notification to inform staff that the customer is reaching out for help again. It just shows as a little red dot next to the bell icon. One would have to actively be going back to look at this bell icon to know the customer reached back out. Unlike a new conversation, where there is a sound and easily visible jumping green rectangle to inform staff that a customer needs help.
This is really interfering with our workflow and we have already received 2 “bad” ratings as a direct result of this switch to Messaging, and it's only been 24 hours since we made the switch. Very disappointing that a “fix” was rolled out by Zendesk for something that was never broken.
Chase Dungan
I also strongly agree with Viachaslau Skorbezh who commented “It would be better if a client could mark the conversation as completed on their side”.
Why was this removed? Customers should be able to end a chat and now they cannot. Now if they reach back out days later for an entirely different issue, it will not alert staff that there is a new conversation/incoming chat. It may easily be missed because it's just creating a new message on the same existing ticket.
Rachel Martin
Can you end a session via an action in a macro or trigger? This would save some clicks for agents.
Is it possible to remove the message history? Allowing the previous dialog to stay within can cause confusion between both the customer and the agents.
John Tieu
Is there a way to use this in conjunction with auto-release capacity? The flow we'd like is to end the messaging conversation after inactivity period has elapsed.
Adding my voice here to request that y'all please add the ability to end messaging conversations via trigger action. Automating this behavior would be huge for us.
Thank you!
Hoping the end session can be done via Trigger too!
Bryan Schmitt
Our initial testing with the End Session feature has been positive. We are also interested in the ability to trigger the End Session via a trigger. Our current implementation utilizes Sunco where we are locking down the conversation after our Agent sends our custom “End Chat” signal. Unfortunately this still allows agents to send messages. We'd like to then trigger the “End Session” feature to disable the “Messaging” channel from the agents perspective.
Our team also enjoys the End Session feature, and we would LOVE to be able to automate it's usage as Bryan is suggesting. Please add that as an action to triggers & automations!
Willow | Brigid | S-W Care Supervisor
+1 to allowing a trigger for ending conversations. PLEASE and thank you!
Hello Aimee Spanier - adding voice to the sentiments above.
+1 to allow ending conversation using trigger please.
gan ganor
If an agent ends a session, will the communication in the ticket still be available via email?
Aimee Spanier
Hi, gan ganor. Yes, after an agent ends a session they can still communicate with the end user over other channels – email, Talk if it's available, etc.
Aimee Spanier
Hi, everyone! I've alerted the folks in charge that there's a lot of enthusiasm for automating the end session actions.
Thanks for the feedback!
gan ganor
Thanks Aimee Spanier! Just want to clarify - communication through other channels will be available in the same ticket, right? Not through a followup/completely new ticket
Naina Mathur
Hi community
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response.
1. With regard to the end session as a trigger action feature request:
This feature request has been accepted and is on our roadmap in 2025. Per our Community Guidelines that we do not provide specific timelines around releases for our product and any discussion of planning is always subject to change. To stay on top of product releases please visit our What’s New page in the Help Center. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases.
2. With regard to challenges in using end session and continuous conversations, a fix was issued. To reiterate ending sessions leads to a new ticket being created by the end user. When used in conjunction, both workflows will function as intended in their respective behaviors.
3. Yes email responses and email as a channel is available. Routing these ended session tickets via email is planned for 2025.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.
Aimee Spanier
Hi, gan ganor.
Yes, agents and end users can still communicate within that same ticket via other available channels. Agents can use the channel selection drop-down in the composer to select whichever channel they choose (as long as it is available on their account) and continue the conversation without creating a new ticket, side conversation, or follow-up.
Nate Hales
Need the ability to end session per trigger as well.
Also, wondering if there is a way to bypass omnichannel routing using specific tags? I have limited agents on Saturdays, agents are online for calls but chat is not an option. My bot will tell customers no one is here per business hours, however omnichannel routing then identifies an agent is online and routs the ticket.
Hello Aimee Spanier - just a feedback on this below clause
"When an agent ends a messaging session, the associated ticket is treated as an email ticket for agents rather than a messaging ticket. However, your routing rules for messaging and email won’t be applied to these tickets."
This makes sense but the issue is the system (Zendesk) automatically removed the ticket assignee on an ended and escalated messaging that is now treated as email ticket as soon as the assignee goes offline/away status. This leaves as bunch of unassigned “messaging” ticket that is not being assigned automatically to an online agents with capacity.
Andrei Piliugin
Please add the Trigger action and/or an API method to end the Messaging session. This is a must-have feature.
Nick S
Agreed on Jahns' point above, our agents have ended a Messaging ticket, and through omnichannel routing settings unassigns the ticket, which then can't be re-assigned through omnichannel routing settings.
We're seeing the same results of ‘stranded’ Messaging tickets which are no longer being routed if they have been unassigned, despite agents having availability and capacity.
Efrat Barak Zadok
How can I create a report for session duration? From the time the ticket created/session started till the time the session ended?
Shai Eyal
would love for “closed” tickets (from end-user perspective) to not have the ability to reply at all, not even create a new ticket. Can this be done? We dont want the bot to appear again, we want tickets to end with the “end session” and not have any options..
Nikki Mier
bump on this! absolutely need to be able to end sessions via a trigger instead of only manual function by agent - AND - ideally the user can also end the session on their side too. Good to know this is getting traction and hopefully will have a solution soon