Before you can utilize certain numbers with Zendesk Talk and Text, you may be required to provide regulatory information and documentation. This is applicable to all numbers, irrespective of whether you are directly purchasing new numbers from Zendesk or planning to port existing numbers to Zendesk.
The need for a business verification arises from specific regulations in certain countries. These rules mandate businesses to verify their identity by associating an approved regulatory bundle with a number, and in some instances, registering your business information and use case.
This guide will walk you through the process of gathering and submitting the necessary regulatory information and documents to ensure compliance with the latest regulatory requirements, including restrictions and porting documents.
Identifying Regulatory Requirements
Start by selecting a country to review the specific regulatory data required. Depending on the country, you may also find details about porting and any restrictions set by the country's regulator.
Please be aware of these important points as you gather the documentation.
- All submitted documents (e.g., the business registration document) must be dated within the past 3 months. Submissions with documents older than this will be declined.
- For countries needing an 'Executed Letter of Authorization', click here, make a copy, and fill it out with your details.
- Where an authorized representative is required, an authorized representative is someone the business designates to act on its behalf, often listed on official documents or provided with a notarized power of attorney as proof of authority.
- PO Box is not acceptable where a local address is required.
Submitting a Business Verification
After reviewing the necessary information and assembling the required documentation, you have two options for submission:
- Self-Service Submission: You can choose to self-serve and submit your business verification by following the instructions provided on the Verifying your business for Zendesk Talk phone number purchasing page.
- Assisted Submission: If you require assistance, you can reach out to Zendesk Customer Support. They will guide you through the process of submitting your business verification, provided you have the necessary information based on the list of countries.
Review Process
The review process can take up to 3 business days. It's crucial to factor in this timeline when planning to add a new number to your account. If you sent a self-service submission, you will be able to review the status in the Business Verification tab in Talk. If you contacted Zendesk Customer Support, they will keep you updated on your submission status.
The timeline for messaging submissions will be detailed separately in each section.
Post-Approval Process
Once your business verification (regulatory bundle) is approved, you can proceed with adding a new line or starting the port-in process.
Remember that certain number types can only be added by contacting Zendesk Customer Support as pointed in the Zendesk Talk number availability and pricing page.
Phone Number Regulations
Argentina: Local Numbers
Required information | Documentation to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Commercial registry number |
Argentina: Toll-free Numbers
Argentina's toll-free prefix: +54 800
Required information | Documentation to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Argentina |
One of the following:
Argentina: Documentation Guidelines
In Argentina, when a company is registered, the 'Inspección General de Justicia (IGJ)' or the 'Registro Público de Comercio (RPC)', depending on the jurisdiction, issues the 'Certificado de Inscripción de la Sociedad', which is the document you need to provide for "Business registration document".
Registered companies can obtain this document from IGJ or RPC as proof of their registration.
Phone Number Regulations
Australia: Local Numbers
Required information | Documentation to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Australia |
Australia: Mobile Numbers
Australia's mobile prefix: +61 4
Required information | Documentation to provide |
Business name |
Business address May be anywhere in the world |
One of the following:
Business ID number |
Australia: Toll-free Numbers
Australia's toll-free prefixes: +61 1300, +61 1800
Required information | Documentation to provide |
Business name |
Business address May be anywhere in the world |
Australia: Documentation Guidelines
In Australia, when a company is registered, ASIC issues the 'Certificate of Registration of a Company', which is the document you need to provide for "Business registration document".
Registered companies can retrieve this document through the ASIC Connect portal as proof of their registration.
The following is an example of what this document looks like:
Voice Guidelines
Outbound calls from Australia Toll-free numbers |
Australian Toll-free phone numbers (+61 1300, +61 1800) can only receive inbound calls. Outbound calls from these numbers violate Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) regulations. To learn more about outbound calling using toll-free numbers please review this resource. |
Porting Guidelines
Portable numbers |
To port Geographic (local) numbers, include the category type.
Restrictions |
Required information |
Timeframe | After you've submitted all required information and documentation, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and the time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies | The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). |
Other details | In addition to porting, new toll-free numbers can be activated on Zendesk Talk. To do so, provide the purchase confirmation from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) instead of a phone bill.
How to submit |
Contact Zendesk Customer Support and provide all the documents listed under the "Required information" section. |
Austria: Local Numbers
Required information | Documentation to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Austria: National Numbers
Austria's national prefix: +43720
Required information | Documentation to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Austria |
One of the following:
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Austria: Mobile Numbers
Austria's mobile prefix: +436
Required information | Documentation to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Austria |
One of the following:
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Austria: Toll-free Numbers
Austria's toll-free prefix: +43800
Required information | Documentation to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Austria |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Austria: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
Timeframe |
Once you submit all required documentation/information, up to 2 weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies |
Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR-GmbH). |
How to submit |
Contact Zendesk Customer Support and provide all the documents listed under the "Required information" section. |
🇧🇧 Barbados
Barbados: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix. A physical address is required) |
One of the following:
🇧🇪 Belgium
Belgium: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register (extrait BCE) |
Business address (must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix) |
Excerpt from the commercial register (extrait BCE) |
Business registration number | Excerpt from the commercial register (extrait BCE) |
Belgian VAT number | None required |
Belgium: Mobile
Capabilities: Voice + Text
Belgium's mobile prefix: +32 46
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register (extrait BCE) |
Business address (must be within Belgium) | Excerpt from the commercial register (extrait BCE) |
Business registration number | Excerpt from the commercial register (extrait BCE) |
Belgian VAT number | None required |
Belgium: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Belgium's toll-free prefix: +32 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register (extrait BCE) |
Business address (must be within Belgium) | Excerpt from the commercial register (extrait BCE) |
Business registration number | Excerpt from the commercial register (extrait BCE) |
Belgian VAT number | None required |
Belgium: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
To port Geographic (local) numbers, include the category type.
