This article describes setting up a view of Zendesk tickets for your users in Salesforce. This feature queries Zendesk Support in real-time from the Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity, and Case pages and doesn't store Zendesk data in Salesforce or consume API calls.
Before creating a ticket view in Salesforce, you must Connect your Salesforce organization to Zendesk.
This article includes the following topics:
- Turning on and configuring ticket view for Salesforce
- Adding a Lightning component or Visualforce page to your Salesforce page
- Checking if ticket view has successfully installed
- Allowing profiles to view ticket view
Related information:
Turning on and configuring ticket view for Salesforce
The ticket view feature is a view of your Zendesk tickets in Salesforce. It is configured in Admin Center.
To turn on and configure ticket view
- In Admin Center, click
Apps and integrations in the sidebar, then select Integrations > Integrations.
- On the Integrations page, click Salesforce.
- On the Salesforce connection page, click the options menu icon (
) next to the Salesforce organization you want to turn on ticket view.
- Click Install managed package. The package installs a Lightning
component and Visualforce component in your Salesforce account that will be
used for ticket view. Zendesk recommends selecting Install for All
Users. Users who are not granted access are unable to view Zendesk
tickets in Salesforce.
- Click Install.
- After installation of the package is complete, return to Admin Center and refresh the Ticket view tab.
- Select the Turn on Zendesk ticket view for Salesforce checkbox.
- In the Map fields section, configure the matching criteria to filter
which tickets are displayed in Salesforce.
The default criteria for how tickets are displayed on Salesforce pages are as follows:
- Find account tickets by: Show tickets where the ticket requester's Zendesk organization name matches the Salesforce account name. Person accounts are also supported by selecting Ticket requester email and under Using Salesforce field, selecting Person account email address.
- Find contact tickets by: Show tickets where the requester email address matches the Salesforce contact email.
- Find opportunity tickets by: Show tickets where the ticket requester’s Zendesk organization name matches the Salesforce account name.
Find lead tickets by: Show tickets where the requester email address matches the Salesforce contact email.
You can also set the account-wide filtering and ticket sorting displayed in Salesforce. By default, all unclosed tickets sorted by descending status are shown.
The field used for matching within Salesforce needs to be visible to Salesforce users looking at ticket view. The minimum requirement is read-access only.
Each Salesforce user can set their personal default filtering and sorting by changing this in the Zendesk UI in Salesforce.
Salesforce limits the number of characters in queries. If the total number of characters (plus padding) in the matching criteria exceeds 4,000, then no results are returned. For example, if you define a view based on matching requester email addresses to related contact email addresses and the account has many contacts, the matching criteria may exceed the 4,000-character limit.
- After you’ve turned on and configured your ticket view settings, click Save.
Setting up user access to Zendesk tickets in Salesforce
Define which user profiles in Salesforce can view Zendesk tickets.
To select user profiles to view Zendesk tickets
- In Salesforce, click the cog (
) in the upper right pane, then click Setup.
- In the left navigation pane under PLATFORM TOOLS, select Apps > Connected Apps > Manage Connected Apps.
- Click the Salesforce Integration for Zendesk app.
- Click Edit Policies.
- Under OAuth Policies, set Permitted Users to Admin approved users
are pre-authorized, then click Save. This is a required
- Return to the Manage Connected Apps page, then click the Salesforce Integration for Zendesk app.
- Under Profiles, select Manage Profiles.
- Select the user profiles in Salesforce that can view Zendesk tickets. You
must select the System Administrator profile. User profiles that
are not selected will not be able to view Zendesk tickets.
- Click Save.
Your setup is complete.
Adding a Lightning component or Visualforce page to your Salesforce page
After installing the managed package, you must add the Lightning component or Visualforce page to your Salesforce Contact, Lead, Opportunity, or Case pages to display Zendesk tickets. If you choose to add a Lightning component, you must have a Salesforce My Domain subdomain.
To add a Lightning component or Visualforce page to your Salesforce page
- In Salesforce, click on the App Launcher icon in the upper left, select View
All, then click the link to a Cases, Accounts, Contacts, Leads, or
Opportunities page.
- Select the Case, Account, Contact, Lead, or Opportunity object.Note: The ticket view in the Case page is view only.
- Click the cog icon on the upper right, then select Edit
- To use the Lightning component, find your Lightning component listed under Custom in the list of components on the left. Remember, this only works if you have My Domain enabled.
- Drag Zendesk_Ticket_View onto the page.
- To use the Visualforce page, find the Visualforce component listed under Standard in the left sidebar.
- Drag the Visualforce page onto the page layout and select the
Zendesk_Ticket_View_Account on the right sidebar under the
Visualforce Page Name menu. Repeat this step for the Contact, Lead and
Opportunity pages.
- Click Save.
A view of your Zendesk tickets appears on your Salesforce page, as shown in the example below.

