This article contains links to resources for understanding, setting up, and using the Jira integration in Zendesk Support and in Atlassian Jira. It contains the following sections:
About the Jira integration
The Jira integration enables linking, tracking, and synchronizing of information between Zendesk tickets and Atlassian Jira issues, encouraging collaboration between support and development teams.
Support teams using Zendesk Support can create links between a customer ticket Zendesk and the work developers are tracking in Jira. They have visibility on the progress of any Jira issues linked to the Zendesk ticket, and can also create new Jira issues in Zendesk Support.
Development teams using Jira can have visibility of any Zendesk tickets associated with the Jira issues they are working on. They can see linked ticket details (such as status, priority, and type) and all communications with a customer by viewing the Zendesk ticket comments in Jira. They can link tickets to Jira issues and communicate to Support agents in Jira by adding new comments to Zendesk tickets.
The field syncing feature allows near real-time data syncing between Jira and Zendesk Support. This provides ticket and issue data for both Jira and Zendesk to stay up to date. Lastly, Jira can automatically update a Zendesk ticket when the issue status changes, so your support teams are always across any development updates.
Hi, you can connect Zendesk and Jira with the help of Workativ Assistant, you can create workflow automation and auto-resolve repetitive issues with this integration.
Check here:
Heather Rommel
I'm wondering why there aren't more options for settings on this app. For example, it would be great (and more secure) to be able to turn this setting OFF:
Jeff C
Hello Gautam,
You should be able to achieve the same result by setting up custom field mapping thru this guide here.
When creating a new issue, the custom field values within the Zendesk ticket will sync into a JIRA issue. The reason why the current 'copy fields' link only brings over the Summary and Description fields is because they're usually system field values where customers would normally copy + paste them in. So by setting up the field syncing feature shown in the above link, you can automate the values.
David Mills
Does this integration still work?
I've been unable to connect Jira to Zendesk. It is failing at the auth stage where is returning a 404 error.
Heather Rommel
Yes it definitely still works. I'd check both Jira and Zendesk and make sure the user that set up the integration has admin on both sides.
Heather Rommel
Hi Luke,
This is configurable by the Jira admin in the Manage Apps ->Zendesk Support for Jira app -> Config. Under settings, you'll see the fields you can check off to be shown from within Jira. I've cut that part off from this screenshot for privacy reasons but this should be what your Jira admin's screen looks like when navigating to the right place:
Heather Rommel
Hi Luke,
Wow, you're right! I don't see a way to hide that. I checked my own instance and even on restricted projects, the Zendesk Support field shows.
I agree this should be configurable.... I wonder if you might consider adding this to the Feature Request section?
Hello Luke, thank you for your question!
Heather is correct in that it is currently not possible to hide this, even for tickets that are not related to Zendesk. Similar in a way to how the Apps in the sidebar of Zendesk will show for all tickets, even if they are not related to all of them.
I agree that the best course of action right now is to create a Feedback Post in our Community, as Heather recommended. You can explain your use case and the more traction this post gets, the more chances there are for our Development team to consider implementing this in the future.
I hope this was helpful!
Doug Chung
Luke's created a ticket here:
Please upvote, it's silly for people who never use Zendesk to have to look at it's field in every Jira issue.
Boni Ling
Is there a way we can limit the labels that are available for selection in Zendesk when using the Jira integration?
Gautam Dama
Any new users added to Zendesk after setting up the Jira integration are not showing up under the Reporter dropdown. Is there a way to refresh that list?
Heather Rommel
Boni Ling, I don't believe there's a way to limit label availability unfortunately.
Gautam Dama, I'm not following -- I'm not aware of an inherent way to sync users or anything so this might just be how your Jira vs Zendesk are set up? Where are you referring to, is it when you click Create Jira from zendesk? I don't think we can set the reporter there but have to go to Jira to do it and depending on your Jira setup, the user needs to have access there....
Sean Bourke
Hey Gautam Dama,
The Reporter and Assignee fields are derived from the Jira user list. To see additional agents or users listed here, you would need to ensure that they also have an associated account within Jira.
Where the reporter doesn't exist in Jira, you'll often see the ticket creation event coming from the Zendesk Support for Jira integration user in Jira.
Sean Bourke
Hey Gautam Dama,
Thanks for sharing this, however I suggest that you edit your post to remove the images.
This relates to the behaviour of user search in the API, where it will search for all users based on each portion of the name, but only if the initial identifier is included.
For example, a search for Sean or for Bou would return a result for my name; however, searching for rke would return no results.
In your circumstance, starting the search with the letter 'a' to align to the name in Jira should start to return results.
Is it possible to enable users to link more than 200 Zendesk tickets to a Jira ticket? My team often has to clone Jira tickets to be able to link Zendesk tickets if we reach the 200 ticket limit.
Not totally sure what purpose this threshold serves, but it is definitely limited for teams with a large number of customer contacts.
Gautam Dama
Hey @..., that did it. Thanks for your help!
bill cicchetti
Is it possible to link 2 separate ZD instances (Sandbox and Prod) to the same Jira instance? Our DEV team only has a Prod Jira but would like to do some isolated testing in our ZD Sandbox into the Jira instance that is currently linked to our Production ZD instance.
Thanks in advance
Bill Cao
Did anyone encounter "unknown error" when installing "zendesk-for-jira-3.0.24-production.jar" to jira server (v8.5.4 or other versions). The plugin 3.0.24 is supported on jira 7.0.0 thru 8.22.6 per
Sean Bourke
Hey Bill Cao,
I've created a support ticket from your message, so that we can investigate this further.
Sean Bourke
Hey bill cicchetti,
At the moment, the Zendesk Jira Integration only supports linking one Zendesk to one Jira instance at any time. Curiously, are there specific features that you're seeking to test and validated with Sandbox?
Aarthi Narayanan
Is there a way to configure an automation rule that for specific tickets (with specific labels) created in zendesk, automatically create a ticket in jia (specific project)? I could not find much documentation on this. Please advise.
bill cicchetti
Looking to test the mapping of custom fields in ZD with Jira fields. With all the jira info in the applet you cant report, create triggers, or make visible to customers. One example if updating a custom field in ZD when the Jira ticket status changes
Heather Rommel
Aarthi Narayanan,
There's no built in way to do that, but it's certainly possible- You'd need to create Jira tickets via API using either a home built solution or Zapier or something like that. Keep in mind that you'd have to solve for all required fields on the target Jira project.
If you do this, please post a User Tip and show us all how you did!!
Krishnamurthy Veeraraghavan
Have Integrated Zendesk and Jira at present we are able create the Jira ticket from the Zendesk by clicking the Jira app and that is working fine
Need help : When we solve the Zendesk ticket which has the Jira reference ticket ID. How can i configure a notification so that it notifies the Jira ticket owner that the Zendesk ticket is close and close the Jira ticket also.
Kindly let me know who can i achieve this.
Heather Rommel
Hi @Krishnamurthy Veeraraghavan,
What you're looking to do is achievable by doing the following:
Warning: If you are using the app to link multiple tickets from or to Jira/Zendesk, you may run into some issues with this so please test well!
Jake Warren
Is there a way to disable Zendesk comments from showing in JIRA? We don't want to expose this information within the JIRA.
Heather Rommel - Looks like you mentioned this very same thing back in August of 2021, do you know if this has become available?
Heather Rommel
Hi Jake Warren, no not yet! Please upvote my "feature request" (aka security hole patch request) here!
Gameboard Support
Hi -
We have the JIRA / Zendesk integration triggering and updating assignee on the status change. However, we are not seeing our Comment Text from the Post Function show up in Zendesk. Where does that go? Thanks!
Sean Bourke
Hey Gameboard Support,
It looks like you've configured the workflow postback function to respond with a comment to the ticket. Please ensure that you've selected the correct workflow state change (i.e. when moving an issue from In Progress to Done) and ensuring that you've published any draft workflows.
A Public comment will be visible to and respond to the requester of a ticket, whereas an Internal note would instead only be visible to ticket agents.
Tomer Blankitny
Is there a way to link Jira issues to Zendesk tickets within Jira?