Restrictions | Most international phone numbers have VOICE capability only, no SMS. |
Required information |
Timeframe | After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies | Belgian Institute for Postal services and Telecommunications (BIPT) |
How to submit | Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇧🇯 Benin
Benin: Mobile
Capabilities: Voice
Benin's mobile prefix: +2296
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within Benin) |
One of the following:
🇧🇦 Bosnia & Herzegovina
Bosnia & Herzegovina: National
Capabilities: Voice
Bosnia & Herzegovina's national prefix: +38770
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within Bosnia & Herzegovina) |
One of the following:
Phone Number Regulations
Brazil: Local Numbers
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address A PO Box is not acceptable |
One of the following:
Brazil: National Numbers
Brazil's national prefix: +55
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Brazil |
One of the following:
Brazil: Mobile Numbers
Brazil's mobile prefix: +55679, +55479, +55349, +55249, +55619, +55219, +55199, +55229, +55319, +55439, +55119, +5512, +55329, +55819
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Brazil |
One of the following:
Brazil: Toll-free Numbers
Brazil's toll-free prefix: +55 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Brazil |
One of the following:
Number of The Brazilian National Registry of Legal Entities “CNPJ” |
Name of Authorized Representative |
Authorization of Representative | One of the following:
Brazil: Documentation Guidelines
In Brazil, when a company is registered, the relevant document issued is the "Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas (CNPJ)" certificate, provided by the Brazilian National Registry of Legal Entities. This certificate serves as the business registration document, confirming the company's legal existence and registration status. It can be downloaded from the official website.
Anatel, the Brazilian telecommunications regulator, limits the number of toll-free numbers to five per CNPJ. Exceeding this risks service interruption. To keep more than five toll-free numbers, submit separate verification bundles with unique CNPJs.
For example, to keep 25 toll-free numbers, submit five bundles, each with a unique CNPJ mapped to five toll-free numbers.
Porting Guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
Timeframe | After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies | Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicacoes (ANATEL) |
Other details | Porting dates for Geographical (local) numbers are often scheduled with short notice (one-two business days). |
How to submit | Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇧🇬 Bulgaria
Bulgaria: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Business registration document |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix) |
One of the following:
Unified identification code | None required |
Seat of address of registration | None required |
Email address | None required |
Bulgaria: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Bulgaria's toll-free prefix: +359 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Business registration document |
Unified identification code | None required |
Registered business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Email address | None required |
Phone Number Regulations
Canada: Local Numbers
Required information | Documents to provide |
Currently there is no information required and no documents that you need to provide for local numbers in Canada. |
Canada: Toll-free Numbers
Required information | Documents to provide |
Currently there is no information required and no documents that you need to provide for toll-free numbers in Canada. |
SMS Guidelines
Toll-free Numbers |
Each toll-free number must go through a Toll-free message verification process before it can be used to send outbound messages. Unverified toll-free numbers will see their outbound messages blocked by telephony carriers.
Note: Messages sent from unverified toll-free phone numbers will return:
"We couldn't deliver this message to +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX". |
Porting Guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
Timeframe |
Once you submit all required documentation/information, up to 4 weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies |
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) |
Other details |
The most frequent reason for a port being declined is due to errors in the name or address information. To confirm that you possess the accurate details, you should obtain the name and address that appear on your Customer Service Record (CSR) from your current service provider. |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team to submit your request directly. |
🇨🇱 Chile
Chile: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register |
Business address (must be within Chile) | One of the following:
Chile: Local
Capabilities: Voice + SMS
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register |
Business address (must be within Chile) | One of the following:
Chile: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register |
Business address (must be within Chile) | One of the following:
Chile: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and the time required by the current service provider. |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇨🇴 Columbia
Colombia: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Colombia: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Colombia's toll-free prefix: +571 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
🇨🇷Costa Rica
Costa Rica: National
Capabilities: Voice
Costa Rica's national prefix: +506
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Corporate identity card (Cedula Juridica) |
Business address (must be within Costa Rica) | Extract from the National Registry (Literal De Persona Jurídica) |
Business registration number | Corporate identity card (Cedula Juridica) |
Costa Rica: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Costa Rica's toll-free prefix: +506 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
One of the following:
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
One of the following:
Business registration number |
One of the following:
Letter of authorization | Executed letter of authorization |
🇭🇷 Croatia
Croatia: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Croatia's toll-free prefix: +385 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the court register showing name of Authorized Representative |
Business address (must be within Croatia) |
One of the following:
Company registration number | Excerpt from court register showing company registration number (MBS - matični broj poslovnog subjekta) |
Name of authorized representative |
One of the following:
🇨🇿 Czech Republic
Czech Republic: National
Capabilities: Voice
Czech Republic's national prefix: +420 910
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Business ID number | None required |
Name of authorized representative | None required |
Address of authorized representative | None required |
Czech Republic: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix) |
One of the following:
Business ID number | None required |
Name of authorized representative | None required |
Address of authorized representative | None required |
Czech Republic: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Czech Republic's mobile prefix: +420 73
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Business registration document |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Business ID number | None required |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Authorization of authorized representative | One of the following:
Address of authorized representative | None required |
Czech Republic: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Czech Republic's toll-free prefix: +420 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Business ID number | None required |
Name of an authorized representative | None required |
Address of authorized representative | None required |
Czech Republic: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Most international phone numbers have VOICE capability only, no SMS. |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies | |
Other details |
Porting dates are often scheduled with short notice (one - two business days). |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇩🇰 Denmark
Denmark: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within Denmark) | One of the following:
Business registration number | None required |
Denmark: Mobile
Capabilities: Voice and SMS
Denmark's mobile prefixes: +4525, +4592, +4541
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within Denmark) | None required |
Denmark: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Denmark's toll-free prefix: +4580
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within Denmark) | None required |