If agents encounter permission errors when viewing tickets, check that the user profiles in Salesforce have access to Zendesk tickets. For more information, see Setting up user access to Zendesk tickets in Salesforce.
Checking if ticket view has successfully installed
The following procedure helps you check if ticket view has successfully installed in Salesforce.
- Go to Salesforce > Setup > Deployment Status.
- Check the deployment time when you installed the package and see if the deployment was successful or failed. If deployment failed, Salesforce will provide you with detailed errors. Review the errors and resolve them. If you are unable to resolve them, contact Zendesk Customer Support and provide a screenshot of the error.
- Check if the components were successfully created.For the Lightning component, go to Salesforce > Setup > Lightning Components > Zendesk_Ticket_View.
For the Visualforce page, go to Salesforce > Setup > Visualforce Pages > Zendesk_Ticket_View.
To resolve issues with your ticket view configuration, see Resolving ticket view errors.
Allowing profiles to view ticket view
You can allow profiles to access ticket view in Visualforce pages.
To allow profiles to view ticket view
- In Salesforce, go to Setup > Custom Code > Visualforce Pages.
- Next to the label that includes Zendesk_Ticket_View_Contact, Zendesk_Ticket_View_Lead, Zendesk_Ticket_View_Opportunity, and Zendesk_Ticket_View_Account, click Security under the Action column.
- Select profiles from Available Profiles, add them to Enabled Profiles, then click Save.
Sai Karthik
I am getting this error, when enabling the Ticket View. How to resolve this?
"Your Ticket View is already enabled in another Zendesk account. Please disable this first if you want to change the tickets displaying in your Salesforce account."
Avery Sullivan
Thanks @... !
I've been following that article and it doesn't appear this feature has yet launched. Is there specific verbiage I should keep an eye out for / do you have any insight into the timeline for this feature? We're unable to use Zendesk data with any of our BI tools right now as the v1 SFDC integration is suspended and v2 doesn't have this feature to associate the Organizations.
Dwight Bussman
Hi Sal,
This typically means precisely what the error message indicates: that this SFDC instance has is already linked with a different instance of zendesk. If you're on a plan-level that allows for a sandbox instance of Zendesk, I would advise starting by checking to insure that's not linked to this Salesforce account.
If you're not sure where that might be linked, please contact our Support team who can look in our logs to see where this is connected.
Dwight Bussman
Hi @... - the feature in this article has been live for quite some time. Have you yet done the setup documented in our Setting up the Zendesk for Salesforce integration article? If so and you're still not seeing the above ticket-view options, please contact our customer support team to look into this more closely.
Lakshmi Prasath
The sync of zendesk tickets are not yet integrating to salesforce Account page.
Dwight Bussman
HeyO @...
Sorry to hear that you're having difficulties with your Salesforce integration. I recommend contacting our Support team as documented here: and someone can look into this matter.
I'll take a look to see if you've already reached out to support to insure that your ticket is in the right place.
James Irwin
Does anyone know if we can use "Domains" for "Field matching" on "Account"? Due to how my salesforce org was set up it would be better to match "Domains" to data in my DB.
Dwight Bussman
HeyO @...
Unfortunately, the Organization Domains field is not currently indexed for searching and thus cannot be used as a matching criterion for Ticket View (or Account sync for that matter). If you'd like to see this ability added to our product, I recommend posting in our Product Feedback Forum so that folks can vote in support of this idea and Product Managers can prioritize it appropriately.
Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)
Hi All
I seem to not have a field listed in the article above for 'Find account ticket by". Easiest is to view this small the article out of date?
Many thanks
Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)
Is it possible to customise the ticket field columns in the Lightning component page view? See below.
Dwight Bussman
HeyO Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)
Not possible at this time, but definitely a good feature-idea for the future.
I have users and tickets in the organization but still, It's showing No tickets.

Dwight Bussman
This could happen for a few reasons:
My first thought is that perhaps the matching criteria listed here might not be based on name:
If they're set to something other than name, I recommend checking that field to see that the values align on both sides. If it's still set to name, please check that there aren't extra spaces/hidden characters in the names.
My next thought is that perhaps there's a linkage problem between the instance of SFDC and Zendesk. This would be evident if it also fails at the Contact level. The fix for this would be to disconnect & reconnect the integration within Admin Center. I recommend doing this in an incognito window to avoid any session conflation.
My final thought is that the user who connected the integration may have been downgraded to an agent role. When that happens, the Ticket View can only "see" tickets that are visible to that agent, as it relies on a search to pull the list. Again, a quick fix for this would be to disconnect & reconnect in Admin Center using a user who's currently an admin.
If none of these help to resolve this issue, I recommend contacting our Support team so that they can take a closer look.
