Organizations are typically collections of your end users, but they can also include agents. Your account starts with a single, default organization that has the same name as your account and contains all your users.
Admins and agents in custom roles with permission can create and edit organizations. How you set up your organizations depends on how you want to define your workflow and organize your users. See About organizations and groups.
On Team plans, users can belong to only one organization. On all other plans, users can belong to up to 300 organizations. However, a user does not have to belong to any organization.
Creating organizations
Admins and agents in custom roles with permission can create organizations.
The following video gives you an overview of how to create an organization:
Creating organizations [1:01]
- In Support, click the
Organizations icon (
) in the sidebar.
- Click Add organization. Alternatively, hover over the +Add tab in the
top toolbar, then select Organization.
- Enter a unique Name for the organization.Note: Don't include a pipe (|) character in the organization name. If you do, the organization won't be created.
- If you want to set up user mapping, in Domains, enter one or more email
domains, separated with spaces (for example, organization1.com
With user mapping, users from the specified email domains are automatically added to this org when they submit a request for the first time or register. If you add a domain that is already mapped to another org, users are mapped to the first organization alphabetically.
- Click Save.
You can add additional information after clicking Save.
- Optionally, enter Tags.
- If you want to set up group mapping, select a Group.
When you set up group mapping, an organization's tickets are automatically assigned to the specified group.
- For Users, determine ticket access for tickets in the help center customer
portal. Important: There are organization access settings in the user profile and in the org itself. If the settings are in conflict, the more permissive setting overrides the less permissive setting.
Ticket access options include:
Can view own tickets only: users in this org can view and edit their own
tickets only.Note: If you chose this setting, but the access setting in the user's profile or custom role gives the user access to all org tickets, this org setting will be overridden by the user setting.
Can view all org tickets: users in this org can view all org tickets. This
is referred to as a shared organization For this setting, determine whether
users can also comment on org tickets.Note: If you chose this setting, and the access setting in the user's profile or custom role restricts access for users in the org to their own tickets only, this org setting will override the user setting.
Can view own tickets only: users in this org can view and edit their own
tickets only.
- Enter any Details or Notes you want.
The new organization is saved automatically.
If you want to add further information to your organization than the default fields contain, see Adding custom fields to organizations.
Automatically adding users to organizations based on their email domain
Users can be automatically added to an organization based on their email domain when they submit a request for the first time or register. This is referred to as user mapping. An administrator can set this up by editing an organization's settings.
- In Support, click the
Organizations icon (
) in the sidebar.
- Find the organization you want to edit and click on the organization's name.
- On the organization's detailed view, enter the email domain(s) (separated by a space)
in the Domains field to set up user mapping.
Your update is saved automatically, so when you are finished you can simply navigate away. A user must then verify the email address for it to be added.
- Users are automatically mapped to the first organization sorted alphabetically by name
- Users are no longer mapped to the previous organization
- The email domain is automatically included in the allowlist
If you've added email domains to the allowlist (see Using the allowlist and blocklist to control access to Zendesk Support), these domains will be automatically included in the list. Although allowed domains are included, they are not shown on this organization settings page.
Removing the domain mapping will also remove all users who were mapped to the domain.
Mapping a group to an organization
An organization's tickets can be automatically assigned to a group. This is referred to as group mapping and can be set up by an administrator.
- In Support, click the
Organizations icon (
) in the sidebar.
- Find the organization you want to edit and click on the organization's name.
- On the organization's detailed view, select a Group from the drop-down list to
set up group mapping.
Your update is saved automatically, so when you are finished you can simply navigate away.
New tickets will now automatically be assigned to the selected group; however, business rules and agents may override this default group setting.
Setting up a shared organization for end users
You have the option of allowing all of the end users in an organization to see each other's tickets. This is referred to as a shared organization. This can be set up by an administrator.
- In Support, click the
Organizations icon (
) in the sidebar.
- Find the organization you want and click the organization's name.
- On the organization's detailed view, select Can view all org tickets in the
Users field. Then, if you want to allow users to add comments to shared
organization tickets, select and add comments.Important: This organization-wide setting overrides the user access setting in the user profile. Meaning that, even if you restrict a user in this org to view their own tickets only, they will be able to see all org tickets if the org access is set to view all org tickets.
