How can views be filtered based on ticket subject?
The Description condition only filters the text in the first comment in the ticket. This condition does not filter for ticket subject text and subsequent comment text in the ticket. This means there is not a native condition for ticket subject that can be used in views.
- As a workaround, create a trigger that automatically tags tickets based on ticket subject data. Use the Ticket > Subject text condition and Ticket > Add tags action in the trigger.
- After the trigger is saved, create a view that uses the tag added by the ticket trigger to show the tickets based on their subject line.
For more information, see the article: Trigger conditions and actions reference.
Zaar Hai
I couldn't believe I can't create a view filtering on the subject. And I still can't believe this feature is still not in ZD though been requested 4 years ago.
Looks like ZD entered the "slow race" competing with other big enterprises on whom does take is the longest to develop a new feature.
Sorry for venting my frustration here but this is a second simple-must-have-feature after "see all the tickets I'm following" that I encountered as still missing despite being requested for years.
Now I ended up writing my own ETL to take ZD data to BigQuery so that I can actually see it (:face palm:)
Juan Sanchez
I can't believe this isn't a feature! So frustrating.
Zendesk (and @...)
could you please make the product team fix this? This is a flaw that only turns visible in case of error (and potential frustration) when you start searching the support base for the issue and find out: I'm not alone.
This is an incredible gap, as "subject" can be searched barely anywhere, I can only consider the exclusion in Views as a bug, sorry.
Please help!
@... thanks for your explanation, which shows even more that it's NOT a solution to first change (historic and new) tickets by use of a trigger to THEN be able to find it.
The workaround doesn't work on closed tickets (as one example) so it's hardly a workaround at all :(
Best regards,
Joe Vita
Considering that email is one of the foundational channels of Zendesk, this seems like a huge miss and should be easy to fix. Workarounds are fine as a temporary solution, but I can't go back and tag closed tickets so that doesn't work.
I spent 45 minutes only to find this later. I'm assuming there's some hosting cost avoidance for costly operations going on here. The ticketing recommendation as a work around is not practical for me. I would like to see the ability to filter on subject conditionals like others are requesting here. Thank you.
Jessica C
This is incredibly frustrating to find out. This should be an mandatory option since you are a HelpDesk solution!
Donovan Bray
Searching the description has to be more resource intensive than searching the subject, I don't understand or can fathom how this is still a problem.
It's very frustrating. Please add subject filtering option. Workarounds are just workarounds. You cannot share a workaround and treat the problem as "issue solved"
Lawrence Dye
Along with the other commenters here, I find it bewildering that description can be used to filter a view but subject cannot.
There isn't really much more to say about it, the use cases are obvious.
Jeff Stephenson
I'm chiming in as well we need to be able to create filters by subject! It's silly to even ask for this.
CJ Robinson
It seems we recently lost the ability to sort by subject on any of our views as well.

Why can't the email subject get any ZD love?
Josef Prandstetter
We would also like to create tickets views with a condition on the ticket subject.
Moses Hohman
It does seem fairly crazy that you still can't filter views/sort views by subject. Please implement, Zendesk team, it would be so helpful. Thank you!
Arkady Kaminski
One of the reasons to never sign up for this planform is that Zendesk Support does not have this search function. It should be a standard feature.
Craig Smith
Can we get a comment from Zendesk on this. I want to create a view for article creation requests and filtering on the subject is the most logical way I can think of to do it.
Mike DR
I do understand thsi is a neat feature to have. What I would love to do with your partnership is attack this from both fronts; on my side, I'll flag a couple of articles for revisions as there are places we can call this out that could expressly mention it so others don't experience the frustrations you've experienced, and on your end if you could submit product feedback as outlined here to communicate use case, headaches caused, etc. so our product team can take it into future roadmap + release consideration I would be greatly appreciative.
Telus Health (Lifeworks EAP)
Have there been any plans to add this functionality to the ZD roadmap? A Subject filter for ticket views is a pretty basic requirement.
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi Telus Health (Lifeworks EAP) ,
At the moment that's not possible yet. I advise you to provide your feedback on our community where our Developers and product managers can see.
Specific examples, details about impact, and how you currently handle things are helpful for our product teams to understand the full scope of the need when working on solutions. You may also want to review the Product feedback guidelines and how to write an effective feedback post.
Raida Lopez
I'd like to create a report to filter emails submitted by the requester (not API) and their subject. Are you able to walk me through creating the report? TIA!
Rob Becker
October 7, 2024, and this still isn't being taken seriously. This is so basic; it's shocking that this hasn't been addressed by now. This is now a seven year old issue. That's embarrassing.
Guys, I don't know how this happened but this issue is downvoted - it has minus 23 votes now.
This frustrates, cause, come on, this is just basic functionality. It just has to be in ZD.
Jiri Fait
Ubelievable a view cannot be setup based on a subject! Unbelivable. Zendesk at it's best!