Some emails may be flagged as spam and be either completely rejected or sent to the suspended tickets queue, where they may be permanently deleted or recovered. The reasons why email is rejected or suspended are described in Causes for ticket suspension.
Admins and agents in custom roles with permission can view, recover, and delete suspended tickets. All unrecovered suspended tickets are automatically deleted after 14 days.
This article covers the following topics:
- Viewing suspended tickets
- Recovering or deleting suspended tickets
- Using export to analyze suspended tickets
- Light agent recovery of suspended comments with CCs
Related articles:
Viewing suspended tickets
Suspended tickets appear in your list of views as a system-generated view called Suspended tickets, as shown here:
Selecting the view allows you to manage the suspended tickets. You can view detailed information for each, including the reason for suspension, and then recover or delete them.
Agents with permission to access the Suspended tickets view can delete any tickets included in that view, even if ticket deletion is not enabled for them.
Recovering or deleting suspended tickets
Suspended tickets can be manually unsuspended and placed back into your ticket queue. You can unsuspend tickets in the Suspended tickets view one at a time or in bulk. You can also delete suspended tickets. See Guidelines for reviewing suspended tickets for recommendations.
To bulk recover or delete suspended tickets
- Select the Suspended tickets view.
- Select the tickets you want to recover or delete. You
can select all the tickets in the view by clicking
the selection check box in the table header.
A toolbar appears at the bottom of the list.
- Click either Recover or Delete, depending on what action you want to take.
The tickets you recover are unassigned and have a New status. They will appear in views that show unassigned tickets, such as Unassigned tickets. They will also be available by search. Deleted tickets are deleted permanently and can't be recovered.
- Select the Suspended tickets view.
- Click the Subject of the ticket you want to recover or
- Select Delete, Recover Manually, or
Recover Automatically. The automatic
recover option immediately recovers the ticket. The
manual recover option allows you to edit the ticket
properties first and then recover the ticket.
Note: If you recover a ticket manually, the recovered ticket will function as a copy of the original ticket and will only pull a plain text version of the original email instead of the full HTML. The original ticket will remain in the Suspended tickets view.
When you recover a suspended ticket in the standard agent interface, you're listed as the submitting agent in the via field. Additionally, if a new user (not a known user in your account) submitted the ticket, an unverified new user account is created when you recover the suspended ticket.
In the Zendesk Agent Workspace, your name is not listed as the submitting agent. Instead, the via field is typically shown as System or Email.
Using export to analyze suspended tickets
If you have a large number of suspended tickets, you can export the list to a CSV file for further analysis. Exporting the suspended ticket list lets you use your own spreadsheet software to sort, filter, and view all your suspended tickets in a single page.
The exported list also provides additional columns of data about the tickets that aren’t visible in the Suspended tickets view. This can be helpful when investigating tickets. For example, you can export the suspended ticket list to obtain the suspension Cause ID for each ticket. Then, cross-reference the cause ID with the Cause of suspension reference.
The export feature gives visibility into the types of tickets you receive and helps identify patterns when managing suspended tickets.
See Guidelines for reviewing suspended tickets for tips on reviewing your suspended tickets regularly.
- Select the Suspended tickets view.
- Click Export CSV in the upper-right corner.
You'll receive an email notification containing a download link for your CSV file. The email is sent to your primary email account in your user profile.
Light agent recovery of suspended comments with CCs
You can recover a suspended comment that includes CCs and followers just like any other comment. However, it’s important to note that the behavior with light agents is slightly different when CCs are involved. If a light agent recovers a suspended comment, CCs from the last end user email reply will not be added to the ticket. This is because light agents can't add or remove CCs from tickets.
If your company uses CCs and light agents, ask your admin whether your company has an internal policy or best practice that says light agents do not recover suspended tickets.
Kylie Jutte
I can't see the suspended tickets in my views. According to my boss I have the same rights as my colleague who can see it. Do i need to add the suspended tickets to my views? if so, how can i do this?
Juraj Jarmek
Hello @...,
We would need to take this into a ticket so we can take a closer look at your account to see what is going on.
I will respond to you shortly in a ticket.
Pooja Palan
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for all of your questions on this post. We love your feedback. If you have more product feedback on this topic, we'd like to hear from you!
Please find some time to talk to our product directly at
Melissa Lucore
Is there any sort of identifier on tickets that have been recovered? It would be very helpful to be able to report on the volume of recovered tickets from the suspended queue. Thanks.
When recovering a deleted ticket no tag will be added as an identifier. You have an option to report on the number of deleted tickets that were recovered using the Ticket updates dataset.
Trust this helps.
Andrew Thomas
Our agents have noticed that recently the option to mass delete suspended tickets has been greyed out in the view. They were able to delete up to about 2 weeks ago, and now can't.
I have an admin licence and have the ability to mass delete but the agents do not.
Please can you advise if there has been a recent change to affect this, there is nothing above that indicates an agent can't mass delete. Thanks
Vince Pineda
If you deleted a suspended ticket, can you still recover it? or maybe a history of deleted suspended tickets?