Your update is saved automatically, so when you are finished you can simply navigate away.
Alternatively, instead of allowing all end users in an organization to see an organization's tickets, you can grant this privilege to select end users. To do so, set the org to Can view own tickets only, then set individual users to Can view all org tickets in their user profiles. The user permission in that case overrides the organization-wide setting.
Ben Fulton
Regarding bulk update of existing users, I think we can muddle through by using bulk export to get the list and then perform a bulk update. However, bulk verification does not solve our email verification problem. What we are looking for there is a way to simply skip the verification process for each user with one of our internal domains *as they are created*, rather than after the fact in bulk.
Chandra Robrock
@... - At my company, we're using Zapier to automate the email verification process for new users in Zendesk. It's surprisingly simple to setup thanks to Zapier's integration with Zendesk (although Zendesk is a Premium integration, so access will be dependent on your Zapier plan) so worth checking out if you happen to use Zapier as well.
My Zap looks something like this:
Trigger: Zendesk App > New User in Zendesk
Action: Zendesk App > Update User in Zendesk > changes Verified to True.
You should be able to customize the zap further if there are just specific users you'd like to auto-verify, but figured it was worth sharing in case it'd be helpful for your use case.
Kelsey Mrkonic
I'm looking to use a trigger to assign all requestors on tickets with a specific tag to be added to a certain organization
i.e. if a ticket has tag: xyz, requestor organization: abc
Hi Kelsey,
You can actually make use of the following options below to add tags and other user data in bulk for your users and for your organization/s:
Bulk importing users
How can I bulk update users?
Ahmad Aoun
If we add a new org with "Can view own tickets only", then we give a user "Can view tickets from user's org" access...
Will that single user receive notifications of new tickets logged by others in the same org and updates on them or would they need to check the tickets under the help centre "My Activity" to view any updates?
Chris Malarky
I realise that this has been mentioned a few times, but the ability to only allow "Add Comments" at the Org level and not per-user still feels backwards.
The usual request we get is that a select few admins at our customers want to be able to edit all tickets, and they are happy to have all users view all tickets, but never the other way around.
Please consider this a feature request, thank you.
Dave Dyson
@... They will not receive email notifications, unless they're the ticket requester of it they've been CC'd on the ticket. You're correct that they'd need to log in and check the tickets under the "My Activity" page.
Dave Dyson
Hi Chris, thanks for the feedback. For visibility by our product team, and to allow others to add their support via votes and comments, would you mind creating a post in our Feedback on Support topic and using our template to add the details of your use case? Thanks!
Chris Malarky
Hi @..., I already created a post last week: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4404884867226-Creating-managing-and-using-organizations
Dave Dyson
Sorry I missed that, Chris - thanks for posting!
Cherry Min Wang
I created an organization and set the access "Can view own tickets only" for it, but I set the access for the end users in this org as "Can view tickets from user's org". One of the user(end user 1) created some tickets and CC'd another user(end user 2), the end user 2 can only view those tickets in the tab "Requests I'm CC'd on" but not in the "Organization Requests" view. I checked those ticket status, they are all in archived status.
Does the tab "Organization Requests" only include unarchived tickets?
Is it possible to assign automatically an organisation based only on the brand? (specific dedicated support email)
How do I unfollow this SPAM infested thread?
Don't want more such emails as the above.
Never mind. I found out! :P
Dave Dyson
Stefano Nguma
The article above states the following:
"When you set up user mapping, users from the specified email domains are automatically added to this organization when they submit a request for the first time or register. "
This statement implies that new accounts with that email domain will be added to the organization when they submit a reques for the fist time or register, however, I found out the hard way this statement is absolutely untrue. All existing users created prior to me adding the domain were automatically assigned to the organization. According to the article:
"Important: If a user from the specified domain submitted a ticket before user mapping was configured, you must add them to the organization manually. They won't be added automatically."
Can Zendesk please clarify how things are supposed to work for existing users?
In doing a bit of testing on my own account, I found that the behavior you experienced with user mapping appears to be expected. I created a new organization and set up user mapping for a domain in which I had a number of verified users, and I was able to replicate this across different organizations I created.
