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Viewing and managing your content hierarchy in Arrange Articles

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 25, 2025




Hi all, I am setting the help center but in the Final User preview I don't see the two sections that I see in the admin preview. What do I have to do in order to show the sections and articles to final user? Thanks


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Ahn Letran

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey, Edoardo!

Hope you're doing well!

You might have created a new category with sections, but did not add any articles to these sections. If you look here, Why aren't categories and sections visible to customers?, there are also a couple of reasons as to why you can see them while logged in as an admin, but not when checking it as a customer.

Hope this helps!

Ahn L. | Customer Support Advocate


Hello Zendesk Team,

Is it possible to insert a hyperlink on the section title or in the section's description?


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Ahn Letran

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello, Rene,

As of now, we do not support adding hyperlinks on the section's title nor its description. If you could add your use-case to this being added as a feature, that'll be great!


Is it possible to create a section only visible to a specific user segment?
Something like Internal Docs that is only visible to Agents and admins.


Hi Allan –

View permissions are controlled at the article level, but if no articles in a section are viewable to a given user, the section will not appear for them. So in your case, you'd just set each article in that section to be viewable only by that one user segment. For more information, see Setting view permissions on articles with user segments, which includes a note on updating view permissions in bulk (useful if that section has a lot of articles). Hope that helps!


Hi Zendesk team,

We have certain categories where the list of articles is long (30+), and some of the articles are not visible within the category. Is there a setting somewhere where I can increase the number of visible articles?


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Bry Fitzgerald

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Vaibhav! I'm grateful for your patience. I took at a look at your help center and it appears you've already figured this out. I'll explain for anyone else that may be curious:

By default, sections can only display 30 articles at a time, so if that limit is exceeded, pagination will be added. In order to exceed this 30-article limit, you'll need to customize your help center theme. Please bear in mind that we are unable to provide support for custom code. I've included a sample screenshot below. You can find a full list of Guide product limits in this knowledge base article: 'Guide product limits for your help center'


Hi Zendesk team,

Is there a way for me to create a sub-section within a section? For example, under a "Product Guides" section, I'd love to further group articles into specific topics/concepts instead of having one long list of articles.



Hi Desi, welcome the communtiy!
This is available for our Guide and Suite Enterprise plans: Adding subsections to create more levels in your help center


Hi Zendesk team, 

I'm very news at this and I'm testing around.

I want to see my categories on my home page and they look good when I look at the admin/agent view.

However the end user view looks so different. Can you help please? 




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Arianne Batiles

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Magali Martinez

I created a ticket for you where we can continue working together. Please refer to this ticket number: 11100185. Thanks!


Hi there,

Is it possible to have your articles split across different sites? If we have two websites offering different products/services, can we have some articles appear on both sites and some only appear on one or the other?





Hello! How do you add an image next to the category?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Samantha, 

You can check Adding images/icons into the Copenhagen Theme.

Hi Tracklib,

You can use multiple Help Centers for each of your products. However, if you are using your own website, you can have your web developer utilize Help Center API to list all the articles you prefer on your website.



How do I let light agents arrange articles in the Knowledge Base?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi David,
the reodering process is quite easy and you can find further information about it here.
Nevertheless, you can only do that, if you have the right privileges, hence, you'll need to give the specific role to your agent in Guide, in order to do that, as we can read here.
I hope that helps!


Hi Tony,

Thanks for your reply. I was hoping there was a way for non-Admin users (e.g. light agents) but it seems there is not. 


Is there any option for exporting the hierarchy of the articles to a stand-alone article tree (recursive - from the first section to the last article)?

Like the tree command in Linux but for the Help center?

Thank you!


Is there a way to add a sub-category?  The reason this is needed instead of a sub-section is that Explore data filters for a Category will show all articles in that category, including all sections and sub sections.  However, an Explore data filter for a section, will not show articles that exist in sub-sections.  


Hello, is there a way to export the Guide hierarchy to say a CSV file so I can get a better birds eye view and allow me to play around with moving things around?  Thanks!


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Eitam and Neil, 
I'm afraid there's no option to export the hierarchy of articles. 
This article might help instead: How can I export my help center content?
Hi Aaron, 
Depending on your Zendesk plan, adding subsections is definitely possible. 
Take a look at this article for your reference: Adding subsections to create more levels in your help center


Thank you @... for your response.  Much appreciated. I will check out the article you shared.


How do I delete a category? I have admin access.


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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

HI Maria Ysais
You can find information about deleting a category here:

Hope that helps!


Is there any way to get article categories to be only ONE level deep? Right now I have BASICS, ADMINISTRATION, FINANCIAL, TEMPLATES and every one of those top level categories has an ‘all topics’ sub-category. I don't want ANY sub-categories, thanks.


what are the next process so that Help Center can be use for AI Chat Bot?


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