Denmark: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Most international phone numbers have VOICE capability only, no SMS. |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies |
Danish Energy Agency (ENS) |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇪🇨 Ecuador
Equador: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
🇸🇻 El Salvador
El Salvador: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Business registration document |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix; a PO Box is not acceptable) |
One of the following:
Name of an authorized representative | One of the following:
Authorization of authorised representative | Business registration document showing the name of the authorized representative |
🇪🇪 Estonia
Estonia: National
Capabilities: Voice
Estonia's national prefix: +372
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Extract from the commercial register |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Estonia: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Estonia's mobile prefixes: +372 81, +372 82, +372 83, +372 84, +372 85, +372 86, +372 87
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Extract from the commercial register |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
🇫🇮 Finland
Finland: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix) |
None required |
Finland: Mobile
Capabilities: Voice + SMS
Finland's mobile prefix: +358 75
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address | None required |
Finland's toll-free prefix: +358 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address | None required |
Finland: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Most international phone numbers have VOICE capability only, SMS is not possible. |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies |
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (TRAFICOM) |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
Guidelines on number types and their use cases
Number Type: Capability: Prefix Range: Regulatory Requirements: |
Permitted Use Cases:
Number Type: National Capability: Prefix: Regulatory Requirements: |
Permitted Use Cases:
Number Type: Capability: Prefix Range: Regulatory Requirements: |
Permitted Use Cases:
Number Type: Capability: Prefix: Regulatory Requirements: |
Permitted Use Cases:
Forbidden Use Case:
Number Type: Technical Platform Numbers Capability: Prefix: Regulatory Requirements: |
Permitted Use Cases:
Number Type: Capability: Prefix Range: Regulatory Requirements: |
Permitted Use Case
Forbidden Use Case
Phone Number Regulations
France: Local
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Excerpt from the commercial register Extrait K-bis showing name of the authorized representative. If you cannot secure the proof of identity of the authorized representative shown on the K-bis, the company can execute a Power of Attorney signed by the authorized representative shown on the K-bis. If a Power of Attorney is used, you must submit a copy of the executed Power of Attorney and proof of identity of the person authorized to act on behalf company (in the Power of Attorney) |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix) |
One of the following:
Business registration number | Excerpt from the commercial register Extrait K-bis showing business registration number |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
France: National
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Excerpt from the commercial register Extrait K-bis showing name of the authorized representative. If you cannot secure the proof of identity of the authorized representative shown on the K-bis, the company can execute a Power of Attorney signed by the authorized representative shown on the K-bis. If a Power of Attorney is used, you must submit a copy of the executed Power of Attorney and proof of identity of the person authorized to act on behalf company (in the Power of Attorney) |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix) |
One of the following:
Business registration number | Excerpt from the commercial register Extrait K-bis showing business registration number |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
France: Mobile
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Excerpt from the commercial register Extrait K-bis showing name of the authorized representative. If you cannot secure the proof of identity of the authorized representative shown on the K-bis, the company can execute a Power of Attorney signed by the authorized representative shown on the K-bis. If a Power of Attorney is used, you must submit a copy of the executed Power of Attorney and proof of identity of the person authorized to act on behalf company (in the Power of Attorney) |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix) |
One of the following:
Business registration number | Excerpt from the commercial register Extrait K-bis showing business registration number |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
France: Toll-free
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Excerpt from the commercial register Extrait K-bis showing name of the authorized representative. If you cannot secure the proof of identity of the authorized representative shown on the K-bis, the company can execute a Power of Attorney signed by the authorized representative shown on the K-bis. If a Power of Attorney is used, you must submit a copy of the executed Power of Attorney and proof of identity of the person authorized to act on behalf company (in the Power of Attorney) |
Business European Economic Area address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix) |
One of the following:
Business registration number | Excerpt from the commercial register (Extrait K-bis) |
Name of authorized representative |
One of the following:
Porting Guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Most international phone numbers have VOICE capability only. |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies |
Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes (ARCEP) |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
Phone Number Regulations
Germany: Local
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register (Handelsregisterauszug) |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Germany: Mobile
Germany's mobile prefix: +49 157, +49 158
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register (Handelsregisterauszug) |
Business address (must be in Germany) | Excerpt from the commercial register (Handelsregisterauszug) showing matching address |
German VAT Number | None required |
Business Registration Number | Excerpt from the commercial register (Handelsregisterauszug) showing Business Registration Number. |
Germany: Toll-free
Germany's toll-free prefix: +49 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial register (Handelsregisterauszug) |
Numbers allocated | Copy of the Allocation Letter (Zuteilungsbescheid) showing name of the company displayed on the Allocation Letter |
VAT Number | None required |
Voice Guidelines
Germany: Restrictions
Restrictions |
German mobile numbers are only available to German-registered GmbH and AG companies. |
Porting Guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and the time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies |
Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) |
Other details |
You can also activate new German toll-free numbers allocated by the regulator. For activation, see Applying for and activating German toll-free numbers. |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇬🇩 Granada
Granada: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Phone Number Regulations
Greece: Local
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
One of the following:
Business address Must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
Once of the following:
Tax ID Number | None required |
Contact Information (business email or mailing address) | None required |
Greece: Toll-free
Greece's toll-free prefix: +30 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
One of the following:
Business address May be anywhere in the world |
None required |
Tax ID Number | None required |
Contact Information (business email or mailing address) | None required |
SMS Guidelines
Starting September 18, 2024, all messages from international phone numbers to Greece will be blocked to prevent fraud. |
Phone Number Regulations
Hong Kong: National Numbers
Hong Kong's national prefix: +85230, +85258
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address (must show name to demonstrate addressee is business) | One of the following:
Business registration number |
Hong Kong: Toll-free Numbers
Hong Kong's toll-free prefix: +852 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address (must show name to demonstrate addressee is business) | One of the following:
Business registration number |
SMS Guidelines
Starting November 18, 2024, messages sent from international phone numbers to the mobile operator China Mobile in Hong Kong will be blocked. |
🇭🇺 Hungary
Hungary: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Registered seat | None required |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Invoicing address (if different) | None required |
Business registration number | None required |
Business email or mailing address | None required |
Hungary: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Hungary's mobile prefix: +36 70
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Registered seat | None required |
Business address (must be within Hungary) |
One of the following:
Business registration number | None required |
Business email or mailing address | None required |
Hungary: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Hungary's toll-free prefix: +36 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Registered seat | None required |
Business address (must be within Hungary) |
One of the following:
Business registration number | None required |
Business email or mailing address | None required |
Phone Number Regulations
Iceland: Local
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Iceland |
One of the following
Iceland: Mobile
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Iceland |
One of the following
Voice Guidelines
Effective August 1, 2024, outbound voice calls from Indian numbers (+91) to Indian (+91) destinations will be blocked. This includes numbers added as external numbers for outbound calls. |
Phone Number Regulations
Indonesia: Local
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Business registration document |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Name of authorised representative |
One of the following:
Indonesia: Mobile
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Business registration document |
Business address May be anywhere in the world |
One of the following:
Name of authorised representative |
One of the following:
Indonesia: Toll-free
Indonesia's toll-free prefixes: +62 7803, +62 1803
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Business registration document |
Business address May be anywhere in the world |
One of the following:
Name of authorised representative |
One of the following:
Voice Guidelines
Indonesia: Restrictions
Restrictions |
Toll-free numbers are not allowed for callback service. |
SMS Guidelines
Starting September 21, 2024, messages sent from international phone numbers to the mobile operators Telkomsel, Axiata, and Smart in Indonesia will be blocked. |
Voice and SMS Guidelines
Starting March 15, 2025, to align with evolving regulatory requirements, Zendesk Talk will stop delivering voice and messaging traffic to recipients in Iran. |
🇮🇪 Ireland
Ireland: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
None required |
Ireland: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Ireland's toll-free prefix: +353 1800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Business registration document |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Ireland: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
Provide the information in the following order:
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, the process can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies | |
Other details |
The account number of a customer registered with a losing provider is very important for Irish Porting. An incorrect account number is the main cause for the majority of port rejections, along with incomplete phone number ranges. |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇮🇱 Israel
Israel: National
Capabilities: Voice
Israel's national prefix: +972
Required information | Documents to provide |
None required | None required |
Israel: Local
Capabilities: Voice + SMS
Required information | Documents to provide |
None required | None required |
Israel: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS, Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
None required | None required |
Israel: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Israel's toll-free prefix: +972 180
Required information | Documents to provide |
None required | None required |
Phone Number Regulations
Italy: Local Numbers
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
VAT (or Business Registration ID, if VAT is unavailable) |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Date of birth of authorized representative |
Place of birth of authorized representative |
Fiscal Code of Authorized Representative |
Nationality of Authorized Representative |
Italy: Mobile Numbers
Italy's mobile prefix: +393
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address May be anywhere in the world |
One of the following:
VAT (or Business Registration ID, if VAT is unavailable) |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Date of birth of authorized representative |
Place of birth of authorized representative |
Fiscal Code of Authorized Representative |
Nationality of Authorized Representative |
Italy: Toll-free Numbers
Italy's toll-free prefix: +39800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address May be anywhere in the world |
One of the following:
VAT (or Business Registration ID, if VAT is unavailable) |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Date of birth of authorized representative |
Place of birth of authorized representative |
Fiscal Code of Authorized Representative |
Nationality of Authorized Representative |
Porting Guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies | |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
Phone Number Regulations
Japan: Local Numbers
Required information | Documents to provide |
Japan Regulatory Bundle application |
Completed Japan Regulatory Bundle application.This means an application must be completed and signed by the authorized representative.
Download the application here: |
Business name |
Corporate registration document. The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at the time of upload |
Business address |
Corporate registration document. If the applicant’s physical address in Japan is different from the address appearing on the corporate registration document, please provide one of the following to prove the local office address:
Note: A mailer will be sent to verify the applicant's physical address.
The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at the time of upload. |
Business purpose | Corporate registration document The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at time of upload. |
Authorization of representative |
One of the following:
Name of authorized representative |
Two forms of photo identification are required to verify the authorized representative's name, photo, date of birth, and address:
Note: Do not upload the back side of the My Number card.
Address of authorized representative |
If one of the authorized representative’s photo IDs (such as their passport) does not show an address or the address shown is not current, submit a third verification document showing the current address which can include:
Note: A mailer will be sent to verify the authorized representative’s physical address.
The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at the time of upload |
Japan: National Numbers
Japan's national prefix: +8150
Required information | Documents to provide |
Japan Regulatory Bundle application and **Telecommunications Numbering Use Plan (TNUP), if applicable |
Completed Japan Regulatory Bundle Application. Documents you provide must be dated within the last three months.
Note: Resellers should append a copy of their TNUP to the scan of their completed application for the “Reseller Bundle”. See Notice to Resellers (November 2022)
An application must be completed and signed by the authorized representative. You can download the application here: |
Business name |
Corporate registration document The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at the time of upload |
Business address (must be a physical address, a P.O. box is not acceptable) |
Corporate registration document If the applicant’s physical address in Japan is different from the address appearing on the corporate registration document, please provide one of the following to prove the local office address:
The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at the time of upload.
Note: A mailer will be sent to verify the applicant's physical address.
Documents you provide must be dated within the last three months. |
Business purpose | Corporate registration document. The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at time of upload. |
Authorization of representative |
To prove that the representative is authorized to act on behalf of the business, provide one of the following:
Name of authorized representative |
Two forms of photo identification are required to verify the authorized representative's name, photo, date of birth, and address:
Do not upload the back side of My Number card |
Address of authorized representative |
If one of the authorized representative’s photo ID (such as their passport) does not show an address or the address shown is not current, submit a third verification document showing the current address which can include:
Note: A mailer will be sent to verify the authorized representative’s physical address.
The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at the time of upload |
Japan: Toll-free Numbers
Japan's toll-free prefixes: +81120, +81800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Japan Regulatory Bundle application and **Telecommunications Numbering Use Plan (TNUP), if applicable |
Completed Japan Regulatory Bundle application
Note: Resellers should append a copy of their TNUP to the scan of their completed application for the “Reseller Bundle”. See Notice to Resellers (November 2022)
An application must be completed and signed by the authorized representative. You can download the application here: |
Business name |
Corporate registration document The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at the time of upload |
Business address (must be a physical address, a P.O. box is not acceptable) |
Corporate registration document If the applicant’s physical address in Japan is different from the address appearing on the corporate registration document, please provide one of the following to prove the local office address:
Note: A mailer will be sent to verify the applicant's physical address.
The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at the time of upload. |
Business purpose | Corporate registration document. The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at time of upload. |
Authorization of representative |
To prove that the representative is authorized to act on behalf of the business, provide one of the following:
Name of authorized representative |
Two forms of photo identification are required to verify the authorized representative's name, photo, date of birth, and address:
Note: Do not upload the back side of My number card.
Address of authorized representative |
If one of the authorized representative’s photo IDs (such as their passport) does not show an address or the address shown is not current, submit a third verification document showing the current address which can include:
Note: A mailer will be sent to verify the Authorized Representative’s physical address.
The supporting document(s) must have been issued within the last six months and be valid at the time of upload. |
🇯🇴 Jordan
Jordan: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Jordan's toll-free prefix: +962 800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
One of the following:
Letter of authorization |
Executed letter of authorization. You can copy the LoA template, fill it in, then upload it to the Console. |
Jordan: Restrictions
Restriction |
Numbers are not allowed for calling card or callback services. |
SMS Guidelines
All messages sent from international phone numbers to Safaricom mobile operator in Kenya will be blocked by network operators starting August 1, 2024. |
SMS Guidelines
Starting October 10, 2024, all messages from international phone numbers to Lebanon will be blocked to prevent fraud. |
🇱🇹 Lithuania
Lithuania: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Business registration |
Business address (must be within Lithuania) |
One of the following:
Lithuania: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Availabilities: Access via the Lines tab in Talk
Lithuania's mobile prefix: +3706
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address | None required |
Business registration number | Business registration |
🇱🇺 Luxembourg
Luxembourg: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Extract from the commercial register (Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés) |
Business address (must be within Luxembourg) |
One of the following:
Luxembourg: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Extract from the commercial register |
Business address (must be within Luxembourg) |
One of the following:
🇲🇴 Macao
Macao: Mobile
Capabilities: Voice
Macao's mobile prefix: +8536
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within Macao) |
One of the following:
Phone Number Regulations
Malaysia: Mobile
Malaysia's mobile prefixes: +6016, +6011
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address (must be within Malaysia) |
Business registration showing Malaysian address |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Identity document number of authorized representative | One of the following:
Identity document from the issuing country of the authorized representative | One of the following:
Address of authorized representative (must within Malaysia) |
One of the following:
Letter of authorization for authorized representative |
Executed letter of authorization |
Malaysia: Toll-free
Malaysia's toll-free prefix: +601800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
One of the following:
SMS Guidelines
Effective September 1, 2024, due to updated requirements from the Malaysian telecommunications regulator (MCMC) to combat fraud, all SMS messages sent to Malaysia that contain any of the following content in the message body will be blocked:
🇲🇱 Mali
Mali: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number’s prefix; a P.O. Box is not acceptable where a local address is required) |
One of the following:
Phone Number Regulations
Mauritius: Mobile
Mauritius' mobile prefix: +2305
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within Mauritius |
Phone number |
Representative | One of the following:
Photo |
Letter of Authorization (LOA) |
🇲🇽 Mexico
Mexico: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix; a PO Box is not acceptable where a local address is required) |
One of the following:
Mexico: Local
Capabilities: Voice, Voice + SMS
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix; a PO Box is not acceptable where a local address is required) |
One of the following:
SMS Guidelines
All messages sent from international phone numbers to Mytel mobile operator in Myanmar will be blocked by network operators starting August 1, 2024. |
Phone Number Regulations
Netherlands: Local
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix; a PO Box is not acceptable where a local address is required) |
One of the following:
Netherlands VAT number |
Netherlands: National
Netherlands' national prefix: +3185
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address (must be within the Netherlands) |
One of the following:
Netherlands VAT number |
Netherlands: Mobile
Netherlands' mobile prefix: +3197
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
Netherlands: Toll-free
Netherlands' toll-free prefix: +31800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
Business Purpose for Number |
Porting Guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and the time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies | |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇳🇿 New Zealand
New Zealand: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | One of the following:
Business address (must be in New Zealand) | One of the following:
New Zealand: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Most international phone numbers have VOICE capability only, no SMS. |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required information and documentation, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and the time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇳🇴 Norway
Norway: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
None required |
Business registration number | Business registration |
Norway: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Norway's mobile prefix: +4759
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
One of the following:
Business registration number | Business registration |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Authorization of authorised representative | One of the following:
Norway: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Norway's toll-free prefix: +47800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Norwegian business registration |
Business address (must be in Norway) | One of the following:
Business registration number |
Norwegian business registration |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Authorization of authorised representative | One of the following:
Norwegian Merverdiavgift (MVA) number (a Norwegian VAT number) |
None required |
Norway: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
Geographic (local) numbers |
Restrictions |
Most international phone numbers have VOICE capability only, no SMS. |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies | |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇵🇦 Panama
Panama: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration (Certificado de Registro Público) showing name of authorised representative or legal representative |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Name of authorized representative or legal representative | One of the following:
Letter of Declaration | Signed Letter of Declaration. Please copy the form for the template located here. |
Panama: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Panama's toll-free prefix: +507800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration (Certificado de Registro Público) showing name of authorised representative or legal representative |
Business address (must be within Panama) | One of the following:
Name of authorized representative or legal representative | One of the following:
Phone Number Regulations
Philippines: Local Numbers
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
One of the following:
Business address (Must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix) |
One of the following:
Business Registration Number |
Certificate of registration showing the business registration number |
Philippines: Mobile Numbers
Capabilities: SMS
Required information | Documents to provide |
None required as there are currently no regulatory requirements for Mobile numbers in the Philippines. |
Philippines: Toll-free Numbers
Philippines' toll-free prefix: +63 1800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Copy of (SEC) Company Registration |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
One of the following:
SMS Guidelines
In an effort to prevent potential fraud, all messages sent to the Philippines will be blocked starting April 7, 2025. |
🇵🇱 Poland
Poland: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Excerpt from a relevant business register (for example, the National Court Register or business activity register) |
Business address (must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix; a PO Box is not acceptable where a local address is required) |
None required |
Business registration number: |
Excerpt from a relevant business register such as National ID (REGON), National Tax ID (NIP), National Court Register (KRS), or business activity register |
Name of authorized representative | None required |
Authorization of authorized representative | One of the following:
Poland: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Polands's mobile prefixes: +4873, +4879
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Excerpt from a relevant business register (for example, the National Court Register or business activity register). |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Business registration number |
Excerpt from a relevant business register such as National ID (REGON), National Tax ID (NIP), National Court Register (KRS), or business activity register. |
Name of authorized representative | None required |
Authorization of authorized representative | One of the following:
Poland: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Poland's toll-free prefix: +48800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from a relevant business register (for example, the National Court Register or business activity register). |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Business registration number |
Excerpt from a relevant business register such as National ID (REGON), National Tax ID (NIP), National Court Register (KRS), or business activity register. |
🇵🇹 Portugal
Portugal: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS, Voice + SMS
Portugal's mobile prefix: +3519
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Excerpt from the Commercial register |
Business address (must be within Portugal) |
Excerpt from the Commercial register showing a Portuguese address |
Business tax number |
Government-issued ID showing tax number (for example, VAT) |
Portugal: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Portugal's toll-free prefix: +351800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Excerpt from the Commercial register |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
Excerpt from the Commercial register showing the address |
Proof of tax ID |
Government-issued documentation containing a Tax ID |
Letter of Application (LoA) |
Executed Letter of Authorization. You can copy the LOA template, fill it in, and then upload it to the Console. |
Portugal: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
Toll-free numbers (+351 800) |
Restrictions |
Most international phone numbers have VOICE capability only, SMS is not possible. |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and the time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies |
Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM) |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
Phone Number Regulations
Romania: National Numbers
Romania's national prefix: +40
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | One of the following:
Business address (must be in Romania) | One of the following:
Proof of trade registry or fiscal number | One of the following:
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Proof that representative is authorized to act on behalf of the business | One of the following:
Date of birth of authorized representative | None required |
Address of authorized representative | One of the following:
Proof of series, number, and expiry date of the identity document of authorized representative | One of the following:
Romania: Toll-free Numbers
Romania's toll-free prefix: +40800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | One of the following:
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
One of the following:
Proof of trade registry or fiscal number | One of the following:
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Proof that representative is authorized to act on behalf of the business | One of the following:
Date of birth of authorized representative | None required |
Address of authorized representative | None required |
Proof of series, number, and expiry date of identity document of authorized representative | One of the following:
SMS Guidelines
Effective January 15, 2025, a new regulation from the network operator Telekom Romania will be enforced, and all messages sent from international phone numbers to this operator will be blocked. |
SMS Guidelines
All SMS messaging traffic sent from international phone numbers to Russian phone numbers on the MTS, Megafon, YOTA, and MOTIV networks will be blocked by Russian carriers starting July 16, 2024. |
SMS Guidelines
In an effort to prevent potential fraud, all SMS messaging traffic from international phone numbers to Saudi Arabian phone numbers will be blocked starting August 16, 2024. |
Phone Number Regulations
Singapore: Mobile Numbers
Singapore's mobile prefix: +658
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration number |
Billing address (can be anywhere in the world) |
Service address (if different) |
Email address |
Singapore: National Numbers
Singapore's national prefix: +653
Required information | Documents to provide |
Name of Authorized Representative |
One of the following:
Identity Document Number |
One of the following:
Business Name |
Business Registration Number |
Business Address May be anywhere in the world |
Email Address |
Phone Number (Must be different from the existing Twilio phone number) |
Singapore: Toll-free Numbers
Singapore's toll-free prefix: +65800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration number |
🇸🇰 Slovakia
Slovakia: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Slovakia's mobile prefix: +4219
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Proof of registered seat |
Business registration |
Business registration number | Business registration |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Proof that representative is authorized to act on behalf of the company | One of the following:
Slovakia: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Slovakia's toll-free prefix: +421800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Proof of registered seat |
Business registration |
Proof of business registration number | Business registration |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Proof that representative is authorized to act on behalf of the company | One of the following:
🇸🇮 Slovenia
Slovenia: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Slovenia: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Slovenia's mobile prefix: +38631
Required information | Documents to provide |
Currently you do not need to provide documentation for mobile numbers in Slovenia. |
🇿🇦 South Africa
South Africa: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | One of the following:
Business address Must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Name of authorized representative |
Government-issued ID (must include photo, full name, and identity number) |
Address of authorized representative | None required |
Identity Number of Authorized Representative |
Government-issued ID (must include photo, full name, and identity number) |
Nationality of authorized representative |
None required |
Business registration number |
One of the following:
South Africa: National
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | One of the following:
Business address May be anywhere in the world
One of the following:
Name of authorized representative |
Government-issued ID (must include photo, full name, and identity number) |
Address of authorized representative | None required |
Identity Number of Authorized Representative |
Government-issued ID (must include photo, full name, and identity number) |
Nationality of authorized representative |
None required |
Business registration number |
One of the following:
South Africa: Mobile
Capabilities: Voice + SMS
South Africa's mobile prefix: +2760
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | One of the following:
Business address (must be within South Africa) | One of the following:
Name of authorized representative |
Government-issued ID (must include photo, full name, and identity number) |
Address of authorized representative | None required |
Number of authorized representative |
Government-issued ID (must include photo, full name, and identity number) |
Nationality of authorized representative |
None required |
Business registration number |
One of the following:
South Africa: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
South Africa's toll-free prefix: +27800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | One of the following:
Business address (must be within South Africa) | One of the following:
Name of authorized representative | Government-issued ID (must include photo, full name, and identity number) |
Address of authorized representative (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Identity number of authorized representative |
Government-issued ID (must include photo, full name, and identity number) |
Phone Number Regulations
South Korea: Local
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Business Registration Number |
SK Corporate Service Application Form |
South Korea: National
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address Must be within South Korea
One of the following:
Business Registration Number |
SK Corporate Service Application Form |
South Korea: Toll-free
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address |
South Korea: Documentation Guidelines
- In South Korea, upon company registration, the 'Certificate of Incorporation' is issued, which serves as the "Business registration document" required.
