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Using the Slack for Zendesk Support integration

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Kristie Sweeney

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




I have just tried to integrate this - in slack however there is no drop down menu for chosing channel. What am I missing?


@... see you've made a few comments in the past about a new integration. I've got a couple of questions on that.

Will this new integration support custom ticket forms? The ability to ensure that certain details are always included in tickets/requests would be appreciated.

Is this new integration in the works currently? If so, can you share what sort of timeline you're aiming for?


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David Gillespie

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...,

Thanks for reaching out.

We are looking at ways we could surface a custom ticket form in Slack in the new Slack integration. Unfortunately we're still working through our solution and scope so I can't give a definite date or confirmation for when this will be ready, but we are looking at it. 




I've run into an issue when doing Create a ticket, I choose the group I want (only have 3) but it seems all the tickets are going to the Default group. Create a ticket shows all 3 groups. But everything is getting assigned to Default. 


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jeremy,

I would suggest that you reach out to our Customer Support so we can take a closer look into your integration and check what could have possibly assigned the ticket to the default group instead of your desired group.




Is there anyway for the ticket created via the Slack Channel and it's comment to automatically post as an internal note as opposed to a public comment?



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Casey, 

The native Zendesk-Slack integration does not offer the functionality of setting the first comment as an internal note on new tickets. Here are some alternatives:
  1. You can manually switch the comment into Internal Note in the UI once the ticket is created, Changing a ticket comment from public to private (standard agent interface). Or if you use Agent Workspace, you can go into Events and Convert to internal note is available per comment. Here's how it looks:

  2. You can check third-party integrations like Zapier which could have features specific to what you need.

We'll definitely send a word out once such a feature becomes available so stay tuned. 😁️ 


It'd be great if you could make the Assignee field a mandatory field instead of optional. I've raised this with Zendesk Support who advised it's not possible.

Some of our teams will create support tickets through Slack on behalf of a client, and sometimes they'll forget to specify an Assignee in error, which leads to the ticket ending up in a limbo state until someone identifies it and assigns it to the appropriate support Group.

We can't resolve this via a Trigger either, because we have multiple support Groups based on different geographical regions, so there's no one-Group-fits-all when it comes to tickets logged through Slack.

At the moment, we've had to create a View that displays tickets with a null Assignee field, and we reassign those tickets manually, but ideally it'd just be possible to choose whether the Assignee field is mandatory or optional.


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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Paul K,

Thank you for your feedback. We're working on some improvements to our Slack integration and I've recorded your feedback for consideration.


Is there any way to automatically tag a user while creating a Zendesk from Slack? Example: you want an admin on Slack to see all Zendesk tickets created with the integration


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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Louis,

Thanks for sharing this feedback. In suggesting tagging a user, do you mean referring to that user's Slack account (i.e. a link to that user) as opposed to using the user's name?

While it's not possible to view all tickets in Slack, this can be achieved in Zendesk. Any tickets created via Slack will include a created_from_slack tag, which can be used in a view or reporting.


Hi Team, 


I am looking for something a bit different so not sure if this is the right place to post it. 

Basically, we have created an internal knowledge base for staff and we want to open this up to non-agents, partners etc. We can just set the permissions to signed-in people as some of the content can't be shared with customers. 

The idea is to be able to invite people to a slack channel that people can post a question and it would surface the best answers across the entire helpcenter (both external and internal) to try and reduce the same questions coming in.


Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this? 






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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Jason McLean,

Do you currently utilise Segments or Labels to differentiate these agent vs non-agent articles?

At the moment, we only support the ability to define Answer Bot articles based upon the Brand. I've recorded your feedback (regarding deeper filtering in AB) and as we progress with enhancements to the Slack integration, we will keep it in consideration.




Thanks for the quick reply @...

So there isn't really a way that you know of currently to be able to do a search directly from slack that would be able to view articles? More so just using AB to surface the top answer it thinks fits? 

Regarding Labels, we are going through the process of labels however I don't think this is not going to resolve the issue because it will just prioritize the labels whereas we want it to prioritize based on the relevance of content. 


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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Jason McLean

The Answer Bot Search from Slack will identify any questions and search for any articles which may help, based upon relevancy. The article text is listed and a link to the help center page is provided. The requestor can then also respond, suggesting the article was relevant and helped (marking the question as solved), or was not helpful, loading the next most relevant article.




Hello, support.

We are really like your integration but from time to time we get stuck with some problems:

The target [TARGET NAME] has been temporarily disabled due to too many failures. Please check the possible reason of these failures by testing the target first.

And if google it is not to be a huge problem to find a solution.

But the solution doesn't work. There is no button that allows you to apply the solution. (see screenshot)

As a workaround, you can completely delete integration from Zendesk and add it again. And configure it again. So, it looks like a bug... Thank you



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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Никита Рукавков,

Thanks for sharing this. We're aware that in some circumstances the Zendesk Slack target may become disabled. Rather than deleting/reinstalling the app, you should be able to toggle the Slack App to disabled/enabled in Support Apps, resulting in the target being re-enabled.

The good news is we've just announced our plan to move the Slack integration away from targets, which should prevent this from occurring and will introduce improved retry behaviour.



Can you setup multiple slack channels or does it all go into one channel only? We have multiple groups using slack so setting up based on different conditions to different slack channels would be great. 



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DJ Buenavista Jr.

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Darren,
Thank you for reaching out to Zendesk Support.
Reading through the documentation kindly check the following note:

Only channels that the Zendesk app has been invited to appears in the drop-down options. To add additional channels, see To add the app to a private channel and To add the app to another public channel.

The following is possible as long as the channel has been invited by the Zendesk app, both private and public channels.
Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead!
Kind regards,


Hello hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend, 

I was hoping to see if there is a way for me to set a default assignee within the zendesk bot we have many different departments that utilize zendesk and I would like to have this feature send tickets to my helpdesk


Any update on custom ticket forms in Slack?  Or at least options to turn on/off fields?  Priority is one that is hugely missed for my use case.


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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey David Rivera,

You can utilise a trigger in Zendesk to identify and map all of the tickets created from within Slack to an appropriate assignee or support group. The conditions would reflect a new ticket being created from Slack:

Ticket is Created
contain created_from_slack


I may have missed this - If an agent updates a case in ZenDesk, will the update be also sent to slack some the customer can reply/update the ticket from there? Thanks! 


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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Fergal Collins,

When a ticket is created in Zendesk from Slack, it will assign the requestor as the individual selected in the Create Ticket form in Slack. Subsequent updates to that ticket will update the requester via email.

Two-way conversations between Slack and a ticket can be achieved via Side Conversations, however this would create a subsequent thread and would be contained within the Side Conversation within the ticket.


Hi ,

is there a way where i could addd different trigger to post slack notifications in different channels .

I want to post notifications in different channels for different trigger conditions .

for example , whenever a ticket is assigned to L2 it should post in l2 channel and L1 in different channel , urgent tickets should be posted in different channel etc.


Hi Gaurav,
Yes, it's possible to use Webhooks in a trigger to send a notification to Slack – community member Hawk Swearingen posted a tutorial here: Setting Up a Slack Notifier with Zendesk Webhooks


How can I configure the integration to post notifications from different brands to their own Slack channels?


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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Eric T,

At the moment, notifications to channels can be configured based upon the assigned ticket support group. If each of these brands has their own support group/s, then notifications in Slack can be configured based upon the brand.


Thanks, @...! It's working for us now.


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Any update on custom ticket forms?


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