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Flow builder: Ask "Was this helpful?"
Posted Sep 02, 2021
Hi there, is it possible to make this option customisable? Sometimes we would like to ask was it helpful and other times it may not be appropriate or necessary to ask it. However, currently this is automised and occurs at the very end of the conversation, leaving no flexibility to work flows around the question.
Daniel Aron
It is now possible to customize the feedback flow using the Ask if question resolved step type. This provides admins with the flexibility to tailor the content of feedback collection messages, and when to ask for feedback in the bot's answer flows. Here's the announcement for more details.
Ifra Saqlain
As usual, it can be done by the code - check the article ID but if there are too many articles then it won't be okay. I think there should be a checkbox to enable this option in article setting sidebar itself when we are creating article, like it is for the promoted article and we check or uncheck the promoted article checkbox of our own free will.
Brianne Hansen
I would also like the ability to customize this text and the options!
Lisa Tam
Hi Conor Jordan
The feedback flow is currently not customizable but it is something we are planning to support in the near future where you can customize the text or disable it.
We would really need the oportunity to customize or disable it.
First of all, we use a language that is not supported (Norwegian), and second - the flow asks our customers if they are happy with the help even though all we've told them is that the chat is closed at the moment and they cannot get help right now.. And then they get to mark "I am happy with that" or not.. So, yes.. Bit angry customers there..
Jen C
Is there a way to transfer to an agent if the customer clicks "no" after "was this helpful"? Or if the bot recommends articles instead of using the flow, it will also ask "was this helpful". Can the bot offer was this helpful or "speak to an agent"? or would we add this as a step in our flow using a message step and add the message "was this helpful" and then give the option steps of "yes" or "no" and then add the transfer step if the answer was "no". This would also add a significant amount of steps to our flow. Thanks for your help!
Gustavo Oliveira
I understand where you are coming from, but at the moment, the Flow is working as you've described.
The request to have “Was this Helpful” customizable is something that we've already captured, and we have plans for this, but the timeline is yet unknown.
As it is not yet done, my suggestion at the moment would be to copy/paste the steps to avoid doing it one by one, but it would have to be done manually.
You can select the question and answers, click on the options “…”, click to copy this and following steps.
With the steps copied, click on the “+” where you want to add them, click on the options “…”, click paste steps.
Then all the steps below will be added to your flow.
I know this is not exactly what you were looking for, but I hope it helps.
Please also give your feedback at Feedback Portal, regarding the answer bot feedback behaviour.
Hi Gustavo Oliveira

Then why doesn't Z bot behave like that?
It doesn't look like you're using copy/paste steps and when the user says "No, I still need help" the Z bot lets him contact your team.
How can I do exactly the same as Zendesk?
Our Messaging widget is our main tool to efficiently route tickets and promote self service. This was done through rigorous and heavy customization. Unfortunately, this functionality is not yet accessible for our customers. The option "Was this helpful" cannot be modified. I know how important this is for most of our customers. This feedback has already been shared to our Product Managers.
William Grote
This is crazy - I just signed up for this based on the way the Zendesk AI Bot works in the example above submitted by Artem and need to set up the exact same workflow - and now to learn that this most obvious workflow - which is adding the ability to have the transfer step as the final step AFTER the article suggestion, is not possible with the fallback flow is extremely disappointing.
Is there an option to still do this manually ( as Jen outlines above ) and then have a trigger that closes the chat as solved if they choose YES and keeps open when they choose NO and the transfer option?
William Grote
basically, I would like to ability add an article suggestion step - which includes the feedback flow - as the 2nd to last step before the transfer step.
William Grote
Hi Gustavo Oliveira
I see how your copy and paste work around functions, but it is redundant and makes it look like the bot did not acknowledge the same question that was just answered
Daniel Aron
Hi William Grote responding to your comment
This isn't possible with Flow Builder today, however we are planning to make the feedback experience admin configurable in Q2 which will give you the flexibility to do this.
In the meantime, you can workaround this to a degree by encouraging your customer to type a free-text message:
Hope that helps!
William Grote
Daniel Aron
many thanks for this - I'm torn between workarounds now, I like the format of yours since its easier to set up and doesn't require cutting and pasting longer flows within flows as Gustavo's does - which could get messy in a large flow, but with yours, ( if I understand it correctly, you just need the "talk to an agent" option in the lowest option branch before your regular transfer to agent step? otherwise it gets them off the self serve hook too quickly
Daniel Aron
Yes, as I said we will be releasing a feature in Q2 that makes this a lot easier for you but until then this is the trade off. You are correct, using my example and surfacing the "talk to an agent" option higher up in the bot flow may discourage self-service more than you'd like. Perhaps you can experiment with this and monitor whether you see an uptick in agent transfer rate in the Flow Builder Explore reporting.
Jason Walker-C
It is amazing that Zendesk is using customized solutions in their messaging bot/flow. However these are not available to everyone. Response from ZD agent was "you will need a sunshine account and some custom code to do that". All I want to do is add a back button periodically in our flow steps, and do you still want to wait for an agent after the transfer to agent step? arghhhhhh..........
Jason Walker-C
Daniel Aron After extensive usability and user testing. We found that when users engage with the bot, their intentions are to talk to an agent. They unanimously shared that they already searched and tried to self-help and now just want to talk to an agent. Period. Just thought I would share that and wonder what your usability and user test show. This may be very specific to the industry served.
Michael LittleTester
Why can't I remove the last was this helpful and just end the chat?
Tatjana Kümmerle
It would be great to have more opportunities to customize the chat bot. We are using the bot for the instagram connection. We have big problems with the "I didn't get that. Try rephrasing your question or start over.". We would prefer, that the Bot creats a ticket. Not always writing the same text.
Richard Harris 2
We are exploring Messaging over Chat widget / Answerbot. Users being able to search for articles is important to us as the help required is varied. Article recommendations are very useful and can reduce tickets for those that find the answer.
We was hoping Messaging could build on that but are worried that when users search there is no "was this helpful" / "Did this answer your question" option. They could get stuck in the workflow, frustrated and call our helpline instead if they don't know how to connect to a team member.
Hopefully this changes in Q2