Vince Pineda,
Deleted suspended tickets cannot be recovered.
Due to my delayed response, I want to know if you are still experiencing the issue. If you do, please contact us through Messaging and we'll gladly look into it.
Stephen Austin
If I recover a ticket will that email address be recognised as safe and will prevent it from being suspended in future? Or will I have to manually add each address to the safe list?
Thank you for reaching out to us. If you recover a ticket from suspended queue, the system will recognize that the email is safe and will increase its score not to be suspended in the future.
Jen Cobb
Is there a way to whitelist keywords in Suspended tickets? We are listed on a medical website as a provider for a particular service and when a patient fills out the questionnaire it automatically comes to our info@ email that routes to Zendesk. The email address is that of the patient but the subject line is always the same.
There's no way to configure Allowlist by subject line, but there is an app that has a similar sort of ability to let you query the suspended queue for specific tickets meeting certain conditions and then have certain actions taken on those tickets, kind of like with business rules.
You may check out the app Shredder here:
Essentially you can say any suspended ticket created with x, y , z text in the subject line then it will recover automatically.
Disclaimer: The app is developed by third-party app developers, for further questions about using the app you may reach out to Sparkly directly.
Cristian Iglesias
Our suspended tickets are currently at 400+ pages. It seems it is not possible to skip to a specific page or date and can only skip two pages at a time. When a ticket is recovered, it jumps back to page 1 and cannot go back to the page/date that was being worked through. Is there a way to enable an option to skip to a specific page or have ZD not start back at page one? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Jupete Manitas
Hi Cristian, thanks for writing in! We understand that it could be a great feature so we can have easy accessing our suspended tickets. Having that said, we recommend posting it on our support product feedback page to add this feature in the Suspended view. Thank you!
Luke Aleo
We are receiving Suspended tickets with attachments. When someone with the Agent role tries to recover the ticket they are not able to download the attachments. It seems that only Admin role users can download the attachments. Is this correct?
Recovering a ticket manually only pulls in the plain text version of the original email, instead of the full HTML, which then leads to things like attachments getting lost. If recovering automatically, attachments will stay in place with full HTML.
I am wondering how to add/activate the SLA based on the ticket priority whenever a ticket is recovered manually from the Suspended bucket. Is that even possible? Thanks!
Audrey Ann Cipriano
HI Maribeth,
Suspended tickets are not technically tickets (yet). If you manually recover a ticket, it will be treated as a NEW ticket and you'll be able to set the priority of the ticket within the UI and then that will set the SLA policy that is to be applied to the ticket. SLAs should start applying upon recovery :)
Hi Audrey Ann Cipriano
Thanks for your answer, but we have tried doing that so many times already but it never worked.
Audrey Ann Cipriano
Oh I'm sorry for this, Maribeth! We may need to check on this further for your account. I'll raise a ticket on your behalf and we can continue our conversation from there :) Thanks!
Universal Audio
I've used the export to try and determine why tickets are suspended. However, there is no error information on the export. There is a cause ID column, but I couldn't find a legend (plus they are mostly 0). How can I find the reason why a ticket has been put in the suspended state?
Sydney Neubauer
Universal Audio when I do an export I can see the suspended reason
I noticed it isn't in the order of the columns in the view. Are you able to see it around column D?
Universal Audio
Actually, when you auto recover, you can look at the header information of the email and there is greater information why there was a failure, like SPF and DMARC failures.
The permissions listed indicate that to see suspended tickets, the agent needs access to all tickets. Does that include access to private groups' tickets?
For all plans below Enterprise, the agent's access must be set to "All tickets" in their User profile.
On Enterprise plans, you do not set agent ticket access in the user's profiles. Agent permissions are determined by the custom role you select for the agent. For agents to have access to the Suspended ticket view, the role must be set to "All, including those in private groups".
Shazmin Dadani
How do we identify if a client has been blocked by Zendesk? they were originally able to email our support and various teams that utilize zendesk within the org and all of sudden their emails are not coming through to us. Addresses are verified. End User Profile created. Can receive emails. Appears to be able to send as no notification of unable to send your email or your email has been blocked" This is becoming a very regular instance and causing some major issues.
This will be a bit tricky to troubleshoot. What you need to do is to ask for the Message-ID of the email that your end-user sent. Check it with your email admin to determine if it was received on your server. If it was not received, they need to coordinate with their own email support. However, if it was received on your end, you will need to verify if it was forwarded to Zendesk. If it was forwarded and you have already followed Customer emails don't show up in Zendesk, please contact our support directly and we'll investigate further.
Zsa Trias
Hello Giuditta,
This is expected behavior when recovering tickets manually. As mentioned in the note in this article:

Now that the Bulk Delete app is being discontinued because it is now available natively, there should be a search box option to type keywords. Especially when there are several pages of suspended tickets.
Bulk Delete app: