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How can I remove "Suggested Articles" from the ticket submission form?

Edited Aug 21, 2024




I was able to achieve this by adding the following line into script.js:


The 'searchbox' element is contained within the 'suggestion-list' element, so suppressing the parent element effectively hid it.


Thanks for sharing your solution, Samuel!


Are there older, different or more possibly....hidden files that I am not seeing to make this change?

suggestion-list does not exist in my style.css, nor the page I am working on.

Im trying to add some code to hide the suggestion list for one pulldown, but have it available for another.  I've emailed support, with no responses.

It will more than likely be an addition like this....

In the HTML
form <li class="suggestion-list">Subject Dropdown #1</li>

And in the CSS
.hidden{ display: none }

Any help would be appreciated.


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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Wade,

The code you add will first need to detect that the conditions where you wish to hide suggested articles are present. This will most likely be easier with Javascript. Once your code identifies this, then it can use the one-line snippet that Samuel shared to finally hide the suggested articles.



How to hide suggested articles only when tab out from email subject?  


Hi Anita, what do you mean by "only when tab out from email subject" ?



onmouseout - is it possible to hide when the user moves the mouse away from email subject 


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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Anita!
Something like this should do the trick:
const requestField = document.getElementById("request_subject");
const suggestionList = document.querySelector(".suggestion-list");

requestField.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {"block"

requestField.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {"none"
You'll also need to add display: none to the .form .suggestion-list styling:
.form .suggestion-list {
display: none;
font-size: 13px;
margin-top: 30px;
I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out with any questions.


Is there a way to limit the articles suggested based on the form a customer selects? I really like having Suggested Answers but we have some articles that are very similar so the list can look repetitive. Instead, I'd like a way to only show suggestions from a specific category for each form. Thanks in advance for any ideas you have!


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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator

Hey @Autumn Yes that is doable with a help of ZD API. You should use the Search endpoint with scope to the needed category on each ticket form. 


Hi all!

It is possible to get the syntax that will make it possible to filter the suggested articles based on the label please ??

Best regards,



Is it possible to limit the results to be for example maximum 3 results for suggested articles?

Best Regards,



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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator

Hey Tony, just add this at the end of your theme CSS file, it should do the trick.

.searchbox-suggestions li:nth-child(n+4) {display: none;}


Thanks Vlad! Just pasted it at the bottom and it worked :)



I have a slightly different question. How do I make the suggested articles open in a different tab? Vlad Tipene Hughes


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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Lolu,

There isn't a native way to open the suggested articles in a new tab on click, past right clicking the link and opening in a new tab. One way you could achieve that programmatically is by using a mutation observer to watch for the links that are dynamically generated, and adding the required attributes to them. Here's an example of how that could look: 

window.addEventListener('load', () => { 
//  Get suggestion list element
  const suggestion_list = document.querySelector(".suggestion-list"); 
// MutationObserver to watch for changes to the DOM at the suggestion list div
// and add required elements to dynamically generated links
  const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true };
    let suggestionObserver = new MutationObserver((list) => {
    if(list[0].target == suggestion_list){
    // Creates variables if suggestion list children have been populated to the DOM      
            const searchbox_suggestions = document.querySelector(".searchbox-suggestions");
            const search_list = searchbox_suggestions.children[0];        
        // Adds attributes if suggested article links have been populated to the DOM          
            search_list.childNodes.forEach((li) => {
            li.firstChild.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
            li.firstChild.setAttribute("rel", "noopener noreferrer");            
    suggestionObserver.observe(suggestion_list, config)


Hi Zendesk community,

Any updates on this one?

It is possible to get the syntax that will make it possible to filter the suggested articles based on the label please  ??

Best regards,


Is there a way to limit the suggested results by ticket form? We use multiple forms and we only want to see suggestions from the relevant KBs depending on the form selected.


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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator

Yes it is, using ZD API search endpoint.


Thanks, Vlad!

Where/How would this be applied to the ticket form?

Any other info would be greatly appreciated.


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Erica Girges

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Justin,
I believe this would be the endpoint you're looking for the Help Center's Search API
There are a few ways you can achieve what you're looking for. 
By using the API, you would essentially be building out your own suggested articles functionality and search results.
Another way to configure this is to look into using Answer Bot with your web forms. This will allow you to use labels to refine search results per form. It might be best to look into this way first as the search functionality itself is already built in and you would just need to apply labels. You can get more info on best practices for using labels for Answer Bot here.  
Hope this helps!



I'm trying to implement Sam's suggestion

(see his comment back from May 4, 2021: ) which I've also pasted in bold below)


It didn't work for me. I pasted the code at the end of the script.js before the final close brackets for the main function. Is that the right spot (I'm a newbie so any help much appreciated).

thanks, Sandra

I was able to achieve this by adding the following line into script.js:


The 'searchbox' element is contained within the 'suggestion-list' element, so suppressing the parent element effectively hid it.


Zendesk Admin Hi Sandra!

Two things should make this work. In your script.js file, make sure the above code is somewhere within a document.ready function, like so:

$(document).ready(function() {

You can enter the code into an existing document ready function, or use the one above.

Second, you'll need to ensure that jQuery is installed in your environment for it to work. Please see Importing or upgrading jQuery for more information.

Let us know if that gets things going in the right direction for you!


Thank Sam, that worked!



We have an article which we want to display on the website to customers, but not on the list of suggested articles that appear in the automated first response.

Is there a way to omit specific articles from being suggested?



I am wondering if this is a simple copy and paste job to make customers open the link on a separate tab? Tipene Hughes 

I don't have the coding or technical knowledge, although my team leader would prefer this functionality. please can you advise. 

Many Thanks, 



Is there a way to prevent a specific article from being suggested in the list of recommended articles? 


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Mike DR

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Bradley! Base on the comments on the code, there isn't anything you'll need to change so a copy and paste will work :)


Hello, we have deactivated the subject field on our contact forms as we already ask our customer to categorize the ticket using dropdown custom fields.

Is there any way to use the article suggestion on other field than the subject field ?



I had a question similar to Justin's above, but did not understand the solution.

I want to hide the suggestion list when a user is using one specific form (called “Emergency Outage”), but keep the functionality active when user is submitting a request on any of our other forms.  Is there a way to do this conditionally based on form name or other identifier?


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