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How can I solve issues with my live chat connection?

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Katie Dougherty

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited May 17, 2024




Hi Katie! 

Looks like we are getting a trend of certain agents getting this error message despite our chats within business hours. Connection, Browser, and their profile permissions are all okay though. Is there some sort of bug going on?


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jahleel,

Do you have Support and Chat operating hours? If yes, I highly suggest that you double-check your chat operating hours to confirm the schedule. Operating Hours are found via Settings > Account > Operating Hours.



Hi Cheeny! 

Thank you for your reply! Our agents are working within our business hours but it seems that some of them are unable to switch online for some reason. Their skill and groups are okay, nothing different from other agents who's can go online. Their browsers and internet connections are okay. Is this a bug? Are there any other troubleshooting steps we can try?


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jahleel,

You may check if there are any Service incidents related to your account at Moreover, I can see that one of our Customer Support is already assisting you on this issue. I will make a follow-up on that ticket too.



Thank you!


Hey team,

Some of our agents are having issues with their chat connection. They usually manage to reconnect after refreshing and waiting a few minutes, but it happens to them every few hours. The error code is UND. Any idea why this may be happening? 

Thank you in advance for your help.


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Carlos! 

Were you able to try all the troubleshooting steps provided in this article and the issue still persists? If yes, please have the affected agent generate a har file and initiate a conversation with us so we can further check this for you.

I hope that helps!


Boa noite! 

Eu estou recebendo o erro a seguir com frequência, por que isso ocorre?
Obs.: é resolvido ao clicar em "atualizar chat", mas gostaríamos de sanar o problema na raiz para que não ocorra.


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Zendesk Engineering


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