It appears that this article does not give a hard limit to the situations that users will automatically be added to an organization, and I think that can be clarified in the text. It seems that user mapping will automatically add verified users when a domain is added to an organization, If the user is unverified, they will not.
Richard Dawson
Is there a way to automatically assign a group to a new organization? We are using Zapier to create new organizations and we have multiple brands so I'd like to be able to automatically add a group to the organizations. I was thinking maybe with webhooks but wasn't sure how that would work. Any suggestions?
Tod Brown
My name is Tod, and I am with the Zendesk Customer Advocacy Team.
Regarding the inquiry about the automatic assignment of a group to an organization, you could do this via a trigger if you have brands that you want to use as the variable.
Here's a screenshot I created in my test account, where a ticket is updated, and the brand is Brand-X, the organization is not blank, and the group is not Brand-X. It uses that to change it to Brand-X for the group, in the actions:
This would work, but I'm not sure if it will work with your specific workflow in mind.
Please do not hesitate to use a ticket ID in your account as an example in any elaboration on the wished-for workflow, so we can work on getting you there.
Looking forward to helping you resolve this issue.
Best regards,
Richard Dawson
This updates the group on the ticket. I want to update the group on the organization record when the organization is created which needs to happen before the ticket is created.
Alex McCracken
Can we setup a 2nd orgnaisation by cloning the original, rather than setting up rules, triggers, etc from scratch?
Hi Team ,
My company will be doing an Import via API for the users in our own software platform. Those users will be automatically asigned to an organization by default ( Users from Our platform)
However , we have final users contacting which are not in our platform , we would like to automatically asign thoses to an Organization by default ( Users from Outside )
Could you please advise ?
I thought about using triggers put i see Organization is not in the Actions menu.
Thnaks a lot
GS Admin
Hi ,
Is there a way where i could limit that only Admin can create organisations , as for now all agents are able to create orgs and sometimes agents are creating 2-3 different organisations for one organisation.
Brandon Niblock
I do not know where to post this so I will start here.
I need a solution where we can list layers under an org so we can start tracking location and asset information for each contact.
On the (support) ticket, having the ability to select the Org (if the customer has more than 1, otherwise it just has their org selected as normal) and then a drop down list populates for that org of their locations and once you select the proper location a drop down of the assets at said location shows.
Currently I don't see a way to do this without an external API (which we are doing but having it native would be a life saver).
I am starting to implement some of our acquisitions into ZD and their CRMs seem to all have these options. I have asked my account reps for this and nothing came to mind with them so hoping the community can help.
I would likely need to figure out a way to maintain it with some automations and have it connect to SAGE but that is a future me problem.
RJ Hines
"New tickets will now automatically be assigned to the selected group; however, business rules and agents may override this default group setting."
Which scenario describes how this function runs?
We have several triggers that assign tickets to groups based on received at address (which is another long-standing issue), and I'd like to be able to update and use this functionality as part of that. However, we have a catch-all trigger, and if the function runs like scenario #2, then this would not work for us and I will not spend any time trying to use this feature.
Thank you for any information on this!
Matt Bagnara
Hi Brandon Niblock 👋🏻 Thanks for reaching out and for your question.
I'm not sure I completely follow here, so just to clarify - in the scenario you described if I assign Org A to a ticket, it shows me a dropdown list of assets underneath that organization? In other words, a conditional field that only shows if a certain org is selected and assigned to a ticket?
As a side note to your point on list layers under an org, one of the Product teams here at Zendesk is working on a new custom field type called lookup relationships announced here. This allows you to link orgs and other objects to another object. Not sure if it's helpful for your use case, but thought I'd mention it nonetheless!
Matt Bagnara
Hi RJ Hines - my understanding is that scenario 1 is the closest description to what happens when a ticket is raised. I've attached the events from an example ticket that shows the ticket being created, assigned to Tier 2 agent group (which is the group assigned to the org "Big Box Company Ltd") and then reassigned to the Tier 3 agent group when the trigger kicks off. Does that answer your question?
Scott D
What is the maximum number of Organizations that can be created?
Dave Dyson
Do you have general idea how many you'd be wanting?
Scott D
No, was just curious is there was limit or cap on the number we could have within the platform.
Brettany Rhodes
When setting an individual user to Can view all org tickets in their user profiles. Does this user have edit rights to all org tickets or is it view-only access?