- The SK Corporate Service Application Form can be found here.
SMS Guidelines
Any SMS exceeding 140 bytes (160 English characters) sent to South Korea will be split into multiple messages. Due to this, messages may not be delivered in sequential order, and URLs in them could be broken up. |
Phone Number Regulations
Spain: Local Numbers
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Spanish fiscal identification number: CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal) |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Spain: National Numbers
Spain's national prefix: +34518
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Spanish fiscal identification number: CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal) |
Business address (must be within Spain) | One of the following:
Spain: Mobile Numbers
Spain's mobile prefixes: +34911, +34955, +3498, +34931, +34960, +34971
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Spanish fiscal identification number: CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal) |
Business address (must be within Spain) | One of the following:
Spain: Toll-free Numbers
Spain's toll-free prefix: +34900
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Spanish fiscal identification number: CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal) |
Business address (must be within Spain) | One of the following:
Spain: Documentation Guidelines
In Spain, the 'Certificate of Incorporation' is issued by the Mercantile Registry when a company is registered. This certificate is the required "Business registration document."
Registered companies can access this document through the Mercantile Registry's electronic platform to verify their registration.
Porting Guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
Timeframe |
Once you submit all required documentation/information:
Regulatory bodies | |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Sri Lanka's toll-free prefix: +941120
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business registration |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
One of the following:
Business registration number | Business registration |
Letter of authorization (LoA) | Executed letter of authorization. You can copy the LoA template, fill it in, then upload it to the Console. |
🇸🇪 Sweden
Sweden: National
Capabilities: Voice
Sweden's national prefix: +4610
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within Sweden) | One of the following:
Business registration number | Business registration number |
Sweden: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Business registration number | Business registration number |
Sweden: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Sweden's mobile prefix: +467
Required information | Documents to provide |
There is currently no information available for mobile phone numbers in Sweden. |
Sweden: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Sweden's toll-free prefix: +46200
Required information | Documents to provide |
There is currently no information available for toll-free phone numbers in Sweden. |
🇨🇭 Switzerland
Switzerland: Local
Capabilities: Voice
Switzerland prefix: +41
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial or official business register |
Business address Must be within locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
Excerpt from the commercial or official business register showing the local address |
Business address If different |
None required |
Unternehmens-Identifikationsnumber (UID) for Swiss entities | None required. Use the UID register@FSO to find your Swiss 'UID number' |
Switzerland: Mobile
Capabilities: SMS
Switzerland mobile prefix: +417
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | Excerpt from the commercial or official business register |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
Excerpt from the commercial or official business register showing the local address |
Unternehmens-Identifikatio nsnumber (UID) for Swiss entities | None required. Use the UID register@FSO to find your Swiss 'UID number' |
Switzerland: Porting guidelines
Portable numbers |
Geographic (local) numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all the required documentation and information, it can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the port and the time required by the current service provider. |
Regulatory bodies | |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
Phone Number Regulations
Taiwan: Local Numbers
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Company registration showing the business name |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Company registration number |
Company registration showing the company’s registration number |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
Taiwan: Toll-free Numbers
Taiwan's toll-free prefix: +88680
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
One of the following:
Company registration number | None required |
Name of authorized representative | One of the following:
SMS Guidelines
Note: From June 27, 2023, outbound SMS sent to Taiwanese numbers (+886) that include shortened URLs or unregistered full-length URLs will be blocked due to updated Taiwanese telecommunications regulator’s requirements.
To avoid your phone number being blocked, you must register the URLs and phone numbers that you want to include in your SMS in a ticket to Zendesk Customer Support. It can take up to three business days to register the URL. However, you can submit multiple URLs for registration in the same support ticket.
To send outbound SMS to numbers in Taiwan
🇹🇭 Thailand
Thailand: Local
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Excerpt from the Commercial register showing the name of the legal representative. |
Business address Must be within the locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix |
One of the following:
Name of legal representative |
Thai government issued ID card |
ID number of the legal representative |
Thai government issued ID card |
Thailand: Toll-free
Thailand's toll-free prefix: +66 1800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Excerpt from the Commercial register |
Business registration number |
Excerpt from the Commercial register showing the business registration number |
Type of business |
None required |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
One of the following:
SMS Guidelines
Effective January 1, 2025, all SMS messages sent using Zendesk Text to Thailand that contain URLs in the message body may be blocked due to updated regulations. |
🇹🇳 Tunisia
Tunisia: National
Capabilities: Voice
Tunisia's national prefix: +216
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None to provide |
Business address (must be within Tunisia) | One of the following:
🇺🇬 Uganda
Uganda: National
Capabilities: Voice
Uganda's national prefix: +25620
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (must be within Uganda) | One of the following:
Uganda: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Uganda's toll-free prefix: +256800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates (UAE)
United Arab Emirates: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
UAE's toll-free prefix: +971800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Letter of authorization (LoA) | Executed Letter of Authorization. Copy the LoA template, fill it in, then upload it to the Console. |
Phone Number Regulations
From September 30, 2024, all UK numbers must have an bundle approved.