Sophie Williams
Is there a way to filter which tickets are displayed in the SF lightning component, based on Tag? For example, if a ticket has the tag 'legal', I do not want this to be displayed in Salesforce.
Also on the topic of access, can the Zendesk tickets be set to read-only in Salesforce? Or does the access depend on their permissions in Zendesk?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Dwight Bussman
heyO Sophie Williams
The ticket-view currently allows filtering by status, priority, and type but does not allow for filtering based on tag. If that's a feature that's important to you, I recommend posting that request to our Product Feedback forum so that others can vote in support of it.
By default the tickets shown within the view will be read-only. The ability to edit tickets is only available when a user has linked their personal Zendesk Agent credentials as documented here:
Sophie Williams
Thanks Dwight for your speedy reply!
Sorry, another question based on your answer - does Salesforce honour Zendesk access rules? So if I limit access to certain tickets for a user in Zendesk (using Zendesk access settings), then that user logs into Salesforce and links to their personal Zendesk account, will they be able to see tickets that are restricted for them in Zendesk?
Also, you mentioned edit access is given when the Zendesk account is linked. Do I have the option of giving read-only access, even when the Zendesk account is linked? I don't want users to be able to create or edit tickets from Salesforce.
Thanks again,
Dwight Bussman
heyO Sophie Williams
Good question! I wasn't sure so I did some testing in my test accounts and the short answer is "it's complicated" or perhaps "we should revisit this". Here's what I'm seeing:
Within the list of tickets, any visible to the user who initially connected the integration (normally an admin user)
but then if they've linked specific agent credentials, the contents of the ticket won't show when they try to load it
I'm reaching out to the Dev team now to see if this is expected/avoidable (as it seems confusing to have the ability to click on a ticket that one cannot actually view).
Hopefully that helps to answer your question
Sophie Williams
Thanks a lot Dwight, that answers my question. I'm on the same page as you, it seems illogical to see the ticket in the list but not be able to access it. Fingers crossed the Dev team agree and can change it!
Dwight Bussman
Our product development team will track this issue and prioritize investigation as soon as possible, but as we are not able to offer a target date for resolution, I will set this ticket to
for now.Please let me know if you'd like to continue to discuss workarounds or have further questions on this.
I'm not seeing the "edit page" view on my Salesforce for the adding lightning component
Dwight Bussman
HeyO Vishaal - I recommend talking to your SFDC Admin about that..... your user may not have sufficient permission to modify those pages.
Hi Dwight Bussman
I was recenly made a SF Admin on our side. My account is listed as a System Admin
Dwight Bussman
Hmmm.... that seems odd to me. Maybe check with your other System Admins to see if they see that option on their accounts? I'm puzzled by that.
Another way to get there is by going to Setup > Object Manager > Account (object) > Lightning Record Pages
Are you seeing an option to edit pages therein?
In terms of the Zendesk-related parts of this: it's also possible to add the Ticket View by adding Visualforce Pages to the page layout directly by navigating to:
Setup > Object Manager > Account (object) > Page Layouts
Hopefully that works a bit better.
Dwight Bussman I asked my colleague who is also an admin and they too don't have what is listed in the screenshot. It's odd definitely.
I'm able to get there via Object Manager, but there is no option to edit pages there. I'm not seeing the Zendesk for Salesforce like in the screenshots though
Dwight Bussman
If you click on the name of that Account Record Page, I would expect there to be an Edit button at the top.
If that option doesn't exist, then my only other thought is that there's some kind of lock on editing those pages within your Salesforce instance.
A bit of digging for me shows that there's at least one potential cause for this:
and likely more (given the granularity of permissions that are possible within SFDC).
I would recommend reaching out to Salesforce support for more info on why that option wouldn't be available in your specific instance. Please let us know if you learn something useful and I'll see that it's added to the article above.
Dwight Bussman I was able to add the Zendesk Ticket View through the edit page there, thank you!!
Do I need to add visualforce as well or is that a separate application? I'm looking at step 5,6,7
Dwight Bussman
No need to add both; they do the same thing. The Lightning component is more flexible as it will dynamically resize whereas the Visualforce page has a preset height regardless of its contents.
I'm glad these steps helped you to get there! (even though I'm still puzzled by why you didn't have that option at the top)
Dwight Bussman I agree that part is definitely still odd.
To confirm, I don't have to do this "Repeat this step for the Contact, Lead and Opportunity pages." right? I now see Zendesk in all our Salesforce accounts.
I truly appreciate your help btw!
Dwight Bussman
If you want to see the Ticket View on those other objects' pages, you'll need to add it to those separately.
One small request for the future: please feel free to contact support with questions like this as it allows us to have a more private conversation / share account-specific details that may be useful in diagnosing the issue. Based on that conversation, we can then make updates to our docs to help other folks avoid similar issues.
Dwight Bussman Apologies, and completely understood. Will do that moving forward