You can reorder all the articles in a section, all the sections in a category, and all the categories in the Help Center. You can move articles, sections, and categories manually, and you can sort articles in a section automatically, by date or alphabetically.
Topics covered in this article:
Related article:
Manually changing the order of articles, sections, and categories
You can manually change the order of the articles, sections, and categories in your knowledge base.
To manually change the order of articles, sections, or categories
- In Guide, click the Arrange content () icon in the sidebar.
- In the Arrange articles page, click the name of the category where you want to reorder the sections, or drill down to a section where you want to reorder articles.
- Position your cursor over the grabber at the end of the item you want to reorder, then drag it to another position within the category or section.
You cannot reorder articles in sections where the Order articles by option for the section is set to creation date or alphabetically. The Order articles by option for the section must be set manual.
Your changes are automatically saved and updated in your Help Center.
Sorting articles in a section
In addition to manually reordering articles as described in the section above, you can sort articles in a section automatically. For example, you can set articles to appear by date or alphabetically.
To sort articles in a section
- Do one of the following to edit the section:
- In Help Center, navigate to the section you want to sort, then click Edit section in the top menu bar.
- In Guide Admin, click the Arrange content () icon in the sidebar and drill down to the section you want to sort. Click the options menu at the end of the section title, then select Edit section.
- Click the Order articles by field, then select an option.
- Click Update.