Guide admins can add or edit draft articles. Agents who are not Guide admins can add and edit drafts in sections where they have been granted permission (see Restricting access to knowledge base content).
This article covers the following topics:
Adding draft articles
When you create a draft article, it is saved but not published. You can continue working on it until it's ready to publish.
To add a draft article
- In help center, click Add in the top menu
bar, then select Article
The article that is created is a draft by default.
- Enter the initial content of your draft article.
- In the Article settings panel, under the Placement section, click
Manage sections.
- Select the section where you want to publish your article, then click
- Click Save.
Be sure to note the URL for your draft, as you can use this URL to return directly to the article until it is published. The URL for the draft version of the article is different from the published version, though the article ID remains the same.
You can also view your article drafts by viewing your help center activity, or if you're a Guide admin, you can view a list of all drafts. On Enterprise plans, you can use the Team publishing workflow to view all articles in draft state. See Reviewing, approving, and publishing articles with Team Publishing.
Editing draft articles
You can edit draft articles as needed.
To edit a draft
- In help center, open the draft you want to edit,
then click Edit article.
You can find your draft by viewing your help center activity. Or, if you are a Guide admin, you can view a list of all drafts and select the draft you want from the list. The draft will open in edit mode.
- Make your changes.
- Click Save.
The draft article is updated. You can make more edits, if needed, or you can click Preview to preview your article in your help center.
Publishing draft articles
When you are ready, you can access your draft and publish it.
- Open the draft you want to publish, then click Edit article.
You can find your draft by viewing your help center activity.
Or, if you are a Guide admin, you can view a list of all drafts and select the draft you want from the list.
- If the Article settings panel is not displayed in the sidebar, click the
Article settings icon (
) to expand the panel.
- Click the Placement card to expand the Placement panel.
- Chose any of the following options:
- To close the article for comments, deselect Turn on comments.
- To promote the article in its section, select Promote article.
- To add an attachment, click Manage attached media in the Attachments
section at the bottom of the pane. See Attaching media to articles.
The file size limit is 20 MB.
- Add any Labels you want (not available on Suite Team).
As you start typing, a list of existing labels appears for you to choose from. You can add a new keyword by selecting Add as a new label.
Labels can be one word or a multiple word phrase. Labels are indexed for search with a little less weight than the article title. However, since multiple labels with similar words can outweigh the title and body of the article, use labels carefully to balance your search results.
- Click Update settings.
- Click the drop-down arrow on the Save button, then select Publish.
Viewing a list of all drafts (Guide admins only)
You can access a complete list of your draft articles. You must be a Guide admin to view a list of drafts.
To view a list of drafts
In Knowledge admin, click Manage articles
) in the sidebar.
The Lists tab opens by default.
- Click Drafts.
A list of all draft articles in your help center brand appears.
Evgeni Pavlov
Hi all,
Quick question - what is the difference between Editing in Draft and Editing in Published? Here is a scenario. Article is drafted and published, then some changes need to be made to it (and its Translated pages) - is it better to push to Drafts and do the edits (say, replace images and make other changes) or Edit in Published?
Anna Roussanova
Hey Evgeni, to take a published article back to draft status you would need to unpublish it, which would make it inaccessible for your end-users. Unless there is something actively wrong and damaging in the article, it's usually better to edit the article while leaving it in published status.
Jodi Peters
Hello! Is there a way to delete a draft version of an article?
Dave Dyson
If you go to Guide admin, you can click on Drafts, select one or more articles, click the Article settings button that appears at the bottom of the screen, and there will be a Delete option in the popup menu that appears. Hope that helps!
Jodi Peters
Hi Dave. Thanks for that info. Taking those actions will unpubish and delete the entire article, though, right? I just want to delete the draft version, but keep the published version as-is and active.
Is there a way to just delete the draft?
Dave Dyson
Ah, if you're talking about article Revisions (see Viewing article revisions and restoring a previous version), then unfortunately, we don't provide a way to delete those.
If you'd like to let our product team know about your use case, the best place for that would be in our Feedback - Help Center (Guide) topic (and using this template to format your feedback). Thanks!
William Grote
How can I send a link to another agent ( not guide admin, say, full agent or light agent ) to have them look at a draft article if it is not published?
If you are pertaining to just the default access of agents, they are restricted to access draft articles even if you provide the direct link to it. However, if you have management permissions in Guide set to Admin and Agents, your agents can access it.
On the actual draft, you will need to select the correct permission in Article Settings > Managed by.
More information can be found in Creating management permissions to define agent editing and publishing rights.
Hope this helps!
Jimmy Rufo
Is there a way we can display to Agents/Admins in looking at a Guide article, if its in draft mode or not? Today, it seems we have no choice but to wait till someone reports the article being unavailable, and then go into the article settings to check if its in draft mode or published.
Can there be an identifier that can easily show admins/agents if an article is draft vs published, without going into the article config?