Customer ticket replies are not being received by my Zendesk account. I can see them in my external email account but do not reach us, why is this?
There are a variety of reasons that prevent an email message from a customer from being visible in your account.
If you just configured your email in Zendesk, it could be related to your initial setup. Click on the button below and select your subdomain to go through our in-product guide for further assistance.
If everything was working fine and suddenly stopped working, then follow the troubleshooting steps in this article to find a solution.
To check forwarding configuration
- In Admin Center, click the Channels icon (
) in the sidebar.
- Select Talk and email > Email.
- Under Support addresses, check if the address listed is verified or, showing the error Forwarding check failed.
For more information on email forwarding, see the articles: How to fix the email error messages on forwarding, SPF, DNS, and TXT records?
Check the Suspended Tickets view. Tickets can be suspended that are not necessarily spam, some examples include:
- Automated response mail
- Email loops
- Email from a "noreply" email address
- Emails flagged with improperly configured DMARC, DKIM, or SPF settings. This setting may flag emails from an end user if they send messages through an email provider with improper settings configuration. When you enable enhanced sender authentication this setting will try to block these types of emails as spam.
For more information, see the articles: Understanding and managing suspended tickets and spam and Causes for ticket suspension.
Views are a way to organize your tickets by grouping them into lists based on certain criteria. Those criteria are determined by the conditions you set when creating the view. If the ticket no longer appears in your views, likely, the tickets don't match the conditions set for the view.
One of the most common issues with view configurations is conditions being too restrictive. This occurs most often because of confusion as to when to use meet all or meet any conditions. For more information on these categories, see the article: What is the difference between "meet all" and "meet any" conditions?
For more information on why tickets may not be appearing in your view, see the article: Why are tickets missing from my views?
Triggers run immediately when a ticket is either created or updated and perform actions based on the conditions configured. Search through your triggers and review any that contain Ticket > Ticket status | Solved or Ticket > Status category | Solved actions and ensure that corresponding Conditions are set correctly.
For more information, see the articles: Creating triggers for automatic ticket updates and notifications and Trigger conditions and actions reference.
When an end user replies to a ticket below the email delimiter, the response will update the existing ticket but the ticket will not include the response as a ticket comment. When this happens the ticket will appear to not have a response.
For more information, see the article: Updated ticket does not show any content from the customer.
Zendesk does not support the use of email aliases. Deliverability issues are common with these forms of email. To avoid these issues, use a standard email address as your support address.
For more information, see the article: Can I use an email alias, distribution list, or Google Group as a support address?
Still having issues?
To connect with Zendesk Customer Support, see the article: Contacting Zendesk Customer Support.
Providing the information below will be helpful to the troubleshooting process:
- The original email with email headers intact that was sent and forward to your Zendesk Support account within the last 30 days. The team needs the email headers to look up the message ID in email logs. To view the email headers on an email, or to download a .eml file, see the article: Trace an email with its full headers.
- Estimated date and time when the customer sent the email.
For more information, see the article:
Onur Olmez
Currently dealing with this issue. Forwarding of email threads to our support email (to then generate a ticket) isn't working. I've opened a ticket with support and am waiting on a response.
Gigi Reist
Edit* Turns out the password to the email account was changed and ZD and the email account were no longer in sync. Disconnecting and reconnecting resolved the issue.
I am having the same issue as Onur above.
Hello Ricardo Pinto
We have an open issue about customers sending e-mails to our ZD support address. After some checks, it appears that e-mails ended up in your "Rejection List" and that the e-mails are no longer recovarable by anyone.
Thank you in advance for your answer :-)
Marny Klump
We are having the issue as well. Email responses and emails to generate a new ticket are not showing in the queue of new tickets.
Hi Marny Klump,
I hope you're doing great! I understand that you're having issues with tickets that are not generated in your Zendesk instance. I see here that you've also raised this concern and it is already associated with ticket ID #11662043 at the same time when you reached out to us here.
The assigned advocate in the ticket will be assisting you further with your concern. Please let us know if you need further assistance.
Sumit Sharma
Facing the same issue. This is very bad for our business.
Please help.
Hello Darenne
Could you have a look to my above comment please :
We have an open issue about customers sending e-mails to our ZD support address. After some checks, it appears that e-mails ended up in your "Rejection List" and that the e-mails are no longer recovarable by anyone.
Thank you in advance for your answer :-)
Due to the complexity of the nature of your concern, I'm creating a request ticket so this can be discussed accordingly.
Marny Klump
If there are this many people having issues, is this not seen as a more wide-spread issue? We are only the ones who have figured it out at this point. I just had another one who kept responding to the ticket via her email and it was not going through.
Should I respond to my prior ticket or can a new one be spun up?
Thanks in advance.
Brett Bowser
I would recommend responding back to your previous ticket so our Customer Support can follow up with you and figure out what's going on.
They will most likely need to take a look at some ticket examples to troubleshoot further.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!.
When a customer send as an email from his personal email address to our email address that triggers Zendesk to open a ticket they receive the automatic email saying that a ticket was created and with the number of the case.
When i am forwarding an email or send an email from our workspace domain to our email address that triggers Zendesk to open a ticket i don't receive the automatic email saying that a ticket was created and with the number of the case.
My question is why the trigger isn't working in the second case?
(I remember that before some months this was working)
Cheeny Aban
It is highly likely that the trigger conditions were not met by your second ticket sample. If it was working previously, there must be account changes that caused a change on the ticket or the trigger. If you are having a hard time pinpointing the cause, you may initiate a conversation with us by following the steps here: Contact us
I hope that helps!
Miuul Customer Support
Hello. We have two types of emails operating in our system. 1. Emails sent from people's email addresses. 2. Emails sent by filling out a form on our website. The first type directly lands in Zendesk, but the emails from the second type do not appear in Zendesk. Both are observed in the email, but I can't see them in Zendesk. We have performed all the necessary checks, but couldn't solve the problem. Can you help?
Ivan Miquiabas
Thanks for reaching out! I believe this issue needs further investigation, can you please send us a ticket using this options below
We will wait for the ticket so that our advocate can investigate it further.
All the best,
Nicole Jacobs
We noticed that if a customer send us an email from their Zendesk account to our Zendesk account (they are sending us an email using their Zendesk email address they don't show up in our Zendesk, we do receive them in our Outlook mailbox. How can we fix that?
Audrey Ann Cipriano
Hi Nicole Jacobs may I confirm if you have checked if they are in your Suspended tickets view? Thank you!
Nicole Jacobs
Hi Audrey Ann Cipriano ,
No unfortunately there are not in the suspended folder either.
Audrey Ann Cipriano
Hi Nicole Jacobs thanks for checking! I'll raise a ticket on your behalf so we can check this further. You'll receive an email shortly. Thanks!
Lakshita Beniwal
I have created my free account, added the company details as requested, and used an invite link to access However, I am facing an issue where all of my colleagues can see more tickets than I can. Please resolve the issue as soon as possible.