Self-Service submission using the Business Verification tab is unavailable. Contact Zendesk Customer Support with the required information to purchase new numbers and to submit a regulatory bundle for numbers in your account.
If the necessary documentation for the regulatory compliance bundle isn't provided in time for review, processing, and approval, there is a risk of being non-compliant. This could lead to potential call and message blocking, and possible number reclamation that could occur at any time after this date.
United Kingdom: Local Numbers
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Registration Authority Note: Reply one of "UK:CRN", "US:EIN", "CA:CBN", "AU:ACN", "OTHER". OTHER is for all other registration authorities. |
Business Registration Number |
Website address |
Business Address |
Emergency Address (if different from Business Address) |
Authorized Representative’s Name Note: Authorized representative should be a senior person in the company who is responsible for Phone Numbers |
Authorized Representative’s Phone Number Note: This must be a valid mobile number only where the customer can be reached. This cannot be a number which you've acquired from a CPaaS provider such as Twilio. |
Authorized Representative’s Work Email |
Business Classification Note: Reply "ISV" |
If you are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), will you assign the Twilio phone numbers to your end customers? (Yes/No) |
Comments (Optional) |
United Kingdom: National Numbers
United Kingdom's national prefix: +4433
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Registration Authority |
Business Registration Number |
Website address |
Business Address |
Emergency Address (if different from Business Address) |
Authorized Representative’s Name Note: Authorized representative should be a senior person in the company who is responsible for Phone Numbers |
Authorized Representative’s Phone Number Note: This must be a valid mobile number only where the customer can be reached. This cannot be a number which you've acquired from a CPaaS provider such as Twilio. |
Authorized Representative’s Work Email |
Business Classification Note: Reply "ISV" |
If you are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), will you assign the Twilio phone numbers to your end customers? (Yes/No) |
Comments (Optional) |
United Kingdom: Mobile Numbers
United Kingdom's mobile prefix: +447
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Registration Authority Note: Reply one of "UK:CRN", "US:EIN", "CA:CBN", "AU:ACN", "OTHER". OTHER is for all other registration authorities. |
Business Registration Number |
Website address |
Business Address |
Emergency Address (if different from Business Address) |
Authorized Representative’s Name Note: Authorized representative should be a senior person in the company who is responsible for Phone Numbers |
Authorized Representative’s Phone Number Note: This must be a valid mobile number only where the customer can be reached. This cannot be a number which you've acquired from a CPaaS provider such as Twilio. |
Authorized Representative’s Work Email |
Business Classification |
If you are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), will you assign the Twilio phone numbers to your end customers? (Yes/No) |
Comments (Optional) |
United Kingdom: Toll-free Numbers
United Kingdom's toll-free prefixes: +44808, +44800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name |
Registration Authority Note: Reply one of "UK:CRN", "US:EIN", "CA:CBN", "AU:ACN", "OTHER". OTHER is for all other registration authorities. |
Business Registration Number |
Website address |
Business Address |
Emergency Address (if different from Business Address) |
Authorized Representative’s Name |
Authorized Representative’s Phone Number Note: This must be a valid mobile number only where the customer can be reached. This cannot be a number which you've acquired from a CPaaS provider such as Twilio. |
Authorized Representative’s Work Email |
Business Classification |
If you are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), will you assign the Twilio phone numbers to your end customers? (Yes/No) |
Comments (Optional) |
SMS Guidelines
UK carriers will block any SMS messages sent to the UK from international numbers. Therefore, to communicate with UK customers via SMS, you must use a domestic UK phone number that is capable of sending messages. |
Porting Guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
For Geographic and Non-geographic numbers:
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required documentation and information:
Regulatory bodies | |
Other details |
The most common reasons for a rejected port include:
After you have this information, add the current provider on the LOA in the Current Operator field. You can leave the New Operator field blank. |
How to submit |
Contact the Zendesk support team with the required documentation and information. |
Phone Number Regulations
United States: Local Numbers
Required information | Documents to provide |
Currently there is no information required and no documents that you need to provide for local numbers in the United States. |
United States: Toll-free Numbers
United State's toll-free prefixes: +1 800, +1 833, +1 844, +1 855, +1 866, +1 877, +1 888
Required information | Documents to provide |
Currently there is no information required and no documents that you need to provide for toll-free numbers in the United States. |
SMS Guidelines
Local Numbers |
Registration for A2P 10DLC is mandatory if you plan to use local US numbers for sending outbound SMS messages to phone numbers within the United States. To register your Zendesk subdomain, fill in the Zendesk Text A2P 10DLC Registration form. The process should be completed within an estimated 1 to 2 weeks. For more details on A2P 10DLC, see this article. |
Toll-free Numbers |
Each toll-free number must go through a Toll-free message verification process before it can be used to send outbound messages. Unverified toll-free numbers will see their outbound messages blocked by telephony carriers.
Note: Messages sent from unverified toll-free phone numbers will return:
"We couldn't deliver this message to +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX". |
Porting Guidelines
Portable numbers |
Restrictions |
Required information |
Timeframe |
After you've submitted all required information,
Regulatory bodies | |
How to submit |
Contact Zendesk Customer Support and provide all the documents listed under the "Required information" section. |
🇻🇪 Venezuela
Venezuela: Toll-free
Capabilities: Voice
Venezuela's toll-free prefix: +58800
Required information | Documents to provide |
Business name | None required |
Business address (can be anywhere in the world) |
None required |
Alternative phone number (for non-Venezuelan users) |
None required |
Business industry and purpose (for example, healthcare, financial services) |
None required |
Letter of Authorization (LoA) | Executed Letter of Authorization. You can copy the LoA template, fill it in, then upload it